Chapter 4

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We take off running towards the truck. Well, me and Bucky run, Sam flies. We easily catch up to the trucks. Bucky jumps onto the back of one of them and pulls the door right off. I jump on the truck behind the one in front and climb to the top, keeping an eye out for anything.

Bucky heads inside the truck and looks around, "They're stealing medicine. Vaccines." It's quiet for a second.

"Bucky, talk to us. What's going on?" I ask.

"Found the hostage," he confirms.

I suddenly hear footsteps behind me. I quickly turn around dodging a hit from a masked figure. There's two of them. At least for now.

"Uhh, guys, we have some company," I say through the comm. The two guys both come at me. I manage to kick the first ones legs out from under him, and the other one starts throwing punches. I block all of the hits and land a kick right in his gut.

While they're down, I realize there's more masked people climbing up the truck. I look down at the front end of the vehicle when I hear a thud. Someone kicked Bucky out of the other one, and the masked people are dragging him up here.

A girl jumps from the back of the other truck onto this one. The girl and I start going head to head. Blocking each other's hits. She quickly whips around and kicks me, sending me flying back, almost falling off the truck. I grab the edge of the truck and pull myself back up. Damn, it's been a minute since the last time I fought.

Red Wing comes out of nowhere and starts firing at them, but before any damage is done, the girl reaches up and grabs him, smashing him to pieces.

Finally, Sam flies in and kicks the girl down for a split second. One of the guys grabs me and throws me onto the other truck which has about 2 more other guys on it.

I quickly get up and start throwing kicks and punches. I land a punch on one of the guys, causing him to stumble back. I jump up into the air and use both my legs to kick him in the chest, causing him to fall off the truck.

While I was taking care of him, two more come up and grab me and throw me to the ground. One of them rushes down and starts to strangle me. I use every bit of my strength to push his hands off my neck, but he's strong. Not just strong. Super soldier strong.

Next thing I know, a shield is thrown at the guy, boomeranging and hitting the other one. I stand up and catch my breath, and John Walker jumps down onto the truck, followed by another man I don't know.

Great. What the hell is he doing here?

"Brianna Stark. John Walker, Captain America. This is Lamar. We thought you could use some help," he says to me.

I simply just roll my eyes and jump onto the other truck to help Bucky and Sam. Amongst the fighting, I see Bucky fall in between the trucks. I quickly run over and see a guy trying to kick him off the side.

I grab the guys arm and use my strength to pull him up onto the truck. I spin around and kick him in the chest.

"You good, Bucky?!" I ask.

"He just got his ass beat by a little girl!" Sam laughs.

Bucky yells out in annoyance, trying to keep from getting ran over. I got distracted and someone kicked me hard, knocking me off the truck and into the field next to the road. I groan out in pain and roll over, a wince of pain shooting through my head. I reach up and rub my forehead, feeling a sting at the touch. I pull my hand back and see a small amount of blood tinging my hand. "Fuck," I groan, rolling my eyes. I've hardly ever lost a fight before. Besides Thanos, but he was literally a damn Titan with 5 infinity stones at the time, so that doesn't count.

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