Chapter 9

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Meanwhile, back at the Lair, Duck was sound asleep in a guest room after using a huge amount of his energy that had drained from the overwhelming experimental practice for his powers. 

His anger and hurt had overcome what he actually really needed to increase his strength of  power.

 If it wasn't for the practice room to keep him contained, he wouldn't have been able to control it at all. 

The darkness that had lie within his powers would have consumed him whole. 

Drake Sypher, who was one of the few people to witness this drastic change in him, decided to use this as an opportunity to befriend him and see if they can be equal partners in his own hidden plan of taking over the planet. 

When he caught up with the group and found where Duck was at, he was just about to enter the room when he was stopped by Pinkster. 

"What are you doing here?" Pinkster asked with his arms crossing over in a protective manner.

 His eyes narrowing at him carefully.   

Ever since he noticed how 'close' Drake was getting to Duck, he hadn't been able to stop watching his every moves, believing that he will for sure use him to his advantage. 

"What? Can't a guy simply check on his friend?" Drake asked, smoothly, but Pinkster wasn't buying it. 

"You and I both know that ain't true. So whatever you're thinking about right now, don't do it." Pinkster warned. 

Drake snickered and walked closer to him, now face to face with him. 

"So what if I do? What are you going to do about it?" Drake asked in a challenging tone as he butted heads with him. 

This made Pinkster furious and was fixin to to give him a piece of his mind until suddenly to both surprise, Duck came out of the room, a little groggy, but otherwise well rested. 

I guess it doesn't take a hero much to be reenergized again. 

"*Yawn. What's up? Did I miss something?" Duck asked while rubbing his eye a little. 

Drake gave a sinister smile and walked over to him. 

"Hey buddy. How about me and you go over somewhere and talk. We have a lot to discuss not that you're part of our team. What do you say?" Drake offered as he was fixin to grab his hand, but not before Pinkster instinctively pulled Duck over by the arm. 

"Shouldn't you be busy preparing for our mission? As far as I know, you have a lot of stuff to get to." Pinkster said, his guard up high like a shield. 

Drake nodded his head. 

"Yeah sure, stuff. I'll see you later then, Pinkster. Duck" Drake said as he turn around and left.

He was mad but was patient enough to wait. 

At some point he'll be able to speak to him without that pig in his way and then, he'll finally have his eyes set on power. 

It just was only a matter of time before everything will eventually fall under his hands. 

And his master's as well. 

When he was gone and out of sight, Pinkster sighed in relief.

This isn't going to be the last time that I'll have to face him. He thought. 

"Um...Pinkster my arm." Duck said, referring to his arm that was gripped tight by Pinkster.

"Oh sorry." Pinkster said in a instant, as he released him. 

Duck rubbed his sore arm in confusion. 

"What was that about? Did something happen while I was sleeping?" Duck asked, surprised that he's seen Pinkster ever like this. 

Pinkster avoided the question with his own concern. 

"If he runs into you again, can you do me a favor and stay away from him?" Pinkster asked, sternly. 

"Why? What did he do that's bad?" Duck asked, wondering. 

"Nothing. At least not anything too severe yet. Look, I don't know what his intentions are with you but I have a bad feeling that not of it is any good. So, can you please just promise me that you won't get too close to him." Pinkster plead. 

Duck looked at him with concern, but for his friend's sake he nodded in agreement so that he doesn't have to worry him too much. 

"Okay, I won't. I promise." Duck said, with a smile. 

After everything that has happened since Pinkster had picked him up and took him home to his group. 

He had never felt more home and like himself in a long time. 

He was starting Pinkster again and felt like it was doing him some good to keep his friend's word. 

After all, he did help him make his powers stronger like he said before and who knows, maybe the two can be best friends again.  

"Good. Now, come on. We should grab a bite to eat before we start testing out our latest weapon equipment. Weather Vane and Dr. Zane told me that they have already have some ready to go." Pinkster offered. 

"Sure and oh should I practice my powers again too? I think I'm really getting the hang of it now." Duck asked excitedly. 

Pinkster looked over to him with worry. 

From what he was actually seeing last, its best to not push him any further than what he can already do. 

Too much of that power surge can cause his body to become so powerful, that even he won't be able to stop him. 

"Actually, why don't we give that a little more rest. You've done a real good improvement last time and I don't want you to be overwhelmed. We can do more practices when your body has rested enough. " Pinkster advised. 

Duck was disappointed but glad that at least someone liked his new enhancement. 

"Okay." Duck said as the two were leaving to meet up with the others until all of a sudden, Pinkster's phone rang.  

"Oh hold on one second, I need to take this. You can go on ahead. I'll meet you there in a second." Pinkster said, while trying to locate his phone.  

"Sure" Duck said as he waved him goodbye and left by himself. 

When the coast was clear, Pinkster then answered his phone. 

"Hello?" Pinkster answered. 

"We got him boss and should be back at the Lair soon." Ophiuchus Sam announced while the ship made a background voice, indicting that they are prepping to head back. 

"Great. Who is the ally?" Pinkster asked, informative. 

"Oh you're going to love him. He is like the coolest dude on earth and let me tell you, as a general leader of...." Rupes Oberon tried bragged excitedly until Pinkster interrupted him. 

"Yeah, yeah. Okay. That's great as soon as you get back. We will have a lot to catch up on before the raid takes place." Pinkster instructs. 

"You got it, boss." Ophiuchus Sam said as Pinkster hangs up the phone and walks over to meet up with the others. 

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