匚卄卂卩ㄒ乇尺 20

41 3 0

Warning- There's a non-graphic depiction of mass death at the end!

Tsukaochi was very tired. Earlier that morning, he and his team had went to the location Neko gave them so that they could capture the League. Except, there was no one there. The bar was completely barren, though it looked like a fight had taken place there. The villains must've gotten away before they got there. Really, they should've went sooner. He wasn't entirely sure why they had waited so long, but they had, and now they had lost their chance at capturing the League of Villains.

It was frustrating, really. They were so close to catching them, and it was obvious that it was the League's old base with all the dust from Shigiraki's quirk. If they had gone a bit sooner, the League would've been captured, but they hadn't and now the League was still on the loose, who knows where and planning who knows what.

Well, at least now they knew that they'd need to be quicker next time.

╚»★«╝ _ ╚»★«╝

The new base was a small, abandoned warehouse. It didn't need too be very big, since their group only really consisted of him, Kurogiri, and Sensei. Still, Shigiraki had been hoping for a bigger base with a bedroom for him, and he was pretty sure Kurogiri wanted a new bar. While Shigiraki didn't care that much about what Kurogiri had wanted, he knew that the bar kept Kurogiri relatively calm, and Kurogiri could be scary when he was mad.

Luckily, Sensei said that it was only temporary. Soon they'd be moving to a better, more permanet base, and while Shigiraki still didn't look forward to moving, he was glad that this was only temporary, rather than being permanet.

Currently he had his possessions on one side of the base, while Kurogiri took the other side. Though Shigiraki wasn't sure why the misty man needed a whole side to himself, seeing as he only really had a bunch of glasses, and his bed. Sensei had set it up, though, so he wasn't going to question it.

Hopefully, their new base would be better than this one. Sensei said that it would be better, so it probably would be, but Shigiraki was still going to be annoyed that they had to move bases.

╚»★«╝ _ ╚»★«╝

Midoriya sat in his seat behind Bakugou, staring at the list of names. It was a list of all the heroes that they could choose to intern under for the next week. Since they wouldn't be doing the Sports Festival this year, no one got any internship offers, meaning that they were using a list of hero agencies that were open to internships even if no offers were extended.

He was trying to figure out which hero would be a good choice for him to intern under, but he was finding it a bit difficult. There weren't many people who used magic, let alone dark magic like his, so he would already have a hard time finding someone who could help him. And too add onto that, there weren't any heroes out there who used magic, so his best bet would be to find someone with a quirk that worked similarly to one of his spells. Except he couldn't find anyone on the list like that, and if he did, they wouldn't be able to help him with it.

So, he was at a loss for what to do.

He sighed and stood up, before walking over to Uraraka's desk. "Hey Uraraka-chan, I was wondering, do you think you could help me find someone to intern with? I know that we aren't really alike in our abilities or anything, but you're the only other person in class who uses magic so I figured that maybe you could help me?"

Uraraka giggled at his rambling, "Well, I was planning on going with Gunhead, since he does a martial arts class. I figured it'd be helpful to know how to fight without using my quirk or my magic, y'know?"

"Oh! Actually, that's a really good idea. I mean the League knows how to get rid of my magic even with my counter charms, so no doubt other villains will be able to figure it out too, and I don't actually have a quirk to rely on and yours is close-ranged, so having an alternate option for fights would be a really useful asset to have- andd I'm rambling again aren't I?"

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