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For the past week I haven't slept a full night, the want to end Leonardo's life was growing every minute

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For the past week I haven't slept a full night, the want to end Leonardo's life was growing every minute. I couldn't close my eyes until I felt Violette hands run and mess threw my hair.

The sound of water dripping from the pipes to the hard smell of cigarettes irritated me further.

Leonardo killed Henry, his body popped up somewhere in a lake close to the hotel he was laying to rest at, smart man. It's faster to hide and run without worrying about someone slowing you down. I puffed the cigar smoke from my lips into the air, handing it Mariano he repeated the steps.

When we got into the door we Mariano froze and I just rose an eyebrow.

Angel was tied up with her head thrown down, a knife in her thigh and clean shot to her neck. Mariano clenched his jaw not bothering too look in front of him. "I guess he's killing loose ends"

"He's scared is what he is, he believes I killed his daughter without remorse now he's killing anyone that could help us too him"  I turned to Mariano.

"She's not important too you?" he looked at Angel's now dead body back to me.

"Not anymore" I nodded allowing us to leave her body there too rot.

I just wanted to go home and see the one smile that could make my heart go from ice to a melting puddle, I wanted to be in her arms, feel her touch and have her love.

"What's that?" Mariano pointed to the small black box I pulled out of my pocket.

I quickly stuffed it into my pocket. "Nothing" I replied clenching my jaw and looking out the window.

Mariano stopped me when I got out the car. "Dirà
di sì" (She'll say yes) I didn't respond.

Instead I opened the door letting a hand fix the mess of hair on my head. Food was already on the table with a small note from my angel upstairs telling me that she couldn't wait for me because she got too hungry with an apology and a sad face.

I laughed quietly, I know she loves me, so why was I so fucking afraid of her saying no and shattering my heart like non-important glass?

I opened the bedroom door, the sight alone was enough to make me smile.

Violette had a pen in her mouth and a book in her hands, her smooth freshly shaven legs bent up holding the book in it's place.

The white silk robe clung to her body, she looked up when I began to remove my pants. Her eyes trailed all over my tattoos covering hidden scars, down to my erection and she laughed.

The sound like music to my ears.

"I cooked just in case you got hungry" she carelessly flipped through her book. She watched me with careful eyes as I got onto the bed slowly, she warned me by calling out my name but the way she just pressed her thighs together I know she wanted it too.

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