Not Allowed

421 13 21

We always hang out as a group whenever we can. From the dorms to the Quidditch pitch, we're always together. And apparently they've been like this since year 1. They all know each other way too well, and now I'm the stranger of the group.

Today during lunch, James, Peter, Remus, and Sirius decided they needed to fix that.

"What if we just spent tonight learning about Rose?" Remus suggested.

Everyone agreed, including me, since it was sometimes super obvious that I was just a newcomer.

"Alright then," James said. "tonight, after class, our dorm, a night all about Rose. Everyone here has to come." He pointed around the table to Lily, Marlene, and Regulus who had somehow made his way over to the Gryffindor table.

I felt a little flattered honestly, I absolutely love this friend group, and I'm ecstatic that they're welcoming me with such open arms.

I spent the rest of the day thinking of what to tell them about myself, and what I should maybe keep a secret. Of course I love their friendship and I want them to trust me, but there were some things I might not be ready to tell them yet.

I'll avoid talking about my parents for sure, even though they might already know some of the story. And I'll definitely avoid talking about relationships. They may know I'm not super experienced but they don't need to know anything else about it.


Marlene, Remus, and I walked to the dorms together since we have Divination class together at the end of the day. We got there and saw that James, Peter, and Sirius had laid out blankets and pillows on the ground to make a small fort in the middle of the room. Lily and Regulus had also gotten there right before us.

"Welcome, dear." Sirius said, gesturing to the biggest pillow adjacent to a semi circle of other pillows. "Have a seat, it's your night."

"Thank you very much." I said with a small bow.

We all gathered around in the pillow fort, with me in the front and center, and Peter began handing small cups of candy to everyone here. When he finished, James tugged on Peter's robe and pulled him down to the empty seat beside them.

"Alright, Rose, you have to answer these questions as honestly as you can. So to do that, Padfoot and I whipped up a little truth serum in Potions class after lunch today that you have to take." He said, handing me a small vial. I agreed and poured a few drops onto a gummy candy from the cup and eating it.

"Great, now for the rest of us, we each ask one question, Rose answers, and then the next person goes. No questions unless it's your turn, understood?" James asked everyone.

The group let out a collective "yes" and Lily went first since she was sitting at the end of the arch.

"Favourite colour?" Lily said as a base question to start the night.

"Red. Easy, next question." I told her.

Remus was next. "Favourite class at Hogwarts?"

I had to think about that one for a second. "Umm, maybe Charms or Divination."

"Tell us about Ilvermorny." Peter asked with a mouthful of the candy he had just finished passing around.

"It was just like Hogwarts, but in Massachusetts. It was a pretty long commute from New York, so the only time I left was during the summer. It was nothing special though." I responded.

Everyone went around asking icebreaker-type questions for 2 turns, until it was Sirius' second question. "What's your family like?" He asked.

"It's just my aunt." I responded, assuming he had just forgotten.

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