30| Unexpected

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A/N Please please Go read my other story 'River Rose'! It's better than Aurora I believe❣️


"Rora! Hey? You okay?" Quinn asks from beside me, Carter has the same haunted look I have. I know he's thinking of the same day I am.

"Yeah...just a memory" I say. Everyone is now looking at me. Phoenix comes over and wipes the tears I hadn't even noticed had spilled.

He kisses my forehead and hugs me to his chest. I'm shaking.

"Do you both want to talk about it?" He asks Carter and me. We look at each other and nod. We all sit on the dining table, Phoenix holding my hand while Carter tells the story.

We all have tears in our eyes now, I don't know how Carter was able to talk. I have a knot in my throat.

The boys are all heartbroken but they make sure to make us feel their love and support. They're always there to support me

And I know they'll be here no matter what...

A few weeks later I start putting away all the baby's clothes since there's a huge storm outside.

We are on lockdown because there a hurricane alert, we don't think it'll pass through here but the wind and rain has already taken down so many trees, even a couple of houses.

Phoenix is helping me and it's so cute to watch him, he smiles at every outfit and tells me how our baby is gonna look so damn cute in it.

I talked to him a little about everything that happened these couple of months and he helped me understand that that woman's death was not my fault, neither was Chris and Mainor's.

It wasn't my choice to hurt people, Sergei made me do it and I have to learn that it's awful but completely out of my hands. It still weighs heavy in my heart though, I wish I didn't have to hurt them like I did.

I love rain, it brings me such a sense of tranquility but this storm right now? I have to say it makes me scared.

I'm less than a month away from the c-section and it worries me to be locked down without my way to get to the hospital.

Little did I know my fears were about to come true...

I then remember we didn't really catch Sergei, did he...explode along with the prison?

"Hey baby?" I call Phoenix

"Hmm?" He answers too focused on playing with a pair of baby converse, putting them on his fingers and 'walking' he's such a dork.

"Did you guys by any chance catch Sergei?"

"The piece of shit who tortured you both?" He asks. I nod. His expression suddenly turns dark and he rises from the floor getting out of the room and tagging me long with him.

"Alessandro!" He yells for my brother once we're in the living room and everyone comes running. How are they so fast?

"Damn did you have to yell? I was taking a nap" Sandro groans rubbing his eyes. How is he sleeping with this storm?

I'd wake up every time thunder strikes. I can barely hear what they're saying.

"This is important what was the name of the prisoner you were telling us about? The one you felt suspicious of?" Phoenix says in a rush

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