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Palmer Technologies

"Yes!" Ray exclaimed happily, having finally succeeded in making his exosuit safely shrink.

He couldn't wait to try it out but his smart watch reminded him that he had a meeting with his new vice president Curtis Holt, one of the main reasons he wanted to move City Watch's base of operations to Verdant.

Curtis was smart, too smart for City Watch to operate in the same building he worked in but just perfect for Palmer Technologies and Ray's vision for the company and Starling, hence he was staying and the Watch had to move.

John and Thea stood in the almost empty basement that was going to he their base of operations, each recalling the first time they visited the room.

"We need a new entrance." John said, gaining Thea's attention. "The only entrance for the base is known to the police and we can't risk people recognizing a pattern and finding us using an algorithm again, which means we need to change a few things."

"That sounds like a lot of work that requires a lot of planning, resources and everything." Thea commented.

"I think Ray already has plans in mind. The way he proposed the idea makes me think that he has things planned out. Like having me as Verdant's Head of Security and..."

"About that, I, er, asked Scott to set up a meeting with Wolf Pack Security's leader for me."

"Wolf Pack Security?" John inquired.

"A security company that he uses for his fundraiser shows. It's really effective and efficient." Thea replied.

"Isn't he on some band?"

"He's a multi-tasker and the security he uses is the best I've seen."

"I've never heard of Wolf Pack Security." John said.

"It's a new private security company."

"If it's so new, how is it possible that it's the best you've seen?"

"I don't know, maybe training." Thea responded.

"Or they could be Ghosts masquerading as security guards." John suggested.

"I doubt it."

"Doubt is exactly what we don't need, Thea. I'll have Ray run a background check on Wolf Pack Security."

"And Scott." Thea added.


"I knew it!" She exclaimed, catching John off guard. "The security company isn't really the problem, Scott is. What do you have against him? You just met him!"

"I don't have anything against him." John said. "It's just strange that he is associated with a new private security company that is the best you've seen when just a few months ago an organized group of criminals came to town and have been making their presence known ever since.

So far, no one has been able to successfully capture even a single Ghost. Not us and definitely not the police. What do you think would happen if Wolf Pack Security somehow successfully capture a Ghost?"

"I don't know."

"The police department is overwhelmed and strained right now. If this new private security company successfully captures a Ghost and delivers him to the police, the police might contract Wolf Pack Security. And who is to say we won't be targets next?

If Wolf Pack Security is a Ghost front company created to gain the city's trust, things might go from bad to worse. We need to know what we're dealing with, Thea."

"Fine." Thea conceded, although she figured John would realize that Scott was a good guy in the end. "What do I do if Scott is able to arrange the meeting before the background check is done?"

"I will accompany you to the meeting as your Head of Security."

"What happens if Scott and Wolf Pack Security aren't linked to the Ghosts?" She followed up.

"If Wolf Pack Security is as good as you say it is, we might need to take extra measures to ensure that our vigilante identities and activities remain our secret." John replied.

"And you will have to be nicer to Scott." Thea added.

"I'll try, if I don't find you two sleeping together in your car again." John said, a moment before he received a call from Laurel and he answered. "Laurel, what's up?"

"Hey." Laurel greeted. "My dad wants us to help him with something."

While Laurel filled John and Thea in on what she learned last night, rehired Verdant employees arrived one by one upstairs and proceeded to go about their jobs, getting the club ready for Friday.
Scott's House in Starling City

"How many people were detained last night?" Scott asked Theo who he found waiting for him.

"Twenty seven, sir." Theo answered.

"That's still high."

"It's still high, but only five of the twenty seven had to be sent to police stations."

"Speaking of, the local police force is about to lose fifty four corrupt police officers and Wolf Pack Security needs to be right there to fill the vacuum." Scott said.

"It will be, Shadow. Walter Steele, the CFO of Starling National Bank and ex-husband of Moira Queen, personally made an appointment with me this morning." Theo revealed. "He has a solid clout and with him as our client, Wolf Pack will be the brightest star in Starling City."

"Good. Good. Walter Steele is a big player in the city." Scott responded, contemplating. "If he's heard about Wolf Pack Security, he knows about Starring Glades and has at least heard my name.

He might just be the person I need to get me into the city's inner political circle and kick-start my political career. When is the appointment? Oh, while we're at it, Thea wants to talk business with you for her nightclub's security. I want you to meet with her this afternoon during your 'lunch break'."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2021 ⏰

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