Luffy vs. Arlong

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When Luffy encountered Nami after she supposedly killed Usopp, something told Luffy that Nami was hiding something.

Luffy was never a good liar since childhood and usually told the truth, but strangely she could tell when someone was lying.

Then later she saw the commotion of the people of Cocoyashi deciding to charge Arlong Park. Arlong, a fishman in question, was the cause of Nami's pain and thanks to him being in league with a crooked marine, he's making sure Nami doesn't get out of his hold.

Nami had tried so hard to stop the people but they had ignored her pleas and went on ahead and Luffy wasn't going to let Nami's cries die in vain. Luffy jumped off of the roof and slowly walked over to Nami and watched as she began stabbing at the Arlong's tattoo screaming his name in absolute rage.

The girl grabbed Nami's arm before she did any serious damage to herself.

"Luffy..." Nami breathed, "What? You don't know anything? You don't know anything about what's been happening on this island for the past eight years!"

"No, I don't." Luffy didn't know anything about the island or its history, all she knew about was Arlong and Nami and that was it. So she wasn't lying in the faintest.

"This has nothing to do with you!" Nami continued, "I told you to get off this island, right?!"

"Yeah, you did."

Nami bunched up dirt in her injured hand and threw it at Luffy's feet as she repeated for her to get lost, until she had collapsed she wanted the pirate captain's help and desperately.

" me."

Luffy didn't say a word she just took off her hat with one hand while the other hand ripped off her necklace. She placed her hat on Nami head and dropped the seashell necklace onto Nami's lap and walked passed her. Luffy wasn't going to let the person who made her navigator cry get away so easily.


Nami realised just how determined Luffy was to help her when she felt the straw hat on her head.

"Keep your hands off my treasure!"

"This necklace was given to me by Mama and Papa. I'll never leave it."

Luffy gather her crew together as they walked in the direction of Arlong Park. The whole crew was boiling with rage over the tears that were shed by one of their nakama.

"Luffy-aneki!" Johnny and Yosaku called out.


Luffy walked straight up to the bolted gates and punched them straight off. The entrance to Arlong Park was busted wide open and Luffy had declared war against he Arlong Pirates.

"Which one of you is Arlong?" Luffy asked furiously. (Unfortunately for her, Arlong's file didn't come with a photo.)

"Arlong would be my name."

Luffy set her eyes on the purple fishman with the pointed nose.

"That so? I'm Luffy."

"And, Luffy...who are you?" Arlong asked.

"I'm a pirate."

The female captain leaped forward as quick as lightning and punched the fishman right in the jaw, sending him flying into the wall on the other side of the park.

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