22| I know you

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"He's got secrets, but she forgot"

Phoenix (yay!)

Bastard. I know what my brother is doing. He left to push me to talk to Aurora. I'm not mad though, there's something about this girl that just makes me want to pick her up and kiss the fuck outta her.

I can't imagine how she's coping after everything she's been through and I'm sure don't know half of it.

She's pregnant with that fucker's child, that tells me a lot about what she went through but by the look in her eyes I know she's survived much much more.

"Hey there!" I say as I approach them playing on a pool of sand. Dammit Phoenix that sounded too chirpy! Idiot.

"Hi!" Rora smiles. Such a beautiful smile. I want it imprinted on her face every minute of every single day.

"Hullo" my nephew says.

"Whatcha doing little guy?" I ask him

"Rowa is teaching me how to make poolies in the sand" he smiles and we both laugh.

I sit on the sand with them. I want to ask Rory how the pregnancy has been.
I know first hand how hard they can be for your partner after all...

"How are you feeling? I imagine the nausea is going away by now" I say and she looks up at me while filling a plastic toy with sand.

"Yeah nausea was a bitch, couldn't eat anything. I'm glad it's gone" she smiles and so do I.

"Would you prefer a boy or a girl?"

"As long as it's healthy I'll be happy but I'd love a little boy, maybe I'll have a girl in a few years and I'd like her to have a big brother"

Just what I said for mine...

"Yeah? If I had a girl I'd like her to have big brothers too, you seem to have an amazing relationship with yours" I say

"We do. It was that way since I met them, I didn't think I could warm up to them so fast. Well, except for Matheo he was a dick to me at first" we laugh

"When I met Zach we clicked immediately too, I guess it was a time when we both desperately needed someone" I say

"I'm really glad you two found each other, the Zach I met seemed...lost. Now he has a gleam in his eyes and I'm happy for it" she smiles wide while dumping some water on a giggling Eli.

"Me too, I don't know what I'd do without these two" I say messing with Eli's hair. He gets me back by throwing some sand at my chest.

I catch Aurora looking at the spot on my chest for too long. She blushes and looks away. So adorable.

Just like all those years ago...

"Can I ask, is your mom alive? I know Zachariah's isn't and I don't know how you found each other" she says

"My mom died when I was a baby, dad didn't want me so I was put in foster care" her eyes widen.

"Y-you were a foster kid too?" She says barely more than a whisper.

You already knew that, you just don't remember.

Aurora |  ✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن