What Would I Do?

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Lately, I've found that lunches and big group hangouts have been awkward since I broke up with Sirius and then found him kissing Remus. Lucky for me, Regulus sometimes leaves with me and we hang out just the two of us.

"I just feel left out with them." He tells me.

I'm not quite sure if I believe him. I'm sure his brother makes him feel included, or at least tries to. But I don't argue when Regulus says he would rather hang out with me alone. I quite enjoy his company.

What we do varies from day to day. Sometimes we just go to the other end of the Great Hall, but sometimes we go to the library or the trophy room, and sometimes we just stay in the Charms or Defense Against the Dark Arts class so we don't have to walk across the school for no reason.

What would I do without someone like him?

Instead of lunch today, Regulus and I stayed in the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom alone together. Neither of us were particularily hungry and we didn't feel like leaving the class, so we just stayed put once we were all dismissed.

"But I don't need to, so why would I?" He asked.

"You can still get a job even though you don't need to." I laughed. "Believe me, my family has no money troubles, but I still want to earn my own living."

"And what would you do for it?"

"I'm not sure yet." I admitted. "My aunt has hinted at me taking over her dress shop one day, so that's a good option, I guess."

"Really? Well, maybe I'll start buying all of my dresses from Hazel's Closet now that I know you may be the new owner." Regulus joked.

I'm not sure why, but I started to blush at the idea of that. Picturing me taking over the shop and him coming by to support me.

"You could even take over the store with me if you wanted." I said, half-joking. "Of course, you'd have to learn about fashion first."

Regulus looked at me, making a face pretending like he was shocked and offended.

"I know about fashion, Duskridge." He said, sending me a cocky smile.

"No, you know how to dress in fancy clothes and make everyone think you know about fashion." I said, matter-of-factly.

"Well, I can't argue there." He smiled. "Are you going to work at the shop over the summer?"

The mention of summer caught me by surprise. There was still a couple weeks until summer, but I knew exactly what I was going to do. Even if I hadn't told anyone yet.

"No, actually. I, um, well..." I paused. "Can I tell you something you can't tell anyone yet?"

"What is it?" He asked, looking curiously at me.

"I'm going back to America." I told him, sort of relieved that I finally told someone. "Massachusetts. To visit some old friends from school over the summer."

There was a moment of silence between me and Regulus. I couldn't read his face, and I didn't know how he felt. Was he mad at me for not telling him? Sad that I would be leaving?

"That's great, Rose." He smiled. "Just be sure to write to me while you're gone."

I let out a sigh of relief, glad that he wasn't upset about it.

"I haven't told anyone yet, but I've been exchanging letters with some friends for a few weeks now. I don't know when I'll tell everyone, but I'll need to tell Sirius soon so I can make sure he has somewhere to stay if he doesn't want to stay home with my aunt."

"I won't tell anyone, don't worry." Regulus said.

"Do you need a place to stay?" I asked. "I can help you coordinate or something."

"Why would I need a place?"

"Well, Sirius said that-"

"It's okay. I don't need anything." Regulus assured.

"Good." I said softly. "You know, I was really worried about you when Sirius came to stay with me and left you at home."

"How many times do I have to say it? You don't need to worry about me." Regulus said, moving closer to me.

"And how many times do I have to say it? I'm going to keep worrying about you and everyone else, no matter how many times you tell me you don't need it." I smiled.

"So stubborn." He smirked. "I guess I'll just have to get used to it."

"I guess so." I smiled.

I leaned in to kiss him, but we were both interrupted by the sound of the door opening. We pulled away from each other before the light could even be let in.

At the door stood Lily Evans. Hopefully she didn't see us.

"Oh, there you are, Rose." Lily said from the door. "I remembered you two staying after class so..."

She paused for a second, maybe to catch her breath, maybe to remember what she came for.

"Uh, anyways." She continued. "Marlene was looking for you, she told me you'd said that you would study with her today."

I had completely forgotten about that. I promised her earlier this week that we could study together for Divination class.

"Oh shit. It completely slipped my mind." I turned to Regulus. "Is it alright if I go hang out outside and study with Marlene? I'm really sorry."

"You don't need to be sorry. Go study." Regulus said.

"Thank you." I said as I gathered up my textbooks. "I promise I'll be there at the next Quidditch practice."

I put my books in one arm and stood up to leave. I kissed Regulus on the cheek before I left, and walked out with Lily to the Transiguration courtyard.

The realization sank in as I walked out of the classroom.

"I was about to kiss Regulus Black." I thought to myself as I made my way down the hall.

I almost did it. I was about to kiss him. Now I can't be upset about Sirius and Remus together when I tried to kiss Regulus.

"Merlin, I really almost kissed him!" I thought. And I don't feel bad at all.

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a/n: Ok wait I really like this chapter... The story is moving along, it's almost summer, that's cool. If you liked this chapter, leave a vote and then check out my new story about Regulus, it's called "Philophobia"!

Also, I expect that chapters for both Symphony and Philophobia are gonna come out a little slowly because I'm starting school again, so I'll have to do school work and stuff, but I'll try as hard as I can to get new content out.

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