When the Flame Goes Out

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"You enjoy the meal?" He asked as we walked back out to his car.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked unamused. I was anxious the entire time we ate.

"I was hungry. Is that not why you'd go to a restaurant?" He said, playing dumb.

"We were surrounded by criminals. I'm pretty sure I saw our waiter shoplift and then run away before getting caught." I said rolling my eyes. He laughed as we got in and began to drive again.

"Aw c'mon, Izuku. You didn't enjoy it just a tad? You didn't find it a little exciting?" He asked mischievously.

"No." He shrugged nonchalantly in response.

"Well then you might not like our next stop. You can drive right?"

"Yes. I can drive." I said with an eye roll.

We ended up in front of what looked like a shady office in the middle of the huge dusty junkyard.

"When I come back you'll need to be ready to drive off immediately." I looked at him slightly anxious. "Got it, pretty boy?" I nodded at a lost for words.

"Wait what are you going to do-" He left without another word. After a few minutes he came running out, several large, criminal looking men following him closely. They did not look happy. He threw the car keys in and I scrambled to start the car, concerned mostly for my own safety. We drove off, the men chasing us for a bit and yelling at us to stop. I sped off, trying to weave through the large pieces of debris. I looked in my rearview mirror and nearly yelped when I saw the men were now on motorcycles speeding after me. I pressed harder on the gas, taking risky turns around old cars and piles of metal. Dust kicked up behind me but I could still make out the figures tailing us on motorcycles. I can't keep this up. I thought as I continued to shoot for the entrance. One made it alongside us on the passenger side and tried to reach in but was instead punched by Dabi and sent flying off of his motorcycle. The others weren't too far behind. We were screwed...unless.

"This is risky but trust me." I said over the whipping wind. He stared at me, a small smirk coming onto his face. I slowed down quite a bit the men quickly gaining and at the moment they reached our windows I reached for the shift. His face fell and paled a bit as I changed the gear to reverse and hit the gas again. The men were knocked to the side due to the sudden momentum change.

"Holy fuck." Dabi said, gripping anywhere he could in the car. I sped straight backwards for a bit, changed the gear again and did a U-turn, heading towards the second exit I had spotted before. A few men walked out and began lowering the gate but I wasn't deterred. I simply increased the speed well past what it should be and barely scraped under the gate and onto a dusty field, the road stretching a bit ahead. I came to a hard stop, both Dabi and I coming forward roughly and then hitting the back of our seats hard. We both just took a moment of breathing hard.

"I don't even have my seatbelt on! How dangerous and illegal!" I exclaimed as I reached over and quickly clicked it into place. I looked over to see Dabi staring at me shocked and then laughing.

"You just led-" His words were broken off by his own laugh cutting himself off. "a highspeed chase from gang members and your concern is seatbelt laws? You are hilarious." I had been staring at him pissed for even getting me into this but even I couldn't help but laugh a bit at how ridiculous it sounded.

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