City Watch

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Thea Queen's Loft

Thea Queen laid awake on her bed late at night, thinking about how things were going to be different now that her older brother, half brother, Oliver Queen moved away from Starling City with Felicity.

It was her time to protect the city but just as Oliver wasn't alone, she wasn't either. She had Laurel, John and Ray, but she was thinking about getting a companion animal, preferably a dog.

After the previous Ra's al Ghul attacked her at the loft and very much nearly killed her, Thea found that she didn't like living alone. It was either she got a companion animal or a roommate, but considering her identity as Speedy, the former was the better option.

A third option was leaving the loft but Thea's pride couldn't let Ra's win, not after he left her to slowly bleed out in her own home and almost killed the whole city and most importantly Oliver's soul.

No, she wasn't going to leave her loft, nor was she going to allow Starling City to be destroyed by people like Ra's al Ghul.

With that thought in mind, Thea got out of bed with the intention to patrol the city as Speedy and blow off some steam.

Thinking about the man that drove her to the doorstep of death filled her with energy she needed to do something to release, and she intended to.
Ashkiri Temple

"I heard that you were back, Master Qaramzi el Zal." Enchantress, a rather beautiful woman appearing to be in her twenties, said, standing outside Qaramzi el Zal's closed bedroom door. "May I enter?"

Qaramzi el Zal, who was reading the profiles of tech savvy Visible Shadows on his laptop at his study table, paused for a moment before he closed the laptop and responded.


Enchantress entered and closed the door behind her."

"Are you ever going to stop calling me Master?" Qaramzi el Zal inquired, giving her his attention and he was pleased to smell a very distinct scent from her chemo-signals.

"Well, you are one of my two masters, are you not? With how much control and power Shadow has been giving you over the Guild for the last two years, I suspect you'll be my sole master soon enough." Enchantress replied, walking towards Qaramzi el Zal's bed. "It's only fitting that I call you Master.

And don't pretend you don't love hearing a goddess call you her master. I know you love it, perhaps as much as I love having you inside me."

Qaramzi el Zal watched as Enchantress laid on her side on his bed, facing him, and tilted his head to the side as she seductively bit her bottom lip and just as seductively raised her dress to expose her flawless thighs.

"Alright. I'll not pretend, but I'll correct you." He said, and moved away from the study table and slowly, like a red-eyed predator stalking a prey, walked to his bed. "It's not because you're a goddess, it's because I earned your respect and submission.

When Shadow ordered you to start teaching me, you didn't address me as your master, as a matter of fact, I was calling you Mistress and you thought that I was beneath you."

"What makes you think I no longer think that you're beneath me?" Enchantress asked, their eyes meeting as she laid on her back and Qaramzi el Zal climbed on the bed, got between her legs and lowered himself until they were face to face, one of his hands caressing its way up her dress.

"You're in my bedroom, are you not?" He inquired, and Enchantress nodded, breathing a bit faster with each passing second and millimeter. "You're on my bed, are you not? (Another nod, which caused their lips to caress, and so did their clothed crotches, eliciting a moan from her and a low growl from him)

And you are going to beg me to finally give you release from all that pent up sexual frustration we built over the week I've been away, are you not?"

"Yes." Enchantress answered with but a whisper.

"Then you have your answer, Ashkiri Goddess of Darkness." Qaramzi el Zal said, before their lips met.
Nanda Parbat

Nyssa al Ghul couldn't help but feel like she was surrounded by enemies and wondered why she returned to the League, but most of all, why Oliver made Malcolm Merlyn Ra's al Ghul.

It appeared she was destined to be denied the position of Ra's al Ghul just as her older half sister Talia was, but worse for her, she had to endure living and serving under another Ra's she loathed and fear for her life.

It was like the world was telling Nyssa that no matter how much she enjoyed her time in Starling with Laurel Lance, life outside the League wasn't meant to be nor was leadership of the League.

It was like she didn't deserve any kind of happiness or peaceful life, and she was coming to accept that, but that didn't mean she couldn't nurse the hatred she felt for Ra's for making Thea kill Sara.

Oh, no. Nyssa planned to nurse that hatred and use it as fuel to train and push herself over the limit, to improve, just so that she could fulfill her blood oath to Laurel and make Ra's al Ghul Malcolm Merlyn pay.
Palmer Technologies

While Speedy patrolled Starling, Ray Palmer was busy upgrading his A.T.O.M. Exosuit although he wasn't sure just how much time he was going to be able to use it without Felicity to cover for him at work.

But he didn't want to dwell on that, hence he focused on upgrading the suit, specifically trying to add a shrinking feature.

Ray wasn't under any illusion that he was the best fighter of Team Arrow, well; they probably went by another name now that Oliver wasn't around.

Regardless of their team name, Ray knew he was the least trained member of the team and so he wanted to contribute something that the others couldn't, like shrinking, and he intended to achieve that feat because it would help the team watch over the city and each other.

At that thought, Ray paused, and thought about how they watched over the city and a new team name came to mind, City Watch.

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