Chapter 15

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    I had to choose which one of the three hallways I would have to go down. Each of them has a door, a couple of guards, and a turn so I couldn't see what was further ahead. I decided to walk down the right hall, since right is always right.
    All of the doors had keypads, so I wouldn't be able to get into them. Even if the keypad wasn't there and I could just open up the door, the guards would be extremely suspicious. Why does Maya even need all these rooms sealed in the first place? Why are there so many rooms and so many halls?
    I guided my way deeper into the halls, dodging some guards as they walked by, and then I was met with two different halls. I decided to go right again. I didn't remember the castle being this big. I thought Maya's lair was taller than it was wider.
    I walked by even more rooms with more keypads. There were no guards in the area for a short time, so I decided to try and open the doors, but they wouldn't budge. I would assume all of these rooms are for extra Supporters, maybe even the guards slept in there. They had nowhere else to go anyways.
    I carried on, and eventually I reached a dead end. I sighed, and I turned around to walk back. I would just go left this time, and if that fails, I'll go down one of the other halls at the start. This castle isn't that big, and eventually I will be able to go up a staircase, and I'll be able to remember to not go down.
    There was one problem though. When I came back to the fork in the road, I was now on the left side. I turned around and looked at the two halls to make sure I was seeing everything right, and yes, I came back through on the left side.
    I assumed that maybe there was another fork in the road back there. I went back through the left side, just to see if I was correct. I backtracked, and yes, there was a fork in the road that I missed. I went back through the left side, so now I would presumably be on the right side of that first fork in the read.
    Unfortunately, I was incorrect. Now, I was facing three new paths in the road, and I couldn't find that original fork in the hall. This was all very confusing to me. It doesn't make sense that new halls appear and some even disappear. There was also a distinct lack of guards in this area for some reason. What was going on here?
    I decided to go through the middle path this time. The right path might be cursed. I weaved through the maze-like castle, and walked past a bunch of guards. I didn't want to back track, I was afraid of going back, unless I had hit a dead end, then I had no choice. By then, I would be going down a different path, reaching new hallways, with different paths to go.
    I started to hear this creaking sound more often, and more loudly. I don't know if I had noticed it before, but now it was the only thing I heard, excluding my own footsteps. It always seemed to be happening ahead of me, or behind me. I would sometimes turn around to see what it was, but there was nothing.
    Eventually, I had seen something different, rather than all the doors, the keypads, the lights, and the guards. It was a black box. I ran over to it, and it wasn't a black box, it was a window. I looked out of it, and I was up much higher than I expected. There weren't many windows in Maya's lair, I could see that from the outside. Based on that knowledge, I knew this window was up higher than two floors. It was up maybe four or five, close to the top even.
    That didn't make any sense. I didn't go up any ramps or staircases before, I would have known if I did. There was definitely something that was not right with this castle. I might not be able to find out what it is right now, but maybe later, oh right.
    I went back to focusing on the maze. I had no idea how long I spent travelling through the maze. I was even able to get back to the original first fork in the hall with the three different paths. I was getting very upset, as I had no idea where I was supposed to go, or even if I maybe had already passed Maya.
    I wasn't paying attention where I was going, and I had tripped on a guard's shoe. They looked very surprised. I don't know why, but I decided to stay for a moment.
    "Dude, I just felt something on my shoe! And did you hear that thump?"
    "Are you sure you really did? You have said the same thing to me three times now." The other guy said and shook his head, as they were paired up together.
    "I really do think that there is something infesting in this place. Or maybe there's something haunting it."
    "Oh, shut up. Do you want me to call Maya again about this? Do you really want to get kicked out of this place?"
    "Ehh, I won't have to live in this weird-"
    "Do you want me to tell Maya that you have gone rogue, like all the rest of the Supporters? She would have a fun time sacrificing you to the boiler room."
    "No, no! I'm fine, I'm doing fine. I didn't feel anything, and I am happy here."
