Bubblegum Bitch

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"So what are your friends like?" My old friend Marina asked. 

"You already told us some stuff, but now you can say everything that was too scandalous to be put onto paper." Marina's twin sister, Anita added.

"Oh, come on." I rolled my eyes. "My life is boring. It's just me and my friends running around, playing pranks on this asshole they all hate." 

"Pranking?" Marina scoffed. "No way Miss Sugar Pink Rose Duskridge is pranking people."

"I am!" I laughed. "All the guys hate him, and I understood, so I just went along with everything they get up to."

"The guys?" Anita asked as she poured out a glass of apple juice for herself. "Are the guys like the Sirius boy you keep telling us about?"

"He's one of them, yes. Him, James, Remus, and Peter are this close-knit group of boys I'm friends with. They call themselves the Marauders."

Anita and Marina both started to laugh. They had the exact same laugh, it was almost unsettling. It would definitely scare me if I hadn't known them since we were kids.

"That's hilarious, sorry." Anita composed herself. "What about Romulus?"

"Regulus." I corrected her.

"Yeah, what about him? You talk about him a lot, but it's nothing like what you told us about Sirius."

"He's great." I struggled to find the words to describe him. "He's so kind and cool, and cute."

Marina made a slightly shocked face when I said the last word. The last time Anita and Marina saw me was when I left for England after Ash killed my parents, so obviously it was a shock to hear that I had some interest in multiple people. Especially when I told them about my relationship with Sirius, but left out so much of me and Regulus. 

"You know, he actually liked me for a while. I kind of liked him too." I told them. "But, I was with his brother for a while, so of course things have always been weird with us and I don't think it would have worked out."

"You still have another year at that school." Anita said. 

Marina spoke up, finishing Anita's thought. "Unless, you come back to Ilvermorny. We wouldn't be there, of course, but you could live with us."

"I'm staying in England." I said, holding back a smile. "At least until I graduate. I still don't know what's going to happen after that."

The two of them stared at me, not knowing what to say. Honestly, I didn't know what to say either. I have no plans for after I graduate, and I don't even know if I should move back to America next year.

"But, I'm here now."

"Yeah." Marina mumbled. 

Anita cleared her throat and spoke up. "So, what else has changed about you since the last time we saw you? Obviously, the Brits have changed you in the two years you've been gone."

The twins exchanged a small giggle, then turned back to listen to me.

"It's not their fault, I just grew up." I told her.

"Do you still draw? I would hope so, you've always been good at it."

I nodded and grabbed my sketchbook from the bag beside my chair. I placed it on the table, open to the drawings I did in the trophy room before Regulus walked in.

"Cute." Marina commented as she flipped through some of my more recent drawings.

"What about journaling? You used to sit in the corner every day to write the day's diary entry."

I giggled out loud when she brought up journaling. I haven't written in my old diary for over a year, maybe two. I guess Hogwarts did change me a little bit. 

"Oh, no, I haven't done that for a long time." I admitted. "I know I still have it, though."

"You should write again. Maybe it can help you understand what you're feeling for all your friends." Anita suggested.

"Maybe I will." I stood up, putting my sketchbook back in my bag.


I looked at the old journal in my hands. I haven't written in this thing in forever. Where would I even start? I know I had more to spill than ever before, but I'm not even sure how much of it I could articulate into words. 

I held my fountain pen against the paper, and decided to start at the beginning. Where I left off.

Dear Diary, 

I met a boy. He made my doll heart light up with joy. I know I've told you about him before, but not since anything big happened. I truly care about him, but I'm not even sure how I would tell him how I feel. We just, fell apart, I guess. Welcome to the life of Rose Duskridge.

 Welcome to the life of Rose Duskridge

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a/n: Oh my god y'all, again, I'm so sorry it's been so long since the last chapter came out. I swear, I'm trying as hard as I can to get these chapters out as soon as possible. 

Anyways, votes and comments are always greatly appreciated, so drop them if you'd like, but either way, I'll try to upload a new chapter when I can, which will hopefully be soon!

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