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{third POV}

"Well done for officially finishing final selection. You are now the lowest rank of a demon slayer; Mizunoto. You'll be assigned your own crow and follow orders accordingly, please pick the ore you would like for your blade"

Tanjiro jumped down from Sabito's arms and placed fluffy on the floor as a small humming bird landed on his head. It was delicate and colourful, it's feathers shimmering in the sun as it smuggled into Tanjiro's fluffy hair.

"Oooo your so pretty!" Tanjiro giggled, picking up the little humming bird in his small hands as it chirped sweetly.

Sabito smiled at the two and let his crow rest on his shoulder as Giyuu stood next to Makomo.

"Please come choose your ore" the girls instructed, gesturing to a little table with a wide selection of different looking rocks.

Tanjiro bounced up to the table and chose the smallest one there. It had a hint of dark blue to it so it caught Tanjiro's eye immediately.

While the rest selected theirs, Tanjiro sat down with his humming bird and smiled at whom ever stared at him stunned. Everyone's clothes were awfully soiled, some swords broken, matted hair, etc...

However Tanjiro. Well... he looked exactly the same as when he started a week ago. Not a single scratch nor speck of dirt covered his clothing. As for his teddy, Fluffy was crystal clean as well.

"Hey Sabito! Can I come home with you?" Tanjiro asked sweetly once they had been dismissed by the girls. The trio looked questioningly at the boy "why don't you go home Tanjiro?" He asked, soft lavender eyes narrowed.

Tanjiro clicked his tongue and allowed his humming bird to fly inside his pocket and snuggle in the warmth. "Daddy said I need to stay with someone else for a little while until he comes to get me!" He beamed, gently stroking the small bird in his pocket.

Sabito looked worriedly at Giyuu. Had Tanjiro been abandoned? Why did his parents want him to stay with someone else? Was there something they didn't know about him? It was very strange...

"Sure thing Tanjiro, you did save us after all" Makomo smiled, calmly filling in the tense silence as they walked back to Urokodaki's home.

They walked for all throughout the day. And Tanjiro wouldn't shut the fuck up. Every minute he managed to come up with a new mind straining question. For example; "Where does a thought go when it's forgotten?" Or; "Did we invent math or did we discover it?"

Therefore ending up in the three having a horrible headache by the end of it.

"Oooo look it's a bir-"

"Tanjiro just be quiet for one second will you?!" Giyuu cut of the boy's squeals of excitement; his temper and raging headache getting the best of him.

Tanjiro saddened and squeezed fluffy reassuringly; his cheeks turning rosy pink as his eyes became glazed with tears that threatened to fall.

Sabito delivered a sharp jab to Giyuu's ribs using his elbow and crouched next to the boy "don't worry Giyuu's just being silly! Look he's crying as well!" Sabito laughed, pointing towards Giyuu who was holding his side in pain.

Tanjiro sniffled back his tears and brightened once again "Sabito's my favourite!" He giggled, clinging onto the teen as he carried him back the rest of the way.


"Your back! That means you defeated the mutated demon!" Urokodaki exclaimed happily; engulfing his three trainees in a hug as they arrived at his doorstep.

Tanjiro stared at their hug from a distance; shuffling his feet a little as they greeted each other "huh? Whose child is that?" Urokodaki asked confusedly, catching sight of the little boy standing behind them.

"Oh this is Tanjiro. He umm... saved us from the mutated demon" Sabito answered sheepishly, pulling away from their hug and gently grabbing Tanjiro's hand.

Urokodaki's eyes widened. He... he defeated that demon? Surly that's impossible, his neck was so thick... that demon killed so many humans it was incredible. For a pubescent child to defeat it?


"He has no home to go back to... please can he stay with us?" Makomo questioned, her face emotionless as usual.

"There's no way you defeated that demon, not to mention your completely unscathed! It's impossible..." the man shouted, not believing the truth that the demon whom had killed so many of his trainees could be defeated so easily by a child.

Tanjiro let a smile grace his lips as he placed fluffy on the ground, propped up against a tree.

His shimmering humming bird buzzed out of his pocket and sat atop Fluffy's head whilst watching Tanjiro.

The little boy placed his sword to the floor and readied a hand to hand combat stance "if I beat you, you'll let me stay!" Tanjiro exclaimed, his little hands raised for the challenge.

Urokodaki laughed, clutching his stomach and crouching down to Tanjiro's level "little boy, I was a former hashira. Don't make empty threats" he scolded, raising his hand to pat Tanjiro on the head.

However, as soon as his hand got close enough; Tanjiro grabbed his wrist and manoeuvred his free hand on Urokodaki's chest. Making it an easy task for him to fling the man over his shoulder and smash his back on the floor.

Urokodaki coughed from the impact and picked himself to a stand, observing Tanjiro's smug little face as he skipped to pick up fluffy on the floor and allowing his humming bird to sit on his shoulder.

"How about now?"

——————one week later———-

Tanjiro and been sharing a room with Sabito ever since coming back from final selection. Urokodaki had also warmed up to the boy and was softer but still a little in the dark as to how powerful Tanjiro really was.

"Here are your swords" the sword maker spoke, handing Sabito, Giyuu, Makomo and Tanjiro their own nichrin blades.

Giyuu was the first to hold his, the blade turning a deep shade of blue; to represent water obviously.

Next Sabito opened his, he also wielded a blue blade, although his seemed to be much lighter in colour.

Makomo then held hers; to which it became a blue/faint purple hue. It was very pretty and unique, not like any others seen before.

"I wonder what that means..." the sword maker hummed, looking at Makomo's sword inquisitively.

"Ah what about the kid?" He asked, looking at Tanjiro confusedly "come on I wanna see what colour you get!" He promoted, making Tanjiro pick it up to please the man.

Upon holding the sword; Tanjiro's blade slowly faded into a bright golden colour; almost as if it were the sun itself.



If these fucking comments don't work ima blow my head off

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