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3 months later

The pack had changed a lot in 3 months. Orion and Seth had been focused on undoing all the wrongs that Damien had committed whilst he was in charge.

They began with the humans, making sure that those that wanted to be reintroduced to human society were both cared for, and looked after when they left the pack. Alpha Adam had leant a helping hand, since his expansion of Willsden Brooke was still ongoing, he agreed with Seth and Orion that there were people to look out for the humans.

There were some humans that didn't want to leave; there weren't that many, considering Damien's persecution, that wasn't entirely a surprise. A few had found mates, and had started building lives in the pack. Seth made sure they knew they were as much a part of the pack as anyone else, and had a ceremony to formally introduce and welcome them.

He had also begun to sort out relations between the other Alphas, which considering the amount of help they had offered to help her overthrow Damien in the first place was a lot easier. The Alpha who had lost the most because of Damien's selfishness had been Killian. Seth learnt that his uncle had placed heavy and unfair taxes on the road on the outskirts of the pack, which meant that Killian's family business that was the livelihood of his pack, had been scraping by for the last 17 years. 

They had been speaking over the phone to try to come to a resolution of the issue, but decided it would be easier to have a meeting to go over things properly. Since, traditionally and out of respect, meetings as such were usually held in a neutral territory and they had agreed on Willsden Brooke. 

Seth and Orion, sat comfortably in a booth of a coffee shop cutely named Pressed, with Killian seated opposite them.

"I really feel like I should apologise again for what my uncle cost you," Seth began, his hand reaching for Orion's under the table for comfort. "Orion and I have been determined to resolve all the problems he caused."

Killian nodded in respect and understanding; it had only been a few months and already the couple had grown into their titles in a way he never had. Perhaps it was just how in tune they were with one another that made them so good at their jobs; he wondered if his own mate would change the way he approached his work too. 

"Let's start with the road, Damien has been taxing you to use it which don't even get me started on that." Seth grunted trying not to get irritated talking about his uncle. Orion could sense his growing irritation, she squeezed his hand; she was so proud of how far he had come, and how well he was doing. "The land was never his to tax, suffice to say, the taxes are gone."

"But," Orion spoke up from beside Seth. "We know that Damien's actions have also cost your business, and your pack a lot and just removing the taxes isn't enough to fix the damage that has been done. Even though we weren't the ones to take from you, it's our responsibility as the new leaders of our pack, to repay what was taken from you."

She looked over to Seth with a small smile, wanting to let him share the news. It had been both of their ideas, but it wasn't about the credit, it was about how much this meant to him. She would never take that from him. 

"So we also would like to have a small piece of land transferred to your ownership so that you can expand your business." Seth spoke, pulling out the required legal papers that he had already signed for Killian also to sign. 

"Thank you." Killian nodded. "I know that this is just what is owed to me, but you both go above and beyond not just for me but for your pack too. You are more of an Alpha than Damien ever was. When the business is where it needs to be I'm happy to offer you a stipend."

"Our pack doesn't need it the way yours does," Orion smiled. It was true, they had been balancing the books and managed to work out that their pack was pretty secure. "We're just glad that we could undo, and give back what is owed to you."

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