7 years passed

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7 years have passed since scarlet was born. Daryl started teaching her how to shoot out of a bow and arrow and she was getting good at it. You and carl would go out on runs. Everything was going as planned. Later that day you and carl decide to go on a run with scarlet so she would kill her first walker. You and Carl tought her not to be afraid of them when she was 4. You two went out the gates and just headed out to the river. There was a walker... Scarlet her bow and arrow she did what daryl tought her then......WHOOSH!!!.. She got a headshot. "OMG SCARLET!!! Haha!! Your just like mommy!!!" You lifted her up in circles. Carl grabbed her and kissed her. "Y/n we are doing a good job" carl tells you and kisses you. Weeks pass. The prison was getting weak, the gates were not strong enough that it collapsed. You had to get scarlet and pack your stuff. You guys were getting im a prison bus parked next to the building. "Stay here scarlet! Mommy is just going to go get daddy okay?" You say crying and kiss her in the forehead. You find carl and you two run towards the bus you see a walker going inside the bus. "NO!!!!" You scream, you had your bow in your hand and arrows in your back. You take an arrow and aim for the walkers head. Your arrow went through the walkers head. You head in the bus and see a man holding scarlet. "Who the hell are you?!! And why are you touching my daughter?!!!!" Carl screams at the man while pointing his gun at him. "My name is Aaron, I have a camp named Alexandria". "And?! What about it?!!" Carl screamed. "I need to talk to Rick Grimes...he is your father?" Aaron asked carl. "Yea...y/n tie him up in a seat and I'll get dad and u sit with scarlet" he says and gives you a kiss. Rick and Carl come back together. "Hey listen....Aaron? We are going to drive this bus with my family and then we can talk......thank u carl for tieing him up and did u take his weapons and gear?" "Yea dad y/n has it" "okay Ummm..glenn is already starting the bus". The bus engine starts running then glenn is driving. "Okay so Aaron what do you want?" "I have a camp named Alexandria, and we would like you guys to join with us, it's a safe zone kind of camp, there are good houses, lots of food, kids! And yea stuff like that" "and you want us to join because...." "Oh because you guys are strong and we have been following you guys and we are a community we are letting strong people in" "what about the weak huh? Like my granddaughter scarlet she is barley becoming strong?!" "Well you can train them to be stronger but we will ask you to turn in your weapons" "haha well that's NOT going to happen" Rick tells Aaron. "Ok we'll talk to the person in charge" "well I will talk to them" ricks says in an angry tone. You guys make your way to Alexandria.

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