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The next morning, Fletcher came as he had promised to escort Seth and Orion to the meeting he had spoken about before. Seth, at first, was reluctant to take Orion with them, but when Fletcher insisted that Alpha Vincent wanted to see them both, the rogue knew he couldn't do anything about it. After a moment of thought he decided it would be better to have the girl by his side, that way he could protect her better (not that she really needed protecting.)

Vincent was sat behind his desk, with his father stood next to him when they entered. The two large men were quietly murmuring about a few things- Seth overheard something about going somewhere, so he guessed it was not related to their meeting.

They both looked up as they entered, Vincent offered them both a warm smile and extended an arm to the seats in front of his desk in silent encouragement for them to make themselves comfortable.

Orion was acutely aware that she was the only female in the room, and human no less. Though somewhat shy, she did not shrink away before the men- instead she jutted out her chin, and puffed her chest to show she wasn't intimidated.

Seth who was keeping a careful eye on his mate, hid a smile. She had always been a force to be reckoned with; her curiosity and stubbornness were her most formidable traits. Even with her confident display, he still pulled her in closer to his side.

He sat down, and she sat in the chair to his left. He wanted her closer but didn't allow himself to do anything about it; there was a strangeness between them a heated charge, but a forced coolness. Vincent could sense it between them too, raising his eyebrow in subtle curiosity.

"I'm sorry that we couldn't speak longer when you first arrived, but I imagine rest, food and privacy were things you both needed at the time." Vincent spoke with an understanding sincerity. "You two are quite lucky, I would think, to have had each other and as mates no less. I would think you've come to know each other quite well."

"In all honesty, no." Orion spoke, looking to Seth with a soft smile. "I only recently found out that we were mates."

"I see." Vincent tried to hold in the surprise behind reserved words. "Well if there's one thing I've learnt from being with Spiraea, and seeing Alpha Adam with his mate Leora it's this: Mates come in all different shapes, sizes and pairings but they are all special, chosen by the Goddess because she knows what each of us need."

Seth pondered the mans words. He had never thought of things like that; they were mates and he supposed the Goddess, or fate, may have had something to do with it. Was Vincent right? Had he just been overthinking?

"Well I suppose we're really here to talk about Damien." Vincent grunted, the name 'Damien' leaving his mouth like poison on his tongue. "His pack is in disrepair and abuse is running rampant. A while ago, I travelled to Alpha Adam's pack to try to ease the conflict brewing between Damien's pack and mine over territory disputes. Unfortunately those talks broke down very quickly, especially when I found out he had been abusing my mate and countless other humans on his territory."

Fletcher spoke up from his place beside his Alpha, he had a notebook in his hands, reviewing notes as he spoke. Orion found it rather interesting how he had completely changed, his joking demeanour aside- this man was all about business.

"As of right now, we are in the process of expanding the human town Willsden Brooke so that the humans on Damien's land have a means to leave but the only way to stop Damien from hurting the pack any further is to have someone challenge him as Alpha." Fletcher looked to Seth with an apologetic, yet hopeful look.

Orion was slightly perplexed but she was putting together the pieces- it still confused her as to why Seth had to be the one to do all this. Why couldn't this Vincent Alpha be the one to do all this?

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