You too

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"MIDORIYA! Hurry up, the movie is starting soon!" I heard Uraraka crying out through the door. Kacchan moved away from me a bit and opened the door, maintaining eye contact with me the entire time. 

"He'll be out in a few minutes." He said, still not letting up his gaze. He leaned in to whisper into my ear. "I'll be waiting outside for you. Don't take too long." He then moved past me and walked out. I clutched my chest and tried to regulate my breathing. If Uraraka hadn't interrupted would we have...? No. It was probably just him teasing me...there's no way Kacchan would- Shoot, I gotta hurry up, Kacchan hates waiting.

After changing into an oversized All Might t-shirt and basketball shorts, I headed out, a small blanket in hand. Kacchan was leaning against the wall opposite to my room, pushing himself up to sling his arm around my shoulders casually. It might have been just an average friendly gesture if not for what had just almost happened and the almost protective way it was in. We walked like that and entered the central room where everyone was settled and waiting. They all looked up from their conversations to wave and greet us. I looked up to see that Kacchan had looked away from them, already bored. "Be nice." I muttered to him, elbowing him. 

"Just start the damn movie, extras!" He yelled. Honestly, that was nice for Kacchan. I led him to a large bean bag which was behind every one and we sat down together as they started the film. Logically, the film wasn't really that scary: it was about zombies and although the budget of the movie had been high it certainly hadn't been spent on the plot, mostly the gore and special effects. However, I was pretty easily scared so I nervously peeking out from out of my blanket, ducking whenever something scary happened. A jump scare sent little squeals throughout the room, the loudest being Kirishima who ended up in the lap of Mina who was hardly phased. 

"Not very manly, Kiri." She said, rolling her eyes and pushing him off of her. She laughed as he landed on Denki who discreetly offered his hand to him. I could feel Kacchan slide an arm around my waist and pull me into him. He leaned in and whispered to me, sending chills down my spine.

"Scared much, nerd?" I pinched his cheek angrily.

"S-shut up, Kacchan. This movie is scary!" I whispered defensively. He chuckled at that and put his head on top of mine so that I was laying on his chest. I could feel how fast his heart was beating... I knew the movie was scary! I thought triumphantly.

Katsuki's POV

The movie ended and I looked down to see the nerd fast asleep. He looked adorable, wrapped up in his blanket like burrito or some shit. 

I lifted him up in my arms and was about to take him to my room when I heard Pikachu call over to me. 

"Hey Bakugo, you mind helping us out? Kiri is so damn heavy..." Kirishima had also fallen asleep and it seemed the "squad" was struggling. I looked down at the nerd whose head was laying on my chest comfortably. 

"I'll take him." Todoroki walked over and held out his arms. I stared at him annoyed as hell that he was still there and trying to take my...trying to take Izuku.

"Please Bakugo." Dunce face whined annoyingly. I reluctantly passed Izuku to him carefully. He sleepily nuzzled closer to him and it almost made me sick. He looked up to make eye contact with me and I could have sworn he was almost smirking. He walked past me without another word. I watched with jealousy as the two of them went to his room.

Todoroki's POV

I closed the door behind me and set him gently on the bed. I looked down at his perfect sleeping face for a moment and then slipped into bed next to him. We were facing each other: Midoriya still wrapped in his blanket and fast asleep. I raised my hand to tuck his hair behind his ear and out of his face. His hair was weirdly my favorite physical feature of his. It was soft and slightly chaotic just like he was. I moved in closer so that he was up against my chest. I kissed his hair gently and ran my fingers through it. In this moment, every thing felt right. When I first met him...I made several assumptions about him. I assumed he was slightly incompetent and although want to be desperately, was not made to be a hero. I though his big heart which he wore on his sleeve would be his downfall. I was wrong though...his big heart made him an amazing hero. It brought me out of this constant inner turmoil I carried about my other half. He reached out to me and when I reluctantly took his hand...I never wanted to let it go...

Midoriya has been there for me since that day, always making sure I eat like the mother I never had. Always wanting me to be my best simply because I deserved that like the father I never had. He was everything to was it selfish if I so desperately wanted him to be even more? If I wanted him to be only mine? 

What I felt right was so right. We were so alike; we had always been so good to each other (even if I was nowhere near where he was). I felt him shift under me gently and I placed an arm around him. Wasn't there such a great chance that he could like me? That we could...fall in love?


I felt my daydream instantly shatter at that fond nickname he had for his childhood best friend turned bully.

"'s me, Midoriya." He pulled away from me slightly and looked up at me sleepily. 

"Oh hi Todoroki." he said through a yawn. "Oh. Did I fall asleep during the movie? I'm sorry if I was any trouble." He said sweetly. I smiled at how cute he was.

"N-no you weren't any trouble, Midoriya. I was just about to leave actually. It's pretty late." I got up and stretched. His eyes followed me, still partially asleep.

"Well alright, Todoroki. You know-" He yawned and turned over. "You're a pretty great friend." 

"You too, Midoriya."  I slipped out the door wordlessly as he had fallen asleep.

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