Chapter 2

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The first thing I felt when I woke up is my headache. I groan and I start rubbing my eyes. I move to get up and that's when I felt how sore I was between my legs. "Fuck..." I swear under my breath and I lay down again. The truth is that it was worth it so I won't complain about it. But no condom... I open the drawer of my nightstand and I take out my emergency Plan B pill. "You are not mother material Jo" I whisper to myself and I drink it. I grab my phone and I see a message on the BAU group chat

Since most of you left your cars here last night, I'm expecting you for coffee in the morning

I almost forgot that I left my car there last night. I let out a long breath and I drag myself out of the bed. I take a quick shower and when I looked myself in the mirror, I notice the bruises on my neck, chest and even on my thighs. I sign and I go to get dressed. I grab an oversized sweater with a turtleneck and a pair of leggings, there is no way I'm doing jeans today. I take my phone, keys, wallet and a pair of large sunglasses and I leave.

Thankfully, I didn't come across Hotch on my way out but I would see him at Rossi's sooner or later. When I arrived, I met Emily who had also just arrived.

"Good morning" she says as we walk to the door

"Good morning. How bad is it?" I ask as I put my sunglasses on my head

"All the aspirins in all the pharmacies are not enough for my headache" she answers and I chuckle. "You?" she asks

"Well... it was definitely a wild night last night" I answer and I knock on the door.

Surprisingly, Hotch opens the door and I freeze. "Hey" he says
"Hey, good morning, I need coffee" Emily says and goes in. I swallow the knot in my throat and I walk inside too

"Good morning" I say as I walk past him and went straight to find Rossi.
"Hey, I am here to just take my... things because I have to go take care of something today" I explain as a weak excuse so I could leave early

"Alright, let me get you your car's keys" he says

"Thanks" I say as he walks away.

I was waiting for him in the hallway, next to the door.

"Josephine?" I hear Hotch's voice which caused me to jump because I thought that I was alone

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" he says

"It's alright" I reply

"I just wanted to thank you for the ride" he says and I look at him speechless.

Does he mean... No... Maybe...? No...

"Morgan told me that you took me home last night" he adds and I wave of relief washed over me.
Ok, so he doesn't remember.

"Oh yes, of course, don't even mention it" I say

"I don't know how I got so drunk... But do you maybe remember if--" he was saying but Rossi comes back in perfect timing

"Here you go" he says giving me my car keys

"Thank you. Good morning again" I say and I leave immediately.

I get back home and I collapse on my bed again. He doesn't remember and I can't decide if that's a good or a bad thing because I had one of the best nights of my life last night. How am I supposed to act around him now? He also said that he knows that I like him for a while now. But he hasn't made a move while sober, so he probably doesn't feel the same way. He was drunk and wanted to just get laid. Maybe he doesn't want to remember last night. Now I'm probably gonna lose my job too because I don't think I can function properly again around him. Fuck, I knew that I was going to regret this. A tear escapes my eye and a sob escapes my lip.

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