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Later that evening Seth and Orion had dinner with the rest of Vincent's pack. Orion introduced him to Leo and some of the other people she had met over the course of her day, and Seth, whilst he had never really been a people person, was amicable. They came up to him with questions about things that he didn't realise they knew- things about his past and relationship with Orion. It startled him greatly, until Orion explained that she had told them stories about that part of her life. 

It didn't make him uncomfortable per say, and he knew that Orion was well within her rights to tell them her own life experience. However, he felt somewhat unnerved by the situation there were times in their past that he never wanted to think about again- like the very day she had almost died. He made  a mental note to talk to her about it later when they were alone together. 

Dinner lasted a couple hours, and Orion wanted to stay longer to socialise. Once she could no longer hold back her tired yawns, Seth decided it was time for them to take their leave. Initially the woman tried to fight him on it, but as soon as he- quite literally- swept her off her feet, her petition and desire to socialise died on her lips. She snuggled into him closer letting him carry her back to their room. 

Once they had both showered and changed, they lay down together under the covers of their bed. Seth's arms wrapped themselves around Orion's body, whilst she traced noncommittal patterns against the skin of his forearm. 

It was quiet for a bit, until Seth decided to speak; he wanted to talk to her about  his earlier concerns before he forgot. 

"Orion," His voice was calm and even as he spoke. He always was tremendously good at keeping his cool and hiding his emotions; well, until Orion got upset and started to yell. "Why did you tell those people about our life?"

"Leo saw some of the scars and asked." The girl shrugged, "they all seemed fascinated by it y'know."

"I'm not comfortable with you sharing that part of our life with anyone else." Seth pulled her in closer to him, his arms tightening around her body. There was a need in him, and Orion could sense it; the sparks that fired off when they touched were like wildfire dancing across her skin. 

"I didn't realise... how come?" 

It was quiet for a moment between them as Seth tried to think of the right words to explain how he felt. He didn't want her to think, or feel in any way that he was telling her what she could or couldn't do. Orion had always had a spark in her soul, she was as wild and free as the forests she had grown up in; it was one of the things he loved most about her. However, he knew that with that wildness, with that spark came a fire that was impossible to tame and he didn't want for a second for her to think that was what he wanted. 

"It's just that that's our time. Everything that happened, all the scars, and all the stories, it's ours and I don't want to share that with anyone else." Seth winced slightly, realising how hard his tone really was. He had tried to soften it, the way he had heard Vincent when he spoke to his own mate, but it was not something he was good at or able to do. As for his words, he hoped they were enough. It had been his best attempt to try to explain, he wasn't entirely sure he had said all that he really wanted to but he just hoped that she could feel what he meant. 

"I think I understand." Orion nodded, turning to face him and cuddle into her chest. "As much as I enjoyed telling them, I still felt strange. It was like I was giving away a part of myself."

"My father used to tell me, a very long time ago, that our stories have our very essence woven into them. You felt like you were giving a part of yourself, and for all intents and purposes you were- stories are what make us." Seth murmured against her forehead, kissing the skin there lightly. 

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