Boy Meets Girl

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Outside Starling City Police Department

When Quentin got to his car, a few minutes after his talk with Naomi, he found a note on his windshield and after looking around, he picked it up.

"'Dear Captain Quentin Lance'." He read. "'Starling City is dying, that is a known fact. I wish to revitalize it but its defensive system is corrupt and cancerous. Instead of helping the city stay alive, it's actually damaging and negatively contributing to its impending death, and I can't allow that.

You'll find a backpack in your car and in it you'll find files on some of the corrupt and cancerous parts of your department and evidence that will ensure that they are removed.

I'm entrusting this information to you because I'm testing you and I hope you'll do the right thing. What are you going to do first? Check if the backpack's contents are authentic and do your duty or satisfy your curiosity and look for me? Or maybe do both and divide and waste city resources?'"

The Glades

The event ended on a high note with the crowd going home with renewed hope. Some, however, had other plans.

"Hi, Scott." Selene, an attendee of the fundraiser show, greeted Scott who was conversing with Star City Band after they all showered at a nearby house.

"Hey..." He returned the greeting, turning to address the girl who had friends with her, and paused for her to introduce herself.


"Hey, Selene." Scott completed with a smile.

"I, we (she pointed at her friends), really enjoyed your (she pointed at Star City Band and Scott) performance and were wondering if we could enjoy your company over drinks." Selene said, returning the smile with one of her own.

"Definitely." Lucas, the lead vocalist of Star City Band, replied, eyes locked with one of Selenes friends.

"Maybe some other time." Mason said, approaching the group. "There are people who'd like to speak business with you guys."

"Which people?" Scott inquired.

"Club managers and the likes."

"In that case, Scott has it covered." Alex, the band's drummer, replied.

"I have other plans." Scott said, looking at Selene. "And since I'm not part of Star City Band..."

"They want Star City Band and Scott McCall, not just Star City Band." Mason interrupted, putting emphasis on 'and'.

"And since you led all the songs, I bet they want to speak with you." Lucas added, glad that Scott's songs weren't for him to sing.

"They do." Mason concurred.

"They would be here if they wanted to speak with me." Scott responded.

"I'm here." Thea said, walking towards them, having left the other club managers and the likes to find the performers on her own. "I'd like to have your band perform at my nightclub's reopening this Friday and Saturday."

Scott released a sigh, having hoped to spend the night without business on his mind.

"Do your thing then give me a call." Selene told Scott, giving him a piece of paper with her phone number, which she wrote during the back and forth, before she turned around and walked away, quite provocatively.

"I'm taking fifty percent of your individual cuts." Scott declared a moment after watching her leave, looking at Star City Band members while putting the piece of paper into his jacket pocket, daring them to say otherwise.

"Ten." Alicia, the band's only female and lead guitarist, dared, not surprising Scott or the band.

"I have a nonprofit organization to run and shows to organize, weekly, Alicia. Ten percent isn't enough for me to add being Star City Band's manager and lead to my plate."

"Fine, fifteen." Alicia compromised, but stood her ground when Scott seemed to want more. "Take it or leave it."

"We have a deal, then." Scott replied, and shook hands with her before he gave Mason his contact cards to give to the other club managers then turned towards Thea.

"See you tomorrow, Scott." Lucas said, walking away with one of Selenes friends, and he wasn't the only one.

"Fifty percent, really?" Thea asked as Mason departed as well.

"It was worth a try." Scott responded. "And I really wanted to have some fun tonight instead of discuss business."

"You could have just said so. We can talk tomorrow."

"Tomorrow is Thursday and your club's reopening is on Friday. This is already short notice and will cost you. Do you really want to wait until tomorrow?" Scott asked.

"How much are we talking about?" Thea inquired, seeing his point.

"It depends. Does the gig include us bringing our equipment or does your club have its own? How many songs do you want us to play per night? And how is your security?"

"Speaking of security, could you refer me to the security company you use for your shows?" Thea asked, having been impressed by it.

"I could but you have security for your opening night, don't you?"

"Yeah. But after seeing the security company working on your shows in action... I think Verdant's security needs an upgrade."

"Verdant is your nightclub?" Scott asked, and received a positive answer. "I now know the name of your club but not yours."

"Thea." Thea introduced herself, extending her hand for a handshake.

"Just Thea?" Scott inquired, accepting the hand shake.

"Um, Thea Queen."

"Nice to meet you, Thea Queen. I'm Scott McCall." Scott introduced himself, and then whispered as they began to walk towards Thea's car after the handshake. "The guy you just cockblocked."

"Come again?"

"Let's talk business."

"That's not what you said." Thea replied.

"What did I say?"

"That I cockblocked you."

"You heard me say that?" Scott asked, pretending as though he didn't.

"I heard you whisper it."

"Well, it's true."

"You could have turned me down or just given me your number." Thea responded.

"True, but who, in their right mind, would turn down seventy five percent bonus and a free dinner." Scott asked, causing Thea to come to a halt and ask a question of her own.

"Free dinner?"

"I just finished a show and I haven't eaten in hours, Thea." Scott replied, stopping as well. "Food is at the top of my priorities right now."

ShadowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora