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"Okay, now!" I said, trying to get the timing right. A second earlier or later could have been awful if Severus realized what was happening and stopped it before we could do anything. But, he was talking to Lily, so I doubt he would break his focus from her. 

"Wingardium Leviosa!" James said, causing Severus' wand to fly out of his pocket. 

"Come on, give it back." Severus pleaded. 

"Oh you're a big boy, Severus, you can get it yourself." Peter told him.

James raised the wand even higher, and then dropped it on the top branch of the closest tree.

"The climb is much easier than it looks." Sirius shouted.

Though embarassing, Severus knew the Marauders weren't going to get it for him. He would have to climb. He started scaling the tree, panting and grunting as it was no easy feat.

As entertaining as it was for us, Lily has never been a fan of pranks against Severus. Maybe it's the fact that I've only been here for a year, but I think the pranks are hilarious and well deserved.

As soon as Snape reached the branch with the wand, Sirius placed a Confundus Charm on him.

Severus shouted "Everte Stratum" and aimed his wand at the Peter, James, and Sirius. But because of the charm, he missed, and just hit me instead.

The spell blasted me backwards, at least by a few feet.

"Rose!" Sirius shouted, returning the favour to Snape and blasting him out of the tree. He ran towards me to see if I was okay.

Peter placed a slowing charm on Snape, so he wouldn't hit the ground too hard.

"Mr. Black!" We heard someone shout. We turned around to find no other than Professor McGonagall standing behind us, visibly angry. "Mr. Potter, Mr. Pettigrew, and Mr. Snape as well. You 4 are in big trouble."

I got up, dusting off my skirt and my robe, relieved she didn't call my name, but feeling a stabbing pain in my right ankle and in my hip as well.

"Ms. Duskridge, you should get to the hospital wing, and I suggest you bring a friend in case you can't walk by yourself." She instructed.

"Thank you, Professor, I'll be on my way." I said politely, even though I was only going back to my dorm.

I looked back at the guys, mouthing the word "sorry" as they walked towards McGonagall. I walked away limping because I hurt myself when I fell. I could hear McGonagall scolding them until I got inside.

Remus and Amos were sitting in the Great Hall and reading as I walked by, limping and clutching my side. Amos looked up and saw me.

"Rose, are you ok?" He asked, walking towards the door, causing Remus to see me and follow him.

"I'm fine, I'm just going back to my dorm to lie down."

"You're limping and you're holding your waist." Amos protested.

"You're bleeding too." Remus pointed out, looking at my scratched leg. Huh, I didn't notice that before.

"Just a little." I shrugged.

"You've gotta go to the infirmary. Come on, we'll take you." Amos said.

"No, really, I'm fine."

"Too late, we're already going." Remus said firmly, standing beside me and putting his arm around my waist to help me walk.

Amos stood on the other side of me, and we started walking to the hospital wing. I explained what happened outside, but only after they asked several times. 

"You couldn't have used your brain and thought for a second?" Remus said.

"I'm just a kid," I explained. "I never use my brain. I only use my heart and my imagination."

Amos let out a soft laugh at my response. "And you just got off free, no punishments at all?"

"I'm sure McGonagall will have a talk with me later, but nobody got in any big trouble. I overheard her telling them they have detention for 10 days and that everyone has to apologize." I told them. 

"Are you going to apologize to Severus?" Remus asked. 

"No way," I said. "I'll never say I'm sorry to Severus, even if they're mistakes that I made. Plus, I wouldn't have been in on the prank if Moony hadn't decided to stay inside and read, I was just a substitute."

We walked a bit more, until my ankle started killing me and I needed to take a second to sit down. Remus offered me a piece of chocolate he had wrapped and stored in his pocket. I took it, even though all I needed was to sit down and take the pressure off of my ankle for a little while. 

"Do you want me to put a numbing spell on it or something?" Amos offered. 

"No, Pomfrey may not like that. Thanks, though."

After a minute of rest, I got up, wincing in pain as I put pressure back on my ankle. 

It wasn't a long walk to the hospital wing, but it felt longer than ususal as every step I took brought more pain than the one before. 

Once we arrived, I explained what happened to Madam Pomfrey and she invited me in. I said goodbye to Amos and Remus and thanked them for helping me walk to the hospital. 

"No problem, Rose, just try staying on the sidelines next time the Marauders prank someone." Amos said. 

"And listen to your brain if it's telling you to stop." Remus added, while they both started turning around to go back to the great hall.

"Sorry what was that?" I laughed. "Don't listen to your brain and follow your dreams? Oh, okay, got it."

Amos laughed, but I'm not sure if it was at my joke or at how annoyed Remus looked. 

"We'll see you next time you do something stupid." Remus waved. 

He wasn't even being fully sarcastic, there was hardly ever a day that went by that didn't end up with one of us doing something dumb. We're just kids, we're bound to make mistakes. 

a/n: well, here's this chapter

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a/n: well, here's this chapter. It's just a little bit of fluff bc I don't want this story to be entirely plot driven. I hope you liked it, and I'll be back soon with another chapter. 

Also, I said this before, but I made a Spotify playlist for this story, it's called Symphony - Soundtrack, so you can check it out if you want. Make sure to vote, comment, and add this story to reading lists if you liked it. 

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