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My fucking foot hurts

{third POV}

Once Tanjiro was teleported to Muzan's office, he sat down stubbornly and crossed his arms while looking at the wall.

"Tanjirooo, what's wrong? I thought you'd be happy to see me?" Muzan called with a slight sing song voice, tapping the boy on the shoulder.

Tanjiro whipped his head around with a pout and let out a little huff "Kokushibo-san didn't let me take fluffy!" Tanjiro wined, warning a chuckle from the demon king "aaah that makes sense now, you always had a tantrum when you left fluffy somewhere" he laughed, making Tanjiro pout even more.

"If you keep doing that your face will get stuck permanently" Muzan laughed, pointing a clawed finger towards his lips.

"You used to tell me that when I was a kid! But I don't believe you any more" Tanjiro said slightly victoriously, as if he had won the lottery.

Muzan sighed and patted Tanjiro on the head "I know your getting big now aren't you" he said softly, clicking his fingers and Fluffy appeared in his hand only a second later.

Tanjiro beamed and took the toy with a bright smile, giving Muzan a big hug while keeping Fluffy under his arm "can we talk without you being all pouty now?" He asked with a gentle smile, pulling away from the hug.



Muzan had taken Tanjiro out into the garden right behind the infinity castle, a large pond filled with individually coloured Koi fish swam happily in the clear water, the moon above them reflecting itself upon the liquid.

"Wow! How come I've never been here before?" Tanjiro beamed with amazement, placing fluffy on the floor and delicately swishing the tips of his fingers in the pond.

"I was afraid you might accidentally fall in" Muzan admitted, staring at Tanjiro's angelic figure. His hair seemed to reflect the dull velvet glow of the moon perfectly; making himself look as if he was radiating light.

"You really are special Tanjiro" he sighed, gesturing the boy to sit next to him. Tanjiro did as asked and snuggled up into the demon's side "what do you mean dad?" He wondered, eyes scanning the fish.

"Become a demon Tanjiro"

The boy's eyes widened as he fearfully turned his head to Muzan "b-but I thought you wanted me to work as a demon slayer? I don't want to be a demon dad... I like the sun" Tanjiro whimpered, shuffling away from the male out of caution.

Muzan narrowed his eyes and pulled Tanjiro closer to him again "look Tanjiro isn't the moon beautiful?"

"Yes... I suppose it is" he mumbled, looking up at the darkened sky speckled with shining stars.

"Isn't the moon so much better than the sun?" Muzan asked, wrapping his arm around the boy while his claws sharpened a little.

Tanjiro pondered the idea for a moment before shaking his head in denial "no, I prefer the sun. It's so warm and it makes me feel safe" he smiled, squeezing fluffy in his arms.

This wasn't the answer Muzan was hoping for.

"It'll make you stronger Tanjiro... remember when you were small you always said you wanted to be strong like Akaza, well this is how" Muzan spoke with a slight annoyance in his tone, making Tanjiro become a little weary.

'I can smell him getting angry...' Tanjiro thought with a slight sweat drop, nervously hugging Fluffy.

Tanjiro stood up and waved his hands in the air "m-maybe we could talk about this another time? I have to go back to my friends!" Tanjiro exclaimed, to which Muzan narrowed his eyes and appeared behind Tanjiro with his hand upon his shoulder.

"We've got plenty of time Tanjiro. Trust me" Muzan whispered, gently pressing his claw into Tanjiro's arm.

"Dad no!" He wailed, throwing fluffy on Muzan's face and sprinting into the forest surrounding the small pond while using thunder breathing he had learnt not so long ago.

Zooming past the trees, tears began to streak down his cheeks as he tried to be as quiet as possible while sobbing.

He stopped suddenly when the smell of Muzan became stronger, jumping up into the dense canopy of trees in order to hide.

Tanjiro silenced his sniffles as Muzan walked directly under him, slitted plum red eyes shining amongst the dark underbrush "Tanjiro, you know I meant no harm... you left fluffy with me, he's going to be lonely without you" Muzan called, holding Tanjiro's stuffed rabbit in his clawed hand.

Tanjiro squeezed his eyes shut while masking his presence with a technique Kokushibo taught him, making it near impossible for Muzan to find the boy.

"Tanjiro please, I'm sorry" Muzan yelled out into the forest, narrowing his eyes once he received not a single sound.

"Kokushibo did a good job at training you didn't he? You're very special Tanjiro, being able to hide yourself from me so easily. I really am proud." He praised, walking away from where Tanjiro was hidden; letting the boy relax a little.

Muzan continued to call into the night while descending deeper into the woods, hoping Tanjiro may show himself before the sun rose.

As soon as Tanjiro thought him to be far enough, he silently jumped down from the tree and dried his tears before walking blindly through the forest.

Tanjiro walked for hours till he found the faintest smell of Muichiro and began following that till he found the house where they were staying over night.

His clothes were soiled with branches and leaves, tear stained cheeks and sore red eyes making his appearance look absolutely heart breaking. Just as he arrived the sun started to peek over the horizon, caressing his sore skin as he stumbled into the house.

'Hopefully... their still asleep' tanjiro thought desperately, wobbling through the door to their room.

He was met with Muichiro holding Inosuke by the scruff of his shirt, Zenitsu cowering in the corner of the room while almost every piece of furniture was upturned and blankets scattered everywhere.

"I swear if you did anything to tan-" Muichiro froze when he saw Tanjiro standing in the doorway, his eyes beginning to well with tears once more.

The pillar dropped Inosuke to the floor and rushed over to Tanjiro; engulfing him in his arms while looking him over like a worried mother.

"Tanjiro! I thought someone took you! I was so worried, where were you?!" Muichiro exclaimed, taking out some leaves from his burgundy hair.

Tears cascaded down his cheeks once more as he stared into Muichiro's calming mint green eyes, scrunching his little nose while holding back sniffles "hey hey, what's wrong?"

"I-it's nothing" 


Pretty sure my neighbour is trying to kill me

Uɴᴅᴇʀᴄᴏᴠᴇʀ Dᴇᴍᴏɴ Sʟᴀʏᴇʀ - 𝗺𝘆 𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗹𝗲 𝘀𝗽𝘆Where stories live. Discover now