Chapter 10

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We make it back to Zemo's plane and all try to rest a little bit. I go to the bathroom and throw on a tank top and jeans before heading into the cabin. I see Sam lying back on a chair, looking up to the roof of the plane in deep thought.

"You okay, Sam?" I ask, sitting down opposite of him.

"Just thinking about everything Sharon had to go through... And Nagel referring to the American test subject like Isaiah wasn't even a real person. Just makes me wonder how many people have to get steamrolled to make way for this hunk of metal," Sam says sitting up, referring to Steve's shield.

Bucky speaks up, "Depends on who you ask. That hunk of metal saved a lot of lives."

"Alright... Maybe I made a mistake," Sam admits.

"Yeah, you did," Bucky and I say at the same time, as we lock eyes, making things more awkward between us.

"Maybe I should have just destroyed it," Sam suggests, sadness in his voice.

Bucky looks at him, "Look, that shield represents a lot of things to a lot of people, including me. The world is upside down, and we need a new Cap, and it ain't gonna be Walker. So before you destroy it, I'm gonna take it from him myself."

Sam gets a phone call from Torres, and Zemo walks in bringing us a plate of food. Finally, I am starving. But Sam ends the phone call rather quickly.

"They found Madani. She's dead. She died in Riga, a city near the Baltic Sea," he says.

Zemo speaks up now, "I have a place we can go. I, for one, am looking forward to coming face to face with Karli."

Great, I guess we're going to Riga now. I better try to get some sleep before we get there. Sleep hasn't really been in the cards for me recently. Besides when Bucky was next to me last night. That was the best sleep I have gotten in my entire life. I figure it's probably best not to sleep... I really don't want to have a nightmare in front of everyone. But based on what Zemo said to me earlier, my screaming was definitely not just heard by Bucky.

So for the rest of the flight, I just stare out the window, drowning in my thoughts.


We finally arrive in Riga, and Zemo leads us down the streets to another one of his secret locations. He goes on about the history of the city and the horrors of it, but I don't really listen too closely.

"We are here," Zemo says, turning to one of the townhouses.

Sam and I follow him towards the steps, but Bucky steps back and says, "I'm gonna take a walk."

My heart sinks, wondering if something is wrong. Of course something is wrong. Yesterday morning's conversation didn't go well at all, and we still haven't talked about it. Which I regret very badly, but we haven't exactly had any time to be alone.

"You good?" Sam asks with a concerned look on his face.

"Yeah. I'll see you guys in a bit," Bucky says, turning the other direction.

I look at him for a moment before Sam puts his hand on my arm, guiding me inside the house.


"Hey, you okay?" Sam asks, snapping me out of my thoughts. My worrying about Bucky and I's situation.

"Yeah, I'm good," I lie.

He notices my fake smile. "What's on your mind?"

"Nothing, I'm fine, Sam. Really," I lie again.

"You may not be good at talking about stuff, but the look on your face says it all. Come on, talk to me," he urges.

I sigh, knowing I can trust Sam. But it's still hard to open up. The only reason I did that day with Dr. Raynor was because all the memories were flooding my brain. To the point where I couldn't hold it in any longer. Which is how I feel right now.

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