    Sheesh, what an unhappy life they live here. Imagine being suppressed of what you wanted to say because you could get killed for it. I went on my way, going through this lair, which now almost seemed like an endless labyrinth. I never encountered those two guys again either.
    Maybe if I converted them back, they would free other people too, and I wouldn't have to worry about this maze or anyone getting unfairly treated ever again. The only thing that's wrong with that idea is everything. I'm trying to get rid of Maya right now, not to save the guards and cause a scene.
    After what felt like hours, I had made it to a very special, red, double-door. I walked over to it, but I felt something under my foot meters away from it. I inspected it closer, and I realized very suddenly that it was some tripwire! It was a trap!
    The big double-door burst open behind me, and I turned back round. It scared me so much that I went back to being visible. The person who came out of the door was Maya, as you probably expected, and she was pissed off.
    "What is it with you and trying to ruin everything that I do? Can't you let me be happy for once?" She yelled at me angrily, and I stepped back in fear.
    "It's because what you're doing is wrong! Extremely wrong! You can't just use and manipulate people like this. We were all doing fine before you showed up."
    "I was trying to help people, but no! You wanted them to see the hurtful lies!"
    "They aren't lies, and you know it. You hurt people so you could take over Xeinil. You killed people just to gain an advantage. The people realized what you were doing is wrong, and now they have to see the truth. It may be hurtful, but you have to embrace it. That's what they are actually doing."
    "Yeah yeah, I know. But if you think that you are going to get to me, and defeat me again, then you have been wronged! I am tired of losing, and this time I was so close!"
    "What are you talking about? Have you been through this before, with different people? Have you hurt other people at this large of a scale? What do I not know about you, what aren't you telling me, and why are you trying to do this?"
    "You wouldn't understand anything. None of it. You will be left in the dark about that information. I don't care if I have to goddamn kill everyone in this city all at once to say that I have won. I will do it, and you won't be able to stop me!"
    "Don't you dare!"
    "I will!" She said, and she sped towards the other side of the hall. I was able to grab her hand before she got away. If she went up just a few more stairs, she would have been able to escape. I know where the door ahead goes to, the drone takeoff area. She could escape if she got out there.
    She looks at me. "You realize that I can just teleport out of here, right?"
    "Yes, I know. But if you want to prove your worth, then you gotta fight me! You're basically losing if you just wimp out and go find a way to escape." I can't believe I was really saying that. I know it's so manipulative to be like that.
    She yanks her hand back. "Fine, you're on. Meet you on the rooftop, loser." She busts open the door, and flies outside. I follow her, and I make that isn't a trick.
    We are both on top of the drone pad. The spiky and narrow rooftops kind of hide the pad from the rest of Xeinil. The pad also doesn't feel like it's meant to support much more than our weight. I stayed on it anyway.
    "So... Can I just try to kill you? It would feel nice to have another actual battle."
    "Well, yes-"
    She lunges over to me and tries to grab me, but thankfully I can dodge it on time. "Good. I have been waiting to let my energy off for a while."
    I throw a couple of pulses at her, but she just teleports away. "Why did you do all of this in the first place? Did Xeinil offend you in some way?"
    "As I said, you will stay in the dark about that information. It doesn't involve you." She teleports all around me, as I try to throw her off with a pulse, but she too is also firing pulses, which means that I am definitely outpowered.
    "Then why are you even attacking me in the first place if you don't have a reason to attack me?" I turn invisible to make her stop attacking me.
    "It's something that you wouldn't understand. Don't you get it? You won't get to know what's happening. Get over it. And stop being a wimp and hiding with your powers. I can hear your voice regardless." She says, as she looks around to find me. Of course she could, why didn't I think about that?
    "Maybe you should tell me. If there's something that has caused all of this to happen, then we need to figure it out. You need to stop hurting everyone, maybe even yourself." I tell Maya. I circle around the pad, throwing pulses at different angles, with which she is able to dodge them, as she gets closer to me. I can't let her do that, I need to get away from her.
