Future-raiser Shows

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The Glades

Thea witnessed what Mason told her about the security the show had when two gang members from different gangs began to cause a disturbance with their respective gang members backing them up, although some tried to stop them.

They were about eight of them in total, each side equal, but when the disturbance was about to get out of control with weapons being brought out, including guns and knives, the situation was contained within a moment's notice.

Eight people, all dressed casually and were previously enjoying the show with everyone, surprised the gang members by approaching them from behind and swiftly forced their arms behind their backs and handcuffed them.

Then two more people appeared from the crowd, one making way for the others to walk the detainees somewhere else while the other guarded their backs. For some reason, the detainees didn't make a fuss while they were walked away, not even a little.

"It's either they go peacefully or they lose their dignity on top of losing their weapons and cleaning this place up later." Mason said, surprising Thea who almost knocked him out and he apologized for the scare. "Sorry."

"What do you mean?" Thea asked, wondering how he found her.

"Everyone who causes a disturbance has to help the cleanup crew or be reported to the police, considering they usually have weapons on them, they usually choose to help the cleanup crew." Mason began to explain, and continued.

"But for those who don't want to go peacefully, they are brought to the stage at the tail end of the show to be named and shamed for what they did before being handed over to the police, with the weapons they carried and sometimes drugs.

Some of those weapons lead to cold cases being solved and sometimes open cans of worms that lead to multiple arrests, especially when drugs are involved.

For those that go peacefully, they just have their weapons and drugs taken, if they weren't selling them here, then get to help the cleanup crew. That is if what they did isn't a big deal."

"Wow. This suddenly feels like its more than a series of fundraiser shows." Thea commented.

"Of course, it's more than a series of fundraiser shows!" Mason concurred, gaining Thea's attention which was about to focus on the stage where paintings were put on display, complemented by spoken word. "Scott calls the shows future-raiser shows.

Local talent is showcased and promoted, the community has an activity that brings it together once a week and during that activity, weapons and drugs are taken off the streets, criminals and law breakers are arrested with evidence that guarantees their conviction and kids have a variety of role models to choose from other than gangsters.

All that while fundraising and giving the community a guaranteed safe environment once a week, and speaking about fundraising. Everything you see being sold here, legally of course, is sold and managed by locals who have business minds but not the means to start their own businesses.

I heard that Scott promised to provide them the means to start their own business if they prove themselves capable, work as a unit and present a sound business plan by the time we reach our target. So, this feels like its more than a series of fundraiser shows because it's more than that, hence the name Beacon Fundraisers."

"The shows draw in big crowds because they are a beacon, a literal beacon." Thea realized, amazed.

"They are literal beacons of hope for a better Glades and Starling City in the middle of a neighborhood identified as the most hopeless, dangerous, poorest and crime-ridden area in the city, the reason why I volunteer to help make it possible." Mason agreed, before he excitedly exclaimed while looking at the stage. "Hey, that's my little brother Liam; it's his time to perform!"

East Sector of the Glades

After some time in the area, just walking around, Scott received a call from a Shadow.

"We've found five hitmen and two hitwomen in the crowd sent for you, sir." Shadow1 informed Scott.

"Are they dead?" Scott asked.

"Three of the men and one woman were able to kill themselves before we could secure them." Shadow1 replied. "The survivors are currently unconscious and without means to commit suicide. We've confirmed that they are Bees, sir."

"How many Bees do we have now, Shadow1?"

"Seven, sir. Queen Bee has been increasing quantity with each failure."

"Then it's a good thing that we are about quality and not quantity. Good job, Shadow1." Scott said, proud of his secret organization. "Make that delivery; it's time to clean up the Starling City Police Department."

"On it, sir."

"Give the phone to Enchantress." Scott instructed, deciding to return to the show.

The Glades


"It's time to maximize security. Seven Bees were found at the show this week, it won't be long until Queen Bee starts targeting everyone at the shows and associated with me, I want to be a step ahead." Scott said.

"You're always at least a step ahead, but alright. Remember that I'm leaving after your performance. I still have to look for that annoying Nth metal you want." Enchantress responded.

"Thanks. I haven't forgotten that's why I'm asking you to maximize security right now."

They ended the call and Enchantress returned the phone to Shadow1 before she activated a pre-prepared spell to protect everyone involved with Beacon Fundraisers shows and the shows themselves.

Scott was intentionally messing with someone's plans and they knew that that person would stop at nothing to either stop him or get rid of him and they had taken measures to ensure that wouldn't happen.

One such measure was illegally and secretly acquiring the blood of everyone linked to the shows to make the spell. It was either that or let Queen Bee destroy the moral and lives of Scott's team and succeed in his plays and Scott wasn't going to let that happen.

Scott had big plans and the shows were just the start, they were the key and Enchantress intended to ensure that his plans went according to plan, but only when he asks for assistance. He didnt want to depend on her and made the effort to do things without her help and Enchantress liked that.

But since neither the Guild of Shadows nor the Hidden have been able to locate the Staff of Horus, so Scott asked Enchantress to locate it for him and he would collect it himself. She liked that as well.

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