🌧Aki | I like you

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Aki x Female Reader
Requested by ilovehistor1a

"I think we should break up," Aki said flatly. You dropped the glass plate in your hands, the slice of cake now crumbled and everywhere on the floor of your apartment.
"What...?" Your voice wavered as you stared at his blank expression.

"I don't think we'll work out," he said again.

Your knees felt weak and you felt like you can no longer stand. You stared at him in disbelief. He watched you laugh nervously and lean down to clean up the broken glass. "You almost had me there, Aki. That's not a funny joke, but you got me," you say nervously.

"I'm not joking. I don't love you anymore."

Your hand stops when a piece of glass cuts your finger. Tears are threatening to spill from your glossy eyes while your lip quivers. Aki just stares down at you silently until you decide to break the silence with your choked cries.
"Why on my birthday?"
His eyes wander to the piece of your birthday cake that crumbled on the floor. "I concluded that I no longer have feelings for you today. I thought that it would be better to tell you now than fake it and tell you later," he replied.

Now that he knows how you're handling it, he turned around and left the apartment without a word, leaving you sobbing on the floor.

* * *

"Y/N! I haven't seen you in so long! Why haven't you gone to work?" Himeno wrapped her arm around your shoulder as you entered the building. You laugh nervously, "Y'know...stuff. I just needed a break."

"I see, I see. Let's grab a drink and catch up!" She grabbed your arm and pulled you to the cafeteria.
"So, how has my lovely partner been over the past two weeks?" Himeno asks after taking a sip of her drink. You fiddled with your fingers while staring down at your beverage.
"I've been doing...okay. What about you?"

"Eh, could be better. Aki's been smoking a lot more than usual and he's been clinging to me for a while."

You stop drinking and set down the cup, recalling Aki's words on your birthday.

"I think we should break up."

"I don't love you anymore."

"Hm? Oh, did I say something? I'm sorry, please forgive me! Don't cry!" Himeno sets her mug on the table and leans forward. You didn't realize that tears were pouring from your eyes until she spoke.
"Are you okay?" She asked as she wiped the tears from her face.

"Haha, I'm not okay," you gave her a weak smile.
"Do you wanna talk about it in private?"
You thought for a moment and nodded. She leads you to the bathroom so you can tell her what's wrong.

"Himeno, am I annoying?" You sniffle and wipe away a tear.
"WHAT" she nearly choked.
"Who told you that?! I'm kicking their ass! You're amazing and beautiful!" She grabbed you by the shoulders and shook you back and forth lightly. You laugh a little. "No, but thank you...but I want to know why he doesn't love me anymore," you sniffled.

"That sucker! He's missing out on a beautiful woman! Hey, don't let your happiness depend on some loser!"

"Haha, thank you..."

He wrapped her arm around your shoulder again as she dragged you out of the bathroom. "Now, let's sneak out and go have fun to make you forget about that slob, kay?" You nodded, already feeling a little better with her company.

"Who'd sneaking off, now?"

Your footsteps came to a pause as you stood before Aki, who was looking down at Himeno. "Ah, Aki. We're just — you know, girl stuff," she replied and nudged you. You laugh nervously and avert your gaze.
"Right. Himeno, can I talk to you?" Aki didn't even spare you a glance and kept his eyes focused on Himeno.

"Of course." And with that, the two walked off to talk in private.

"...What happened to going to keep my mind off him??" You sigh and, without thinking, you trailed behind them and hid behind the wall when they turned a corner.

"Himeno, I need to get this off my chest."


"I like you."

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