Cigarettes Out The Window

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Our last trip to Hogsmeade to buy our Yule Ball dresses, and we were going to live it up. We wanted to cherish every single second of this year, while also living in the moment at the same time.

Today, we made our way down to Hogsmeade, and headed to Hazel's Wardrobe as soon as we got there. We didn't even head down to Honeydukes or Three Broomsticks before getting our Yule Ball clothes. 

When we arrived at the shop, Aunt Hazel split us up in two groups so that we wouldn't see our dates' outfits until the dance next week. In my group were Lily, Remus, and Marlene. Our dates, Regulus, James, Sirius, and Dorcas were in the opposite group, who stayed in the main room of the shop, while we went to the back room.

"So, what colours were you all thinking?" My aunt asked us once we were all sitting down and comfortable. 

Marlene said that her and Dorcas were thinking blue, Remus said him and Sirius were going black and white, and Lily said that her and James wanted matching red outfits. Regulus and I wanted to wear green, since he's in Slytherin and green goes well with my eyes. 

"Perfect." Aunt Hazel said. "So you all have a pretty good idea of what you all want. I'll get out some things for you all."

She left the room to talk to the other group, and then pick out some choices for all of us. We were all too restless and excited to even stay put in our seats when she left. 

"Oh my Merlin, I can't even wait!" Marlene exclaimed, running over and sitting down on the arm of my chair. 

"I know!" I told her. "Aunt Hazel's been working on dresses since last year so I just know they're going to be perfect!"

"I bet she went all out for your dress again this year." Lily said to me. 

"She went all out for everyone. She always does."

We heard some chatter coming from the front room where our dates were waiting, and then after a few minutes, Aunt Hazel walked out with a pile of four different outfits and set them down on an empty chair. 

"Alright, Remus first." She said, pulling out a suit from the pile. 

Remus stood up, and Aunt Hazel held out a neat, black suit that she had made around last Christmas.

"Try this one on." She instructed, gesturing to the changing room.

He took the suit and walked behind the curtain to test it out. He quickly tried on the suit, and walked outside to show us how it looked.

We all agreed that the suit looks great, and it looks even better on him. He sat down, and Aunt Hazel displayed a satisfied smile knowing she had already matched one person with a perfect outfit.

"Now, it's Marlene's turn."

Marlene stood up, finally getting to try on a dress. She's been waiting since last Yule Ball, and now it's her time to shine.

She giddily took the navy blue dress out of Aunt Hazel's hands and skipped behind the curtain.

After almost 3 minutes, Marlene was still in the changing room, and wasn't saying anything. We were honestly starting to get worried.

"Are you okay in there, darling?" Aunt Hazel asked her.

"Yes. Oh, yes." Marlene called back. "I was looking at the dress in the mirror but I'll come out now."

She walked outside, posing to show herself off in the dress. We all loved it, and knew it was a color that Dorcas would look good in as well. We told her we all thought she looked great, and she went to change back into her normal clothes.

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