Chapter 7

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If it wasn't a criminal safe haven, I would say that Madripoor is actually beautiful. All the lights from the buildings shining off of the water. It looks nice on the outside, but on the inside, I'm sure it's not so beautiful.

"I can't get over this ridiculous get up. We have to fix this," Sam says, still going on about his outfit.

"You look the part. You're Conrad Mack, aka the Smiling Tiger," Zemo says.

"I just want to know who came up with that nickname," I say with a laugh.

A car pulls up in front of us, which I'm assuming is our ride to wherever we're going first.

"No matter what, stay in character. Our lives depend on it," Zemo says. "High Town is on that side," he points to the far side of the city, "But we're going to Low Town, and there's no room for error."

"I'm assuming we have no friends in High Town," Sam says.

We all get in the car, making ourselves comfortable for the time being. I twiddle my thumbs and bite my bottom lip, nervous about the part I have to play in this. I never thought I would become that girl again.

I feel a cold sensation on my hand. I look down to see Bucky's metal hand rested on mine. "Calm down. You'll be fine," he whispers to me, locking his ocean blue eyes with mine. And suddenly I don't feel so worried anymore. His reassurance means a lot to me. It makes me feel safe.

I simply just nod as he removes his hand from mine. Secretly, I didn't want him to move his hand from mine. But I turn my attention back to the city, watching the people on the streets. These people definitely look rough. People I for sure did not want to cross.

The car parks in an alleyway, and we all get out and start walking down the street. I scan my surroundings every step of the way. Bucky stays close to me the entire time. I keep a cold, emotionless look on my face the entire time. People turn every now and then, surveying us. They know who we are.

Zemo leads us into a club, passing right by the security guard. We start walking through the dense crowd of people dancing and drinking.

"Ready to comply, soldiers?" Zemo says in Russian.

"Is that the Winter Solider?" People start whispering, "Who is that with them?"

The bartender walks up to us, "Wasn't expecting you here tonight, Smiling Tiger."

"Plans change. We have business to do with Selby," Zemo says.

The bartender gives an unsure look before offering a drink to Sam, "The usual?"

Sam nods. The man walks over and pulls a snake out of a jar. He cuts it open, placing the heart in a glass which I'm assuming has vodka in it.

"Ahh, your favorite," Zemo says.

Sam hesitates at first, but he remembers to stay in character, so he throws the shot back, squirming in disgust subtly.

I sit down at the bar on the other side of Sam, keeping my same cold expression on my face. But a man walks up behind me and rests his arm on the bar way too close to me.

"I've not seen you here before," he says with a disgusting smile on his face. I don't say a word back. "Do you not talk or something, princess?" He says, putting a hand on my arm.

I could have swore I saw Bucky start to move out of his seat from the corner of my eye, but before he even has the chance to get up, I reach up and grab the man's hand, twisting it fast and hard, snapping his wrist instantly.

He yells out in pain, causing people to turn around and look at me. I maintain the same stone cold expression, keeping my head forward, tossing back a shot of tequila.

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