The Bonfire

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April 3rd

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April 3rd.

'The fact is that we have no way of knowing if the person who we think we are is at the core of our being. Are you a decent girl with the potential to someday become an evil monster, or are you an evil monster that thinks it's a decent girl?'

'Wouldn't I know which one I was?'

'Good God, no. The lies we tell other people are nothing to the lies we tell ourselves.'

--Derek Landy, Death Bringer

Cherith breathed in and out that morning, as she floated high up in the trees of the Mystic Falls woods, sat in a meditative stance in the air.

Yesterday had been a wild day in her opinion.

A lot had happened... a lot of things she wasn't sure she even believed.

But what she could definitely believe in though... was her powers warring inside of her, and the title of the Scarlet Witch.

It couldn't just be pure ceremonial. There had to be something tied to it. So while she didn't want to believe Jonas Martin, why would he lie so believably about something like this.

It didn't even look like vampire 2.0 was involved or even knew about this... the 'he' person he had uttered with such respect.

And when he'd said...

The great shadow who has slept since before man crawled from the sea.

That sounded ancient... that sounded like it was a bad idea waiting to happen.

And Cherith didn't like that, because let's face it... even though she had power... she didn't have the knowledge to back that power up.

She didn't know what was going on, the full story! And while she felt like it was only Wales that could give her an answer, it honestly felt like it was so far away!

It was crazy! Frustrating really!

When people tell you, you have the ability to bend even reality to your whims... but you don't know what to do with the knowledge...

She sighed, pushing her magic out of her and it spread out as if testing the waters...

Searching out and feeling everything around the area.

The animals chattering about for food or running from predators, the rustle of the trees and the movement of the air around the area.

It felt so peaceful-

She paused suddenly as she felt something from somewhere.

It felt old, ancient and held power.

It also seemed to whisper to her magic.

Not exactly here but somewhere.

Cherith popped her eyes open with a frown, looking around her, the quiet of the woods appealing in that moment.

The Scarlet Witch of Mystic FallsWhere stories live. Discover now