匚卄卂卩ㄒ乇尺 16

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"Shit.." Both Neko and Midoriya said.

Stepping out of the circle, Midoriya only felt a tiny dribble of magic returning to him. 'Double shit...'

(Neko faintly noticed the smell of smoke)

The spiral of mist grew bigger, and long before either of them could even begin too make their way towards the door, Shigiraki stepped out of the portal, followed by Kurogiri.

Neko pulled out a knife, and Shigiraki growled, "I thought you were a member of our party!! You weren't supposed to free the mini-boss!! I'll just have to kill you, then!!" Without a moment of hesitation, Shigiraki lunged at Neko, who barely managed to side-step Shigiraki's outstretched hand. Neko slashed at Shigiraki's hand, managing to leave a sloppy cut on his palm. Shigiraki angrily lunged at Neko again, sucessfully grabbing Neko's shoulder. As his hoodie began to disintigate, Midoriya threw himself at Shigiraki, forcing him to let go.

Neko stared at the disingrated part of the cloth, shock written across his face. That disingration was probably Shigiraki's quirk..

Shigiraki easily shoved Midoriya off of him, careful to only touch him with four fingers, as if he didn't want to end up injuring him. However, as Shigiraki tried to get up, Midoriya stomped on his gut, pinning him down.

Well, he tried to, atleast, but Kurogiri created a portal under his foot, causing for him to miss his target and go off balance, falling into the portal. The portal dropped him away from the fight, which also happened to be closer to the door.

"RUN!!" Yelled Neko, as he dodged another attack from Shigiraki. Midoriya hesitated, however. He was a hero student, wasn't he? And heros don't leave people behind. So he shouldn't leave Neko behind! But, Kurogiri wasn't going to let him get close to the fight if he tried to help. And his magic still didn't work, so how much help would he even be...?

Neko slashed another knife at Shigiraki, "I said, run!!!"

Yeah, he'd probably just be in the way if he stayed. He scrambled to stand up, and began running towards the door, barely managing to aviod the portal that Kurogiri created. He opened up the door, whispering, "I'm sorry, Neko.." before running out.

Neko smirked under his mask. Now that Midoriya was out of the way, hopefully, the fight would be easier. Especially if he could manage to use his quirk..

"Hey Kurogiri, what's with you and always cleaning those damned cups? It's not like anyone ever uses them!!" Neko said, dodging another one of Shigiraki's attacks. Hopefully, that would get a response...

"Do not disrespec-" Kurogiri started, before freezing up suddenly. "Use your portals to teleport Shigiraki into his room." Neko comanded. Kurogiri did so, and Neko took that opprotunity to escape as well, before Shigiraki came back.

"Mission success.."

╚»★«╝ _ ╚»★«╝

Midoriya panted as he ran, feeling drained. He hadn't eaten much of the food that the League had given him while he was there, not trusting it. Meaning, he didn't have much energy left. However, he had to keep running. If he didn't, the villains could catch him again, and what Neko had done would be all for nothing. Plus, he had to get back home, to Mutsutafu! So he kept pushing himself, running further and further despite his exhaustion.

Eventually, he couldn't run any more, and colapsed onto the ground. He kept pushing, though, and began crawling across the sidewalk, but his vision was starting to darken. Before he knew it, he was passed out on the sidewalk, somewhere in Kamino.

╚»★«╝ _ ╚»★«╝

Hisashi was about ready to go home, as he had found no signs of his son. While he was walking, though, he saw a figure lying down on the sidewalk, presumably asleep. Curious, he walked over to the figure, only to realize that this was Izuku, sleeping on the sidewalk. Suddenly feeling panicked, he raced over, placing two fingers on his neck to feel for a pulse. The rhythmic beating of his heart could be felt, and Hisashi sighed in relief. Izuku was alive. He picked Izuku up, manuvering him so that way he was carrying him piggy-back style. He picked up the hat that had been lying next to him as well, figuring that it was Izuku's.

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