匚卄卂卩ㄒ乇尺 12

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Shinsou flopped down onto his bed with a groan. He had tried to get information on Giran, honestly, he had. Problem was, his quirk couldn't force people to tell him things that he didn't know. He had found that out after brainwashing a few random thugs, and asking them where Giran was, only for them to give no response. Only that blank, brainwashed stare, waiting for instructions. After that, he had tried to interogate villains normally, but none of them gave answers. Either they didn't know, or they didn't want to say. In the end, it didn't matter which it was, he hadn't gotten the information he needed, meaning that he'd basically wasted the whole night.

Not that it was anything new, really. He didn't often find much of anything, the most he did was usually fight some petty criminals. He grumbled in annoyance, and turned onto his side, wrapping himself with his blankets. He might as well try to get at least a little bit of sleep, right? Yeah.

╚»★«╝ _ ╚»★«╝

Meanwhile in the criminal underground, word of a vigilante nicknamed 'Neko' who was looking for Giran spread.

Giran smirked when he heard the news. Looks like he had a new client.

╚»★«╝ _ ╚»★«╝

Bakugou Katsuki was pissed. First off, they had been attacked by villains recently, which was annoying as is. Those little shits really thought that they could beat the great Katsuki? Pathetic!! For another thing, school had been out for a full week, which he normally wouldn't mind, but he wanted to become a hero as soon as possible!!! This stupid fucking setback was going to make being the best hero ever taking longer, which really fucking sucked! Of course, classes were starting up tommorow, but it still angered him to no end.

And then there was Deku. Stupid fucking Deku got himself kidnapped, and now everyone was scared shitless. The villains weren't even that fucking strong, stupid Deku just exhausted himself by overusing his stupid fucking magic! And besides, the fucker was quirkless, so it didn't even fucking matter, did it? So why the fuck was everyone so freaked out over it?! That was probably what pissed him off the most. Stupid fucker was causing so much fucking panic over nothing!

Whatever. It didn't fucking matter anyway.

╚»★«╝ _ ╚»★«╝

Uraraka had made some progress with the tracking spell, although she wanted to practice it a little bit more before she tried to track down Midoriya with it. She was putting away her supplies, having tired herself out. Plus, she was hungry, and she figured she should clean up before she went to go get a snack. As she finished cleaning up, her phone buzzed, indicating that she had recived a message. Hopeful that the O:MSR group had found something, she opened up the notification.

╚»★«╝ _ ╚»★«╝

Tokoyami: I have recently encountered a man who claims to be Midoriya's father. He claims that he is searching for our friend. Shall I add him to the chat?

Kaminari: Yeah!! He can totally help us!! He'd know how to find Midoriya-kun!

Kirishima: I'm with Kaminari. Especially if he's already looking for him.

Jiro: Seriously? We don't know him. You can't be sure that he's telling you the truth or not. He might be working with the villains who captured Midoriya!

Kirishima: oh yeah, I didn't think of that..

You should probably look for some proof that he's actually telling the truth. Maybe look at some police files? :Uraraka

Ojiro: Are we even allowed to do that...? Seems like it'd be illegal or something.

Kaminari: It's not illegal if no one finds out!!!

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