Blue Flame

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I opened my eyes slowly to really bright light. God, Katsuki is gonna freaking kill me for dying. I opened my eyes again now that they were better adjusted and realized I was very much still alive. I sat up slowly and found myself in a really large, comfortable bed. The sheets were black and silky and covered by a large fuzzy black blanket. I could stay like this forever. I'm not chained up so someone must have saved me after Dabi left. Suddenly I felt that someone was watching me and whipped my head around to find him sitting comfortably in a large cushioned armchair in the corner of the room a little bit away from the bed.


"How exciting. You're up." He said unenthusiastically. He stood up and walk towards me. I flinched when he reached out but he simply lightly touched my forehead. I realized it was bandaged. "It's not too bad." He said mostly to himself.

"How does it feel?" He said, watching me intently. I awkwardly looked away from him. "'s fine I guess but I don't understand-"

"Good." He walked to the door and began opening it. "The sooner you're able to leave the better."

"W-wait! You're...not gonna try to kill me?"

"I mean I could try and all but with that quirk of yours it might make a bit of a mess. I'm sure that injury last night prevented you but you won't have that problem today." So he doesn't know. It should probably stay that way. "And anyways I don't care if you're dead or not. You should be able to leave tonight." He walked out. The sooner I could get back home, the better. Everyone was probably worried about me so I should get going. I stood up and was about to leave when I caught sight of pen and paper on a small desk. I grabbed it and scribbled:

Thank you very much for not killing me. I appreciate that.

I smiled, satisfied, and then opened the door and peaked out. A large black wooden spiral stairwell descended before me. The entire house seemed to have a black theme to it, it was like a modern twist to an old house. I started walking down the stairs until I heard talking. I quietly continued walking down until I could see Dabi and Toga speaking in the living room.

"Get out of my house, psycho." He said, rolling his eyes.

"No because I'm pissed." She said angrily. "You let my Izuku go and now I have to go through the trouble of finding him and bringing him back to me."

"Well that's not my problem."

"I swear to god if you know where he is right now..."

"I couldn't care less about his whereabouts. I simply knocked you out and left."

"UGH." She walked out and slammed the door.

He slowly lifted his head and looked directly at me as if he somehow knew I had been watching. I backed away from the banister and started to descend.

"I...Thanks for saving me." I said with an uncomfortable smile. "I should probably go now."

"So soon?" He said as he backed me into the wall behind me. He was probably about as tall as Shoto and even more intimidating. I could see the details of his two-toned skin and the way it was separated by what looked like gruesome stitches. He smelled like cedar wood and his eyes bored into me. "I need your help, Deku."

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