☁Beam | Pretty

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Requested by KrishnaDas168
Beam x Female Reader

When you first partnered up with Beam, it was a rocky start.

Standing before a half-naked shark devilman in Makima's office, you turn towards him to introduce yourself.
"Hello, Beam. Nice to meet you," you say after you're introduced to the shark devil. He stared at you for a few moments before looking around, most likely searching for Denji. He's ignoring you.
You clear your throat. "I'm [name]. Starting today, we will be partners. I look forward to working with you from now on," you say flatly. The last part is a lie. You don't look forward to working with him at all now that he's ignoring you. He probably won't listen to orders from you!
You were hoping you'd get a compliant devilman, but beggars can't be choosers — especially when there may not be another chance for partnership with a devilman considering there are not a lot of them working with humans. With a devilman partner, not only will killing devils be easier, hundreds of devils could be eliminated each day. You're confident in your ability to make that happen with one devil friend.

This shark fiend has completely shattered that hope.

But again, beggars can't be choosers.
If only Makima let you work with another devilman. Is it too late to back down and request a new partner?

"Are you satisfied with your new companion?" Makima's smooth voice echoed in the office. Forcing a smile, you faced her and replied through gritted teeth, "of course. Thank you, Makima."
A small smile formed on her lips.

"Good. You are dismissed."

* * *

You weren't surprised when Beam followed you out of the office. You can understand how scary Makima is. Beam must be aware of the power she holds to obey any order from her.
I'm so jealous of her. He'll listen to her but not me.
You glance behind you to see that he's still following you, seemingly in his own world as he silently tailed behind you.
God, you can't handle the awkward silence.

"Being in the same room with her makes me nervous," you said softly.
He perked up slightly, perhaps curiously, but said nothing as he stared at you. "Anyway, it seems the devil hunters are handling the devils just fine. We handle the stronger ones but none haven't appeared yet," you continued and Beam listened patiently. Yes, good. He's listening to you. Maybe you'll get along after all.
"Do you like seafood?"

"Beam loves seafood!"

You stare at him wide-eyed. Up until now, you've never heard his voice. It's loud and slightly husky, but pleasant to listen to.

"Are we going to eat seafood?"

You notice his sharp teeth as his lips turn upward into a wide smile as he spoke heartily. "Ye-" Before you can finish, he turns his head and lets out an "oh!" before he's speeding away from you. You watch him with your lips pressed in a flat line as he approaches a blond high school boy.
"Master Chainsaw!"
This bastard.

You ended up eating alone.

Time went by and Beam only showed up when you were going home. He met you at the entrance of the building — and judging by the way he immediately turned around and began strutting away in the other direction, he didn't plan to meet you here. "Beam!" You called for him. He paused and his face scrunched up as he internally debated a decision. He turned to you and waited for you to say something.
"Where are you going? My place is that way." You point the other way and his gaze follows your finger. Then his gaze goes the other way.
"Let's go." You began walking but you never heard his footsteps behind you. Frowning, you looked at him to see that he was still looking the other way. You make your way towards him. "Beam," you say sternly. No response. He watches a cloud floating peacefully in the sky.
Gritting your teeth, you grab his jaw and turn him towards you. His lips part slightly in surprise and he stares at you. "Listen," you start, not meaning to sound as harsh as you intended, but continued anyway. "I don't care whether you like me or not. We're partners and we can't change that. We need to get used to each other and communicate, and I know you know how to talk and listen." You give his jaw a small squeeze. "And stop ignoring me," you mutter as you slowly let go of him, turning around to walk home. After that scolding, you don't expect him to follow you home so you can keep an eye on him.


You whirl around. "What?"
"I think you're pretty."
This little-
"If this is an apology, I'm not accepting it."
He shrinks slightly and starts to fidget.
"Sorry," he murmured. You sigh. "You're forgiven. Now, are you done ignoring me?"
He hesitated for a moment before nodding slowly.
"Good. Let's go home."

You didn't think he'd listen to you. With no hesitation.

* * *

Three weeks pass and he's a bit more chatty than before. The first day you met, he talked to you about seafood. Now, he shows you things he found and informs you of a devil's ability upon observation when you go on missions. Hell, he listens to you as you tell him the plan while the upper half of his body is phasing out of the ground, nodding along to confirm he heard you perfectly.


You look down at the shark devilman who came out of the ground and tapped your leg. You knelt down.
With pink cheeks and a bashful grin, he holds up a small red flower. "Pretty," he chirps.
This reminds you of when you scolded him for ignoring you the first day you met. You smile and take the flower from his hand. "Yes, it's a very pretty flower," you chuckle.
"But..." He frowned.
"You're not a flower. Ah, you dropped it." He picks up the flower and holds it up to you again with a smile, which faltered when he saw your shocked expression. "Y/N?" He tilted his head
The shock subsided a few seconds later. Heat rose to your cheeks.
You've only seen him as a friendly partner. But with him in nothing but swimming trunks and that damn adorable face and shark head, you're starting to realize that when he called you pretty on the first day, he meant it.

Slowly, you held out your hand. Beam happily held the flower up for you to take. Only, you weren't reaching for the flower.
Your hand rested gently on his cheek and he tensed under your touch. "Beam," you said softly. He looked up at you curiously. "You weren't calling me pretty to apologize, were you?" He shook his head but remembering your hand on his face, his cheeks darkened.
"Beam thinks Y/N is pretty," he breathed, slowly rising from the ground and you stood up as he got out. "She's so pretty, Beam felt nervous just looking at her. Her voice is really nice and I like to listen to her talk." He moved closer and raised his hands to cup your face, smiling giddily at the feeling. It's like he's been wanting this for a long time.

"Beam likes you a lot!"

You chuckle. "I like you a lot too, Beam."



"What's up with that dumbass grin?" Denji asked as he frowned at Beam.

The shark fiend sighed, "Y/N is beautiful."

Denji's eyes wandered over to you, realizing that you had watched Beam approach him. "Then go talk to her, dumbass! I got better things to do!"
Beam shrank away and quickly shook his head. His cheeks darkened at the thought of talking to you. Every day.

Denji's brows pinched together. Beam is nervous to talk to a pretty woman? Ah.

"You're too nervous to do it, ain'tcha."

Beam nodded.

Sighing, Denji put his hand on Beam's shoulder and whirled him around to push him in your direction, only to see that you were gone. "Huh..."
Beam looked around, searching for you.


Where did you go?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2022 ⏰

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