33| The eye of the storm

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Hey guys! I wanted to say that sadly this story is coming to an end, there's gonna be two chapters and an epilogue left. I'll do some bonus chapters later on about Phoenix and Rora [smut 😉] and maybe about the brother's future lives 🤍
|important note at the end|


The sound of heavy machines and...cows? Mooing is the first thing I hear as I open my eyes. I look around as a sharp pain slices through my head. A fucking headache. Great.

The room is cold and grey. Grime on the pealing walls and a huge window in front of me, like the once detectives have in the interrogation rooms. I'm pretty sure our kidnappers are watching us but we can't see them.

I'm tied up to the chair, I look over to my brothers. They're tied just as me, some in chairs and some on the dirty ground. Dad is sitting on the floor, shackles binding his hands to the pipe next to him.

Phoenix isn't here. He's with Carter, Sam, Zach and Eli. They managed to hide to protect the babies and that's all I can be grateful for.

There's a huge cabinet against one of the walls, I'm pretty sure it's full of guns and torture weapons.

"Well well well, seems like I finally have the bitch and her dogs" he says as he claps, coming into the room. He came in from the door beside the window...

Sergei. He did warn us about this earlier this morning but...I didn't think something would happen so damn soon.

"Who am I gonna torture first?" He says with a sadist smile. My brothers all glare at him with stares that promise death. Slow, painful death.

Can I get a break please? I gave birth like a couple of nights ago and my lady bits are pretty damn sore to be sitting in an uncomfortable chair about to be fucking dead.

Sergei looks over at me with a grin and my dad and brothers instantly start to pull on the shackles and ropes.

"I'm sad I couldn't get your bastard son here with us. I would've killed him already but I'm gonna have to settle with all of you. Then I'll go for him and who knows maybe I'll kill him and maybe I'll raise him to be a bigger monster than I am" he says getting closer to me

"Don't you dare fucking touch her you bastard piece of rotting teeth I hope you die tasting horse shit on your mouth" comes from — you guessed it..Matheo.

"Get. Away. From. Her. Useless coglione!" Atlas growls angrier than I've ever seen him

"You fucking coward come to someone your size" Alessandro says with clenched teeth

"Get near her and I'll make sure to stick a knife up your ass and choke you with your balls" Quinn snaps

"I'll make sure to skin you before I kill you and that's a promise" dad threatens

Sergei pulls a gun out of his waistband and points it at dad. "How exactly...will you do that if you're dead Maximus?" He says

We all keep blank stares but I want to scream and cry begging him to get away from him. I can't lose dad. Please don't let him die. I beg silently.

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