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Toes are yummy


"Hey Tanjiro can you try and pick this one up as well?" The six eyes demon questioned, giving Tanjiro a second sword as he played with the first one.

The little boy gave him a small thumbs up and lifted the second one at the same time, picking up the two swords seemingly with no effort.

Daki scoffed "it's not that impressive" she whispered, her hand raised to her chin inquisitively.

"Hey Tanjiro do you wanna play tag?" Akaza spoke up, taking the swords of the little boy and giving them back to the upper moon.

Akaza was planning on seeing how fast Tanjiro was when running, since he seemed to be abnormally strong he thought he may be faster than a normal human child as well.

Tanjiro beamed and nodded his head "yes yes!" He squeaked, tugging on Akaza's trouser leg.

"Alright ready?... Your it!" He yelled,quickly tapping Tanjiro on the head before speeding down the shifting hallways as Tanjiro's little legs zoomed after him.

Akaza looked behind him, only using around 30% of his speed and saw no one; as a result he stopped and looked around 'ah I probably went too fast...' he thought, just as someone suddenly landed directly atop his hair.

"Got you! Got you!" Tanjiro giggled, pulling and tugging at the demon's short pink hair.

"Huh?! How'd you get up there?" He questioned, lifting up Tanjiro and looking towards the ceiling where he seemingly appeared.

Tanjiro shrugged his shoulders at the question "I win! Aka lost!" He squealed gleefully, sending the stunned male a victorious grin.

Akaza was left dumbfounded. Tanjiro could easily catch up to him at 30% of his speed... does that mean he could go even faster? He's incredibly strong also...

What is it with this child?

He's incredible

———— time skip, Tanjiro's 8th birthday——-

"Good morning Tanjiro, how did you sleep?" Muzan asked kindly, hoisting Tanjiro from his bed into his arms.

"Good thanks dad! Did you remember it's my birthday?" He squealed, giggling as he wriggled in the demon king's arms.

Muzan smiled softly and tickled Tanjiro under his arms "of corse I didn't, I've got you some presents then you'll do a little more training with Kokushibo before you go to final selection"

Tanjiro smiled at his father figure and wrapped his arms around the male "ok!"

Over the corse of four years; Tanjiro had been raised as a happy and polite boy by the upper moons. Tanjiro considered Muzan to be a father and the others to be like older siblings.

Tanjiro rarely left the infinity house, but if he did he had to be accompanied by an upper moon and it was always in the nighttime. They couldn't risk blowing his cover for becoming an undercover demon slayer.

So Tanjiro trained, slept, played and ate inside. Kokushibo, trained him almost every day. Tanjiro was an exceptional child.

By the age of five he had learned the breath of the moon, basic combat skills and easy sword skills.

At his sixth birthday; Tanjiro mastered total concentration breathing constant, along with the breath of fire. Only a year or so later, Tanjiro learned water breathing and had become a little more advanced in hand to hand combat.

At the age of eight, which is what he is currently; Tanjiro had overall learned three forms of breathing (moon, fire, water) total concentration, and impressive sword and combat techniques.

Daki whom had surprisingly warmed up to the boy, taught him speed and agility, sometimes playing with him and could often be caught singing Tanjiro to sleep or reading him a book.

Tanjiro considered the woman a motherly figure and clung to her for support when neither Muzan or Akaza was present.

As for the pink haired demon, Tanjiro saw him as a sort of older brother he could mess around with; the same with Douma in some aspects. He felt happiest around Akaza just because he looked after him the most; making Tanjiro become amazingly close to the demon.

Tanjiro's and Muzan had made a deal last year. If he learned three breathing styles, then Muzan would allow him to attend the final selection as one of the youngest to ever become a demon slayer.

And of corse, Tanjiro had gone above and beyond what they had agreed and he was exacting to go out and meet some new people... even if it meant he had to betray them.

"Wow! So cool thank you Kokushibo-san!" Tanjiro beamed, taking the sword in his little hands which was one of Kokushibo's own swords he used when being a demon slayer.

"No problem, happy birthday little one" the six eyed demon smiled, ruffling his dark burgundy hair.

"Here" Akaza produced a beaded bracelet which he normally wore around his ankle; he simply adjusted the size to fit Tanjiro's wrist.

"It's so pretty!" Tanjiro grinned, gratefully taking the piece and slipping it around his wrist. He bounced up to the pink haired demon and squeezed him in a hug before sitting back down.

Tanjiro's birthday went fairly quickly; he was given different presents from everyone, ate some delicious food and fell asleep on Muzan's lap after stuffing himself with a lot of cake.

"Awww can I put him to bed?" Douma whispered, fawning over how soft Muzan was in the presence of Tanjiro.

"Fine" Muzan hissed, not really wanting to let go of the boy but deciding it would be more comfortable for him.

Douma bounced up and down and swept the boy up in his arms; grabbing his fluffy green bunny which was on the floor and taking it with him to Tanjiro's room.

"Here you go, sleep well Tanjiro" Douma patted his soft hair and tucked his bunny in with him and quietly left the room.

"Your gunna need your sleep for tomorrow..."


Op Tanjiro... we love it

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