31| Joy

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Sooo as you must know this is when the labor part comes. If you want to skip it you can scroll down, I put a * when it ends. Enjoy!


Another heartbreaking scream pierces through the air. I've never experienced a pain so great than the one of watching my girl in so much fucking agony.

I wish I could take her place, I wish it were me and not her. It's been 5 hours of this hell and she's still not dilated enough, the doctor said it'll take at least another five more hours.

I rub Rora's back as she grips my hand hard. She's softly whimpering. I wipe her forehead with a damp cloth, Max brings another one and places it on the table.

"How are you doing sweet pea?" He gently asks Rora as he strokes her hair and hugs her to his chest. My girl just shakes her head and cries into his chest, still gripping my hand.

He holds her for a little while so I can eat something, never leaving her side. Not even when she screams in pain. The guys come in once in a while to check in on her.

They all leave after about an hour and Rora tries to get some sleep but the contractions are so much closer between each other now.

"No no no I can't do it I can't Phoenix please help me" Rory sobs as I cradle her wet cheeks.

"Hey, hey look at me baby. You can and you will, you've survived so much. This is the last effort you'll have to make, in a few more hours the little man will be here with us. You are so strong baby" I kiss her forehead


I can't do this anymore. It hurts so fucking bad, 14 fucking hours. 14 and I still have more to go. I've never been in so much motherfucking pain.

I scream as the worst contraction I've yet had hits me. Phoenix is crying now, tears falling down his cheeks. I scream my lungs out as he tries to comfort me but news flash rubbing my back doesn't take away the pain fucker!

"Why are you crying!?" I snap but he's used to it by now. I've been yelling at him for hours now, he sometimes even dares to laugh.

"I'm sorry baby" he whispers and hugs me to him, I feel bad for snapping at my boy now. I stand up and start pacing around the room crying hysterically.

I can't do this anymore. Fucking Riggo for getting me pregnant. Fucking world and fucking everything and everyone.

I just want this to be over now...

Max (dad)

We're all sitting on the couch, waiting. Another scream snaps me from my thoughts. This is torture, I was present in all of my kid's births. Janine always got an epidural and the best healthcare there is.

I hate that my daughter can't have that. Fucking thunderstorm and fucking hurricanes.

"Are you sure there's nothing you can do?" I ask doctor Patricia

"Nothing but wait and make sure she's comfortable, I'm sorry" she says, her usual bubbly personality gone. I start pacing around the room, my baby girl screams again. I decide to go check in on her.

I get into the room, the room is dark. The only light is a lamp beside the bed and the lightning every few minutes.

Rora is sitting on the bed panting, all sorts of cables attached to her. Nix is holding her hand and rubbing her back and shoulders.

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