32| The calm before the storm

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Warning: mild 'smut' scene

"Nothing lasts forever"


Sam is being weighed and they've already run tests on both of us to ensure we're both alright. We got to the hospital a few hours ago.

The storm passed 12 hours after my bundle was born so it's currently about 10pm.

"Couldn't you have waited a few more hours to come to the world little one? You had to make mummy suffer without her meds during a terrible storm Sammy" I talk to my son as the nurse hands him back to me. I kiss his cheek.

Atlas is with me right now, the others are in the cafeteria. Uncle A came in a while ago to meet Samuel and he was thrilled. He held Sam for hours and almost cried when it was time for me to feed him.

"Can I?" Attie asks from where he sits on the couch and I smile at him. They're all so in love with their nephew.

"Of course" I say placing a wide awake Sammy in his arms. Samuel coos and moves his arms and legs, he never stops moving unless he's asleep.

Atlas is a natural for this, I know he'll be a great dad one day — well he kind of already is with Eli. I hope their relationship starts growing more and more.

Samuel has dark hair but maybe it'll lighten in the next few weeks...I have the feeling he'll have the Brambello eyes too, it doesn't really matter because he's got the love and affection of everyone and will have it even if he looks like Rodrigo.

His eyes are a light shade of grey as many newborn babies are, his tiny legs are always kicking out like he did on my belly and when he's awake his eyes are wide like saucers.

I haven't slept in 48 hours, I've only eaten some fruit even though I'm dying for burgers. Dad said we'll get some on the way home. Sammy took three naps and I tried to sleep too but nurses constantly came in to check on us.

Sammy is weighing as expected for a premie but thankfully his lungs were well developed and he doesn't have to stay in the NICU. We're so damn lucky he's healthy despite being born earlier than anticipated.

Dad says Atlas and I were born two months earlier, I was way smaller than Attie so even when he was able to leave the NICU I had to stay for a few more weeks.

My heart breaks for my dad, he went through it all alone because Janine wasn't present. At least he had my brothers, young as they were I'm pretty sure they brought great comfort upon him.

A wave of fear courses through me at the thought of someone taking my baby. Now that I'm a mom...I just — how did dad survive?

How did he keep going when I was taken? I feel such pain in my chest just by thinking of my little prince in the hands of cruel people like I was.

"RoRo what's wrong?" Atlas asks coming up beside me and sits on the bed with me.

"What if someone takes him Artie? What if they take my baby?" I say, voice cracking and tears falling. My twin holds me to his chest, careful of he baby between us.

"Shhh, no one will take Sam okay? Dad was completely alone, taking care of three toddlers and two twin newborns when you were taken Rora. It was way easier to take you but with us all protecting Sammy? No one will even dare approach him" he comforts me

I sniff and wipe my tears. He's right, Sam's got five uncles, two grandpas, Zach who can count as an uncle so 6 uncles, a dad and of course — me. We'll all make sure he's safe. We just need to catch Sergei and everything will be just fine.

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