Arrow; The Dark Archer Comic Continuity

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The Sea of Souls

Enchantress and Scott arrived earlier in Corto Maltese not far from Death Road where Malcolm was testing a new motorcycle equipped with stealth technology.

The sight reminded Scott of his dirt bike and Enchantress caught on his desire to acquire Malcolm's new tech and made that happen.

When Malcolm crashed she protected the stealth motorcycle and made him, and the other man, think that they saw it explode and fall off the road, prompting Malcolm to leave it behind in favor of a llama.

But since then there was an attack on Malcolm's Fortress and Malcolm was forced into it and trapped inside then driven even deeper into it until he and his companions reached the Sea of Souls by the Hidden led by a woman who identified herself as Lourdes and her son Saracon.

Meanwhile Scott asked Enchantress to steal the blueprints and the tech in Malcolm's Secret Lab and kidnap those working in it along with their families and take them to Ashkiri Temple.

He was quite glad that she tagged along; otherwise they wouldn't have been able to acquire all that, at least not without bloodshed.

The Guild of Shadows advanced its technology via its own tech savvy Shadows but also by stealing and this was no different, except Scott intended to recruit Malcolm's obviously overworked employees.

Having their families kidnapped was so that Malcolm couldn't find them and to give the employees incentive to work for Scott since they would get to live with their families in Ashkiri City while working for the Guild.

But it has been hours since then and Enchantress and Scott were in the Sea of Souls and the former wasn't pleased in the slightest, she was furious, beyond furious.

They teleported into the Sea of Souls a moment after Saracon blew up Malcolm's inhumane experiment and watched Saracon's mother die in his arms, the fight between Malcolm and Saracon and Nyssa and Rainie's arrival which prompted Saracon's escape but not before he said something surprising.

But that wasn't what had Enchantress furious. The reason Enchantress teleported them into the Sea of Souls was because she felt her brother Incubus' presence there while they were frying the Lab's servers and removing evidence of their presence in the locked lab.

The explosion and fight, including Nyssa and Rainie's arrival, delayed their search for Incubus' presence but after it was confirmed that Saracon was Malcolm's son and Malcolm and his party left, Enchantress found her brother's heart on the ground, half eaten, and she was understandably upset.

Since Scott had been watching the Hidden while Enchantress was doing as he asked, he knew that Saracon was the one who took a bite out of Incubus' heart from seeing him eat the llama's heart earlier as a sacrificial ritual of some kind.

"Take your brother's heart and this woman's body to the Temple then return for me, Enchantress. I'm going after Saracon; he's the one who did that (pointing at the heart in her hands)." Scott said, and received a death glare.

"Then I'm going after him." Enchantress declared.

"No, you're not. I've given you an order and you'll follow it."

"Says who?" Enchantress challenged.

"I understand your fury, but it's clouding your mind right now." Scott said, resisting the urge to threaten her and reveal that Dusan left her heart in his care and not someone unknown who would kill her if she betrays him. "You can't go after Saracon and get your brother's heart out of here at the same time.

That's why I'm the one who is going after Saracon and you are taking your brother's heart and Saracon's mother's body to the Temple."

Though her mood wasn't improved by what Scott said, Enchantress silently acknowledged that he was right.

"See to your brother's heart and tell Kahenah to prepare the woman's body for resurrection before you come for me." Scott said upon Enchantress' silence, and approached her to caress her cheek. "Trust in me, OK?

I have plans for Saracon's mother. She's the key to acquiring the Hidden and knowledge about Malcolm's past. I'll capture Saracon for you and once you've calmed down you will decide what happens to him, he's all yours."

At that moment, the state of the mountain became clear as it began to collapse on itself.

"Fine!" Enchantress reluctantly responded. "But this whole mountain could collapse on you before you reach him and he has a head start. I'll teleport you to him."

"Alright." Scott agreed, although he doubted Saracon was that far considering he had a sword buried in his chest and had to swim out of there.

Mountain Opposite Malcolm Merlyn's Fortress

Malcolm watched in disbelief as the entire mountain his fortress and lab were built on and in collapsed on itself from the mountain opposite to it. They'd just crossed the bridge connecting the two before it fell apart, and his lifework a moment later and he couldn't believe it.

"I can't believe this." Malcolm said, even as he was witness.

"Neither can I." Rainie concurred, guilt eating at her. "All those people are dying because I sealed them inside the lab when all they wanted was to go home to their families."

"That's not what I'm talking about. Do you have any idea how much I lost?!" Malcolm exploded.

Nyssa didn't want to listen to Malcolm rant all the way to Nanda Parbat and since he already lost a lot of blood she easily and swiftly knocked him out.

"What?" She asked Rainie, who didn't know whether to approve or disapprove.

Scott found Saracon struggling to hold on to a rock to prevent himself from being washed away by the stream, due to the collapsing mountain increasing the flow, and swam towards him.

Saracon suddenly saw someone swimming towards him and breathed a sigh of relief, that's until he realized the direction that someone was coming from but by then Scott was already within arms reach and Saracon couldn't put much of a fight before he was knocked out.

With that done, Scott carried the unconscious Saracon towards the stable mountain to wait for Enchantress to get them.

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