匚卄卂卩ㄒ乇尺 19

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Midoriya paced in his room, fiddling with his tie. It had been such a long time since the USJ, and that was the last time he had went to school before getting kidnapped. He wanted to go back to school, he really did, but it was worrying. He had just been kidnapped, and it wasn't like things would just go back to normal now that he'd been found! Now people were going to see him as a weak, defenseless, quirkless kid, all because he'd been captured one time. For once, he had found people who treated him as an equal, people who saw his magic as cool, even, and now it would all be thrown away. He'd go back to the defenseless Deku who everyone picks on, and fears at the same time.

And it would be even worse if they knew exactly what had happened there. If they knew how tempted he had been by those stupid potions...

No one knew about it, no one but him, Neko, and the League themselves. He had been interogated by the police on what had happened, of course, and while he truthfully answered all of the questions, he left out that one little detail. He didn't want anyone to know how weak he'd been, how desperate he was to have some sort of magic again. If they knew, things would be even worse than him going back to the defenseless Deku.

If they knew, they'd be scared of him. They'd be scared of him switching sides, they'd be scared of the damage he'd cause as a villain, they'd be scared of how he turned into a practical giant at night time-

They didn't know.

They couldn't know.

He wasn't going to tell them, and he was hopeful that Neko wouldn't either. If he did, hopefully they simply wouldn't believe him. After all, Neko was a vigilante, and vigilantes walked on a thin tight rope between "heroic" and "villainous". Neko's former involvement with the League may make that more apparent, even if he ended up betraying the League in the end.

Midoriya would be fine. He could deal with this. He'd been the quirkless, defensless Deku before, and he survived. He could do it again- but he didn't want to. He didn't want to go back to that, even if he knew that he could.

Because even if he had survived it, it had hurt. It had hurt so fucking much, and even if he said he could do it again, he wasn't so sure. Could he really take it on again? Could he really go through being called a worthless nobody again, especially by people who he'd grown to trust and care about? After what he'd just gone through, especially. If he went through that again, after he just managed to escape from villains, after he had spent such a long time forcing himself to resist temtation, would he end up breaking? Would he end up going to the League, and taking their offer of making his magic stronger than ever?

He wanted to think he wouldn't, but he also wanted to think that he wouldn't have been so tempted by those potions in the first place.

He knew he needed to leave to get to school, or he'd end up getting there late. He also knew that he wasn't required to go back just yet, and he could take a break if he felt that he needed to.

But he didn't want to take a break. Having to stay here over the weekends was bad enough, but voluntarily staying here when he could be at school with his (former) friends? That was so much worse.

Would they even judge him for what had happened? Was he just freaking himself out over nothing? After all, they didn't judge him before hand...

But back then, they thought that he was a powerful magic user, which he supposed he was, but now they had seen a weaker side of him. A weaker side that had gotten him kidnapped. Now that they had seen that, it was more than likely that they'd turn on him, and everything would go back to how it was in middle school.

(A small part of him said that it would be fine, he had already seen some of his classmates, and their perception of him hadn't changed. Irrationally, he ignored that part).

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