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Seth's eyes remained firmly on the door for a moment after Orion left with Spiraea; he knew that she did not need him, she hadn't needed him for a long time but he always got that protective pang in his chest whenever she left. When it changed from the concern of a friendly guardian to that of a mate he could hardly remember, or even tell.

It was such a strange though for him to consider, just a couple months ago he and Orion had been living their own separate lives- away from packs, away from conflict... and away from each other. They were closer now than they ever were when they lived in their alcove; it made him wonder what their fates would have been had Vincent not found them. Then again, perhaps it was fate that led them to be where they were, where they needed to be. 

"Whilst those two are out, I figured we could use this time to discuss the other side of your training." Vincent spoke, drawing Seth's attention back to his form where he was seated behind his desk still. "Orion won't need or ever have the physical prowess that you currently have. You need to be able to train your body to be prepared to take on your uncle, otherwise, all of this will be for nothing."

"How do you know that I won't be able to take my uncle down as I am now?" Seth asked, a little bit insulted. True, he had spent half of his life acting as a caregiver to his mate, but he had also spent that half of his life barely controlling his rage and desire to rip his uncle to shreds.

"You want to kill your uncle for revenge, not because you want to take over you pack. That alone is something I worry about." Vincent admitted quietly, though it was still more than audible for all in the room. "Your challenge to your uncle marks the beginning of your reign as Alpha, if your pack sees you as someone who takes pleasure in revenge and war and death you, you will end up exactly where your uncle is now. First impressions count. So, can you put aside your baggage and personal history with Damien for the sake of your pack?"

Seth's mind was a stew of emotions, he was reeling with shock and thoughtfulness at Vincent's words. However, above everything, he felt rage. Unadulterated rage. It made him angry to think that after everything that man had done, he would not die in a way that he deserved. He had spent so long planning how he would torture and drag it out, for everything that he had out his family through, for his father, for himself. He didn't want to let that go. A part of him was frightened knowing that this was inside him, that he couldn't shake this darkness that wanted to consume him.

"I don't know."


"Where are we going?" Orion found the courage to ask as the pair left the building that held Vincents office. She was excited to be on a 'field trip' but with every step she took that was further away from Seth she wondered whether she would be okay.

There was a part of her that hated how dependant she was on him. They had spent so long together, and she knew he always came back so she really had nothing to worry about. Plus, Vincent and Spiraea's pack was safe.

"Well Vincent thought it might be a good idea for you to see me doing what I do around the pack." Spiraea explained as they bother strolled down a dirt pack that led to the heart of the pack. "See being an Alpha or a Luna, people mistake that for meaning you are above the pack, that you rule. But if I have learnt anything, it's that it's the opposite. To be leaders you act in service. You both act as the pillars that supports, nurtures and encourages each other and your people; you are below the pack. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I think so." Orion nodded. "You said you work in the nursery?"

"Si," The Luna nodded. "But I agreed to help Marianne with delivering some food to some of the men working on repairs before tending to the babes. I love to cook."

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