Bonus II: Quinn

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A/N: thank you so much for 170k guys seriously 💗 Enjoy the chapter!


A year before the wedding

I watch the waves in front of us, my brothers are surfing with Phoenix and Zach. Dad is teaching Sam how to get in the board. He's two but he's one hell of a swimmer

I laugh when he falls off it and comes out of the water laughing. My little sister lights up at that, she's beside dad drinking coconut water.

"Babe, do you mind putting some sunscreen on my back?" My girlfriend, Paris, asks me

"Of course" I say getting up from my seat and grabbing the sunscreen. I plant a kiss on her shoulder before undoing her bikini straps and getting to work

She moans as I massage her shoulders "You work too hard" I say. She's working at the animal rescue center where they take care of any injured sea animals and help them recover before returning them to the ocean

She's been doing some extra hours at night claiming there's too much work to do but I asked her to come to dinner with us at my house tonight

I plan on proposing

"Yeah, can you rub my thighs? they're sore too. I guess from standing too long" she says so I do it but not without leaving a trail of kisses behind.

"I love you" I say and pick her up sitting her on my lap. She shrieks and covers her breasts until they're out of sight pressed onto my chest. Best feeling ever

"Hey! What did I say about picking me up!" She protests but only manages to look cute with a little pout. I laugh at her and earn a weak punch to my shoulder

We've been dating for a year, I know it's a little soon to propose but who cares? I want to make Paris my wife and spend the rest of my life with her

I'm a family guy by nature, I take pleasure in giving my everything to those I love and caring for them. Paris can be cold at times but she's the goofiest person I've ever met

"What time will you get out of work tonight?" I ask and plant a kiss in her lips, careful of the cut in her lower lip.

She said she accidentally bit it yesterday so I made sure to give it some extra love while we fucked

"I think I'll be off by eight. There's this turtle Kyle who's been extra clingy and I like to take good care of him and feed him a few snacks before I leave" she explains with a grin. Always so caring

"I'd love to meet this Kyle who's been keeping my woman up late" I tease, not knowing the truth about those words. She laughs

"Trust me you wouldn't" she murmurs before tying her bathing suit and getting off my lap. She grabs her piña colada and sips from it texting someone

"Who are you texting?" I ask missing the feel of her body on mine already, she just smiles and dismisses me with a shrug. I groan

"Tell me it isn't Lucía. I swear she hates my guts" I groan again thinking of her friend but Paris ignores me

"I have to go baby, one of my friends has an emergency" she says grabbing her things and kissing my lips before rushing off

"See you tonight, love you!" I yell after her and she blows me a kiss

I get up and sprint towards the beach where my family is, instantly feeling lighter in their presence. I've noticed I tend to be a little tense around Paris

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