29| Finally home

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Tw: mentions of previous abuse

"The memories never go away"


As soon as we got to shore I felt relief upon being home again. My family insisted I should go to the hospital so here we are. I'm currently being wheeled into a room because they won't let me fucking walk.

"Dad, seriously I'm perfectly capable of walking let me off this chair!" I complain

"Nope" he says enjoying this. My brothers are all waiting in the room and making sure everything is 'fitting' for me to stay.

Overprotective assholes. Phoenix refuses to leave our side and is constantly asking how I'm feeling.

"How are you doing babe?" See? I told you.

"I'm perfectly fine as I was five minutes ago when you asked Phoenix" I say with a small smile mockingly rolling my eyes at him.

"I'm just making sure, a lot can change in five minutes" he says lifting his hands in a surrender gesture. Dad just chuckles. I can't help but be excited...I'm finding out the sex of the baby today!

We get to my room and they all start fuzzing over me so I go change in the bathroom, at least I had showered in the boat so I don't smell like shit.

When I go back to the room and sit on the bed a doctor comes in. She's short and chubby with a huge smile on her face. I instantly like her.

"You must be Aurora! My name is Patricia and I'll be your new OB, we can now start with your birth plan since you are so close to date sweetie"

We were informed my previous doctor, Miss Garcia is enjoying her honeymoon drinking piña coladas in Hawaii with her newfound husband.

"Hi Patricia" I smile at her trying to hide my panic upon realizing I'm getting close to my due date. Phoenix comes closer to me and grabs my hand as a couple of nurses wheel down equipment into the room.

"Do you want to know the sex?" Patricia asks as she lifts my gown to uncover my belly and squirts the cold gel on it and I excitedly nod.

"I think we've all been waiting long for this" I say and they all agree "any bets before we know?" I ask

"It's definitely a girl" Sandro says

"A little princess" Atlas comments

"I'm sure it'll be a girl" Quinnie tells us

"You guys are so wrong it's a boy I'm sure of it" Matheo tells them slapping the back of Atlas' head.

"Nah it's a girl I know these things. I have 5 kids after all" dad says with a cocky smile

"Woah there's a lot of you on the girl team today!" Patricia says. She's such a bubbly person "What do you think mommy and...dad?" she asks Phoenix and me.

I notice she hesitantly says dad since she knows the situation. We smile encouragingly at her so she knows 'dad' is the right word to refer to Nix and she smiles back.

"Well I'm pretty sure it's a boy, I can feel it" I say leaning my head on Phoenix's arm. I look up at him waiting for his answer.

"I have a feeling Rory is right, moms almost always get it all right so she must be" he says and we laugh

"Alright let's take a look into it then" she starts moving the little thingy around, she pauses on the image and...there it is. The baby shape looks so clear now it's amazing.

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