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Over a week had passed since Seth and Orion had first arrived in Vincent's pack.

Vincent and Spiraea's ceremony would be held the very next day, which meant they were horrendously busy trying to sort things out. Neither Seth nor Orion minded since it gave them an opportunity to spend some time around their host's pack. They met lots of lovely people, helped with some of the preparations for the ceremony and Orion got to see how packs worked; Seth explained to her what it was like to be a part of a community.

The two were particularly glad to spend time outside, with others, because since the day at the tailor shop there had been that uncomfortable, burning hot energy between them again. Bubbling and hard to ignore like in the moment of their almost kiss.

Unfortunately, the could not always ignore the tension. It was one of those moments, late in the evening as Seth and Orion prepared to sleep for the evening that the suffocating heat came between them again.

Seth had not too long come out from the shower, the steamy condensation filled room creating an almost ethereal backdrop as he emerged- dark hair still damp and his tanned chest bared unashamedly.

Orion tried not to stare too long, she really did, but she couldn't help the way her body reacted whenever she saw him. Her mouth went dry, lips parting slightly as she let out an inaudible gasp. Her eyes, like magnets, found themselves gravitating towards his large form. Once she was caught up in him, she took her time in mapping out every contour, every scar, every detail, committing it all to memory.

He could feel her eyes on him, and yet he could not blame her because he was the very same. The first thing he ever looked for when he awoke, when he entered a room, before he went to sleep- it was her, it was always her. So his eyes drank her in, watching her as she watched him. The very same dedication and desperation taking him over as he greedily feasted upon her pyjama clad form.

Her hair, still in neat braids, rested lightly on her practically bare shoulders. All she wore was a light cami, and a light pair of cotton blue shorts that stopped just shy of her mid thighs. His eyes couldn't help the way they devoured her pecan toned skin, from her muscular calves, up her thick thighs to her toned stomach, perky breasts and slender arms.

Once he reached her long neck, he took in her face with the same urgency; her lips plump, brown and pink, with a perfect cupids bow. Her nose, broad with the lightest smatter of freckles, high cheek bones and honeyed eyes so bright, already staring at him with a dangerous glint of mischief and amusement.

For a second they touched forever, glimpsing, surpassing eons with their gazes locked. It was so deep Seth felt as though the girl could see- could touch- his very soul. Orion too felt the deepest reach of him within her, he could see her mind, everything that she was completely bared to him in that split second of oblivion.

Seth broke the moment, turning away from her searching gaze, uncomfortable with how vulnerable she made him feel with just a look. He cleared his throat, trying to ignore the fed-up head shake that Orion gave him as she faced her back to him.

She kissed her teeth, whirling back around to face him with eyes ablaze with a mix of frustration, pain and something else. Whatever it was Seth couldn't place it, he was much too startled by the tiredness on her face.

Was she going to leave him now? Had he finally pushed her too far away that she didn't want anything to do with him anymore. It frightened him, angered him, upset him. The worst part was he knew that he had done it to himself.

"How long are we going to keep this up?"

He was certain that the girl was right, there was no way they could pretend any more that there was nothing between them. He was an idiot for thinking that they could keep up their dance of avoidance for any longer.

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