Roronoa Zoro II

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(I couldn't get the whole story in one go, so it's in two parts)

Zoro couldn't believe what he was hearing from this girl.

"You? Queen of the Pirates?! Yeah right, you're even more crazy than I thought. Do you have any idea what is that mean?!" Zoro asked. He is not sure if her mind is in her right place or if she lost it.

"Queen of the Pirates means Queen of the Pirates, what else could it mean?" she answered him as simple as that. Then Coby said.

"Yeah, when she first told me it was shocking at first, but she's completely serious. She has every intention of becoming Queen of the Pirates and obtaining the greatest treasure of them all, the One Piece!" Now Zoro is even more surprised that Luffy is willing to achieve her dream without of fear of dying.

The girl grinned in big toothy grin while Zoro wondered if the girl's head got hit too many times, then Luffy hands out the swords to Zoro.

"Here, just like I promised, there's three of them but I couldn't tell which one is yours, so I brought all of them."

"All of them belong to me. I use Santoryu the Three Sword Style Technique." Zoro exclaimed.

"Oh well then, just so you know if you fight with me now you will be government defined villain, so is either that or be killed by the Marines execution style," Luffy declared. Zoro 'hn' and says.

"What are you the Devil's daughter? it doesn't matter because if I don't choose your side I'll be dead on these sticks." then he smirk darkly that could make anyone cry like a school girl but for Luffy simply jumped in joy for finally having Zoro as her first mate.

"YAHOOO~ my first mate this is going so awesome, thank you so~ much~" and then she gives Zoro a bear hug, Zoro is petrified by sudden cuddle and warmth made him light inside...and angry.


"Oh, sorry." she removed herself from Zoro, giggled and did what he said, the Marines were still baffled at the girl's power that they have no idea how and what she is.

"What the...what is she?" one of the shocked Marine said.

"The bullets just stopped when a force field appeared," the Marines couldn't believe his eyes that something like that happens. Then Morgan explains to his men.

"The Straw Hat is no ordinary girl; she must've eaten one of those Devil Fruit that we heard so much about."

"The Devil Fruit?"

"The hidden treasure of the sea!?"

"The Devil Fruits, they say who ever eats one of those can gain extraordinary, other-worldly abilities. The power to breath fire, the power to cause tsunamis, rumors persist that they are many types of these Fruits, but next to nothing is known about them to most of the is said that the secret is lays somewhere in the Grand Line but... no doubt about it that the Straw Hat girl has shown her Devil power," Morgan described the tale of these Fruits. 

Luffy is busy trying to untie those robes only make it tighter and that made Zoro and Coby more anxious and tells her to hurry it up.

"That doesn't matter what abilities they have, all have opposed me are consider traitors, if guns won't work then CHOP THEM!" Morgan shout at his Marines and the men obey his command, the Marines draw their swords and charge at the traitors, and both Coby and Zoro are freaking out that the Marines are charging them with swords while Luffy got frustrated.

"Alright! That's it! Zoro, you may want to brace yourself." Luffy said as her tail reemerged.

"Iron Tail!" Luffy said using her tail to cut the ropes.

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