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The Glades

Thea was surprised when she arrived at the fundraiser show to find that the venue was actually in the middle of the road of the poorest and most crime infested area in the Glades. But what surprised her even more was the huge crowd the show drew, it was ridiculous.

"Thea? What are you doing here?" Mason asked, noticing her in the crowd.

"Hi! You didn't say anything about the huge crowd this fundraiser brings."

"You didn't ask. The show is free and doesn't discriminate, hence the crowd. Plus Scott has earned himself loyal fans and followers these past six weeks, the fact that he promised a turn up performance was too much for them to resist coming." Mason responded, sounding like one such fan and follower himself.

"But where is security? I haven't seen any." Thea inquired, having looked around while packing.

"And you won't, unless someone tries something and even then, just for a moment. We have the best new private security company in the city. Only there when you need them, like guardian angels, and when you don't they blend in and you forget that they're still around."

Another surprise for Thea, but just as she was about to ask another question, Mason suddenly brought a hand towards his ears and seemed to listen in, then turned his attention back to her.

"I have to go. The show is about to open." He informed her. "I'll see you later."

Thea acknowledged and while Mason disappeared into the crowd she moved closer to the stage, as close as she could with the sea of people already there, and waited before a woman, holding a microphone, walked onto the stage and the crowd went silent.

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to...!" MC opened.

"Starring Glades!" The crowd completed in unison, very loudly.

"Starring Glades!" MC repeated, energetically. "But... Our founder Scott McCall would like to introduce a new band that will star for this week's show. Speaking about stars, the CEO of Palmer Technologies has given consent for the band to use the name Star City Band. (Applause/whistles/cheers)

Now, please, welcome Star City Band and Scott McCall!"

Just then, Scott began to sing.

🎶 (Five North - Back to the Day)

Coming from the crowd.

"'You are the ghost inside my mirror
Empty promises I've made
If only I could show you
The man I am today

Walking towards the stage and the curtain rose to reveal Star City Band. (Cheers and screams)

I've been searching for the words
To say I miss you
I've been waiting for the day
You come back home

The crowd went crazy once he climbed the stage and raised the bar.

Take me
Back to the days
When we were only seventeen...'"

For the first time since being healed by the Lazarus Pool, Thea found another way to work out the excess energy she had, by losing herself to the song and dancing.

For a good few minutes, she felt free even as memories of her teenage years leading to now, began to flash through her mind and all the people she has lost, including her mother Moira Queen, Robert Queen, Walter Steele, Tommy Merlyn, Roy Harper and Sara Lance, the one she killed.

And just like that, silent tears fell down Thea's checks due to the lyrics and the memories, but she continued to dance, even as the band smoothly changed the song.

Star City Band and Scott McCall transitioned to

🎶 Five North – Homesick

And received another positive response from the crowd.

Though Enchantress wasn't familiar with the genre, she related to the lyrics, because of what happened to her brother Incubus, and listened to them and Scott's voice intently from the backstage. She felt how personal the lyrics were for Scott and knew that he wrote the songs.

Indeed, Scott wrote them and as he sang he didn't see the crowd, he saw the people he left home in the crowd's place. His mother Melissa McCall, Rafael McCall, Allison, Stiles, Alan Deaton, Lydia Martin, Noah Stilinski, Kira, Derek Hale, Chris Argent and even Aiden, who died for Scott's cause, and Ethan.

Ever since Enchantress told Scott about not wanting to move on to another world, his suspicion that she teleported him from his home Earth to this Earth, highly likely due to Dusan's request, was confirmed.

He was certain that she took him from the people he loved and that she could return him, but he was afraid of returning. Not only because he felt he would only bring his family, friends and town nothing but pain and suffering, like he did every time he tried to fight back, but also because of whom he was now.

The days leading to Scott's appearance in this world were not pleasant, they were dark. He was so broken by Allison's death and blamed himself, more than Stiles and the dark kitsune that possessed him, that he'd finally decided to become the alpha and killer Deucalion said he was meant to be.

Because he believed that if he'd been more like that, he would have been able to save Allison, she wouldn't have had to re-confess her love for him while dying in his arms.

Oh, Scott took great pleasure in giving his first bite to the nogitsune as a 'gift', although the kitsune's death didn't fill the void left by Allison's death.

At the end of the second song, Star City Band and Scott left the stage to give other acts the stage. They were only supposed to open and close the show and that was what they were going to do.

Scott disappeared after they got off the stage and after speaking with Enchantress to be alone, away from everyone, so he went to the destroyed East Sector of the Glades.

As much as the songs were energetic and oh so full of life, the lyrics were heavy. They were Scott's inner thoughts and he intentionally let them out to finally release all that he's felt since Allison died, since Peter Hale bit him, actually.

And all because one of the Guild's psychologists was brave enough to tell him that he wasn't doing himself a favor by keeping everything inside and suggested that he find a nonviolent way to express himself. Scott was glad he listened to her.

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