匚卄卂卩ㄒ乇尺 18

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"Get away from my friend!" Midoriya growled, his form much larger than it usually would've been. The area behind him was in chaos due to the Nomu, but if Iida didn't know better he might've thought that Midoriya did it himself. Honestly, he looked quite terrifying when he was angry.

While Iida couldn't tell what expression Stain was making, his tone held defiance and annoyance as he said, "This boy is your friend? He's a fake hero, you shouldn't associate with him. Tell me why I shouldn't kill him right now." Midoriya's scowl deepened, and the shadows in the alleyway started to twist and turn, bubbling up like hot tar that Midoriya could control with a flick of his wrist.

"Because if you don't step away from his willingly," Midoriya started, an angry venom dripping from his voice, "I'll force you to myself." Midoriya took a step forward, and the shadows around him started to bubble more than the rest, some of the shadows turning into physical tendrils of darkness.

Stain laughed, "You really think you can beat me?"

Midoriya tilted his head, almost innocently as he said, "No. I don't need to beat you, I just need to protect Iida-kun until the pros arrive."

Tears welled up in Iida's eyes as he watched Midoriya, and he couldn't help himself when he yelled, "Midoriya-san, no!! This is my fight, you'll only get hurt!!"

Midoriya paid no attention as he stepped forward, and Stain said, "He's right, you know. If you leave here now, I'll spare you."

Midoriya gave an enraged growl, and the shadows lifted up suddenly, darting at Stain from every direction. Stain jumped upwards in an attempt to dodge the attack, but more shadows came crashing down from above, easily knocking him into the concrete. He only lay there stunned for a moment, before standing back up, and charging at Midoriya with his katana in hand.

Midoriya narrowed his eyes slightly, and muttered out a spell. Soon after, Stain froze up, as if he had been turned to stone. Midoriya approached his frozen form, and tapped him idly, easily knocking him over like a domino. While the impact wasn't very strong, it seemed to be enough to knock Stain out of his trance. He stood back up with a growl, and Midoriya said, "What? You don't like being paralyzed?" Iida was surprised by that. Midoriya wasn't normally the type to taunt his opponents like that, but perhaps it was just because he was angry at the moment.

Stain didn't respond, instead going for another charge, which was blocked by a wall of shadow. Stain slashed through the wall with his katana, and Midoriya lept backwards in order to avoid the long blade. The shadows attacked Stain once more, and Stain only barely managed to dodge it, though he ended up in an even darker part of the alley. Midoriya easily manipulated the shadows to trap Stain, and all he could do was helplessly struggle against it.

Midoriya glared at him, before sighing and walking over to Iida, "How injured are you, Iida-kun?"

Iida looked at his expression, which had quickly changed from anger to worry, and he sighed and said, "Just the cut on my back.. I'm not sure how bad it is, though."

Midoriya nodded, "Can you move?"

Iida shook his head at that, "No. I think it's his quirk."

Midoriya nodded, and walked away from him to check up on Native, who was unmoving and sitting in a pool of his own pool. Midoriya put two fingers against his neck and said, "He's not dead, just unconsious. I need to get you two out of here before Stain breaks free - I don't know how strong those shadows are."

Midorya then picked up Native with a surprising ease, and took him out to the front of the alleyway. He set him down, and walked over to Iida, easily doing the same with him.

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