Kiss, Kiss, Fall in- Wait.

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Izuku's POV

Before I could react to Kacchan grabbing me, I was being kissed. It was rough and aggressive...and it was perfect. Kissing him felt like a hundred tiny explosions were reverberating from my lips to my heart. The longer it went on, the more I wanted. It was like the tension of the 17 years of my entire life was being released all at once. All of the heartache he had caused me mixed with all of his own pain he had just started to deal with. The kiss almost felt angry, as if we were both upset that it hadn't been done before. He kissed me as if we were the only two people in the room...wait- 

I suddenly fell back so that I was now sitting on Shoto's lap who was looking between us shocked. Kacchan stared at me and looked bewildered and...terrified. I blinked at him, slightly dazed. We were all silent for a moment as I reached up slowly to touch where his lips had just been. 

"S-sorry." He said suddenly, stumbling off of the bed. "I shouldn't have-" He slapped a hand to his face and backed away from the bed, tripping over himself. "Fuck, GOD, I'm sorry." He ran out.

Katsuki's POV

So many thoughts swirled around in my head but I couldn't focus on any single one of them. For the next few days I avoided the two of them at all costs despite their constant requests to talk to me. I had gone back home to stay with my mom so I could figure how to handle what I had just done and quite possibly...ruined. 

My mom asked to talk to me but I'd just tell her I didn't want to talk to anyone. I stayed up in my room and didn't attend any classes. 

Currently, I was laying down in my bed staring up at my ceiling. I thought about the look of shock on Izuku's was a look of disgust, a look of anger. He probably couldn't even fathom that someone like me would do that to him. What if he felt like I stole his first kiss...God. And all in front of Shoto who...well that's what made all of this so much worse. Not only was I stupid and rash

I was incredibly confused.

I had had feelings for Izuku since I was 14, he was my best friend for years before that. I was sure of that even if I knew he'd never return the feelings. But Shoto...I mean I had found him attractive since I saw him freeze an entire building without even sweating. And then...we had become close friends these last seven months. We've fought together, gotten to know each other...I feel like he understands me in a different way than Izuku does. He was handsome and kind. Both of them were more than I knew I deserved, sure, but the fact that I liked them made me feel guilty.

But it didn't matter now. Both of them probably hated me for getting between them. I knew it was only a matter of time before they confessed their love to one another, realized all of my issues, and left. I was terrible with feelings and even worse with words.

But...even so...

"HI-YAH!" My door was literally kicked down by the crazy old hag. 


"YOU SHUT THE HELL UP, I'M TIRED OF YOU MOPING AROUND THE HOUSE. TELL ME WHAT'S WRONG!" She said, pointing at me angrily. I tried to walk past her but she grabbed me by my hair and forced me to sit down on the bed. 

"Old Hag."

"Katsuki." She gave me a look and sighed. "What's wrong?" I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"I feel like I've ruined everything. See...I like a guy...well actually two guys. And I don't know what that means. Plus, I think they're in love with each other and I feel like I came between them." 

"Ok? So tell them, Katsuki! I mean you have a greater chance of succeeding since there are two of them, I don't see what the problem is. And with the charm and good looks I passed down to your ungrateful ass...I'm sure they like you too." She said shrugging.

"That's not-" I sighed.

"Seriously though...if you never tell them how you feel, you'll always be left wondering. Also, I didn't raise a damn coward, Katsuki. So woman the hell up." She said, rolling her eyes.

The old hag was right for once, I did need to woman up. I would be a damn coward if I didn't face them. 


The sun was setting as I headed back to the dorms. I figured they'd be in Izuku's room since...that's where we hang out the most. I found the door cracked was relieved but also scared to see that they were both in there. Damn, this was gonna be hard.

I raised my fist to knock when I heard Shoto say something that made me stop.

"I like you, Izuku." I widened my eyes and let my hand fall again. I could see that Izuku was standing in front of Shoto who had his back to the door and was looking down at him. The way that Izuku looked at him...blushing and happy...It felt so right even if it hurt. "I've liked you for years now and I...well with everything that's happened, I feel as though I have to tell you now. You're so good-hearted and sweet. You're beautiful." Izuku's grin widened.

"Shoto, I-" I was trying to walk away, knowing that I shouldn't be here but I guess Izuku caught the sudden movement because he called out to me. "Kacchan?" I turned on my heel and ran as fast as I could. This whole thing was a mistake. I was a damn idiot and now all of the pain I had been feeling these few days had came back. How could I think for a second that I'd have a chance with either of them. They were perfect for each other. Their love was sweet and uncomplicated. It was built on friendship and trust. I was an irritable former bully and asshole. What did I have to offer? I was so frustrated with myself because not only did I like Izuku and Shoto. I had fucking fallen in love with them. I so incredibly stupid because they were going to start a life after high school: becoming Pro Heroes and an even better couple. And I'd have no one to love anymore. Because everyone: Eijiro, Denki, and the rest of the quad, the two men I loved...they'd all realize the type of person I really was and leave eventually. I didn't want to be alone again though...I wanted someone too. I just wanted someone too.

 I ran up to the roof trying to calm myself down. It was too late though, I was having a panic attack. I had had them since my dad died. They were intense and caused my bpm to accelerate, I got extremely dizzy, unable to have a clear thought. My breathing was out of control right now and I could feel myself physically spinning. Come on, idiot. GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER. Was I close to the edge of the roof right now? I had to stop spinning, my vision was blurred. I was going to fall off. 

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