    "Stop trying to be so nice! I'm the villain here and you're the hero, I'm not going to change, and I'm going to probably lose. That's what happens in every story." She balls her fists in frustration, and lifts off the ground to fly. I don't know what she is going to do, but I needed to be prepared for it.
    "Maybe it won't happen here if you tell me what's causing you to do all of this nonsense. All you need to do is tell me, don't fight anyone, and we both can win. The hero doesn't always have the only one who wins here." I turn back to being visible to show that I don't want to fight, or maybe to make myself an easier target. Maya smirks, and teleports behind me, nearly being able to kick down my legs if I hadn't reacted as fast. I guess she wasn't going to do anything while flying, I was prepared for nothing.
    "I'm not going to let you win. I will make sure that you never win. And I'm not gonna tell you anything. You think that you are so high and mighty about everything now, as everything is going so great for you, but I can still be in charge here, and I'll take your hope away. If I would do another genocide on your kind, you would be even more helpless than you once were." She flails her arms out, and points at me, as I step away, and she walks closer. I can feel a bead of sweat drip down my face.
    "Do you really think my life is like that? Do you really think everything is so great for me?" I stop moving, and I jump over her. I throw a pulse at her, and she flies over it with ease. She stops moving also to listen to me. If she stopped moving, and she wants to hear what I said, maybe she wants to empathize with me. Maybe she is hiding her actual feelings.
    "Well, yeah. You have been taking back everyone you wanted for a month, aren't you happy?" She shrugs her shoulders, and looks out behind her towards the restored city. Maya quickly turns back around though, probably making sure that I wasn't trying to attack her beforehand. I wasn't even walking towards her. Does she have trust issues?
    Maya threw a few more pulses at me, and I jumped in the air to not get hit, and I went back to being invisible. Maybe I could sneak around her to get a surprise attack. "No, I'm not. I'm still having to worry about everyone that I saved. I don't want to get them back in your hands. I have seen so much for the past, that I am constantly scared, and I'm worried that I'm going to get caught and die!" I said to Maya, who is unchanged by my words. Maybe she doesn't care as much as first thought.
    "Pssh... You should stop worrying then. You are winning after all, you should be so excited about finally being able to get rid of me now, forever." Does she really not understand what trauma even means? Even though you try not to worry, you say that everything is fine, you aren't.
    "I can't stop worrying, though. It's not going to go away like that. You've hurt me so badly in that emotional type of way that I can't go back. Imagine the other people who you have hurt, I got it off easy compared to other people. They have been traumatized after working for you for so long, that they need physical and mental help before they can go back to working." She moves to the center of the pad, looking out to get me. I make sure to move in a weird, almost zig-zag like direction, so Maya has difficulty hearing me. She can't lunge at me if I want this to work.
    "So what? It's just another loss for you I guess. Besides, you are humans. You are flexible, you forgive and forget like everyone else. They will be fine." She looks at me, for just a moment, and lunges at me suddenly, knowing where I was at. Before she can get to me, I throw a pulse at her, and she is hit. She gets thrown to the side of a roof, and she slowly attempts to get back up, as I hear some shingles fall off the roof. I turn back to being visible so she can look at me directly, and for dramatic effect.
    "They will not be fine, not at all. This experience will hurt them for life, and no amount of help could get rid of that. I'm not even totally human, even though Newcomers acted the same way as humans, but yeah!" I walk over to the side of the pad as she opens her eyes. She sneers at me, then tries to teleport above me, but I am able to get out of the way as she falls on her knees, but she is able to get back up before I can act.
    "So what? You're still the same. You are still gonna heal one day, y'know?" She gets backs up, and jumps to the platform. I move back so she isn't able to attack me. We can't just go on, throwing pulses and arguing anymore. I would need some sort of plan to distract her or something to make her believe me. Maybe I can still make her change sides.
    "No, it's not. How hard is it for you to realize that? Do you really lack enough empathy or sympathy to even realize that others will have long-lasting trauma because of you? Or are you seriously just that dense?" I seriously need to get inside of her mind. She can easily break free though, and she can just attack me while I try to get her mind. The Supporters wouldn't ever try to push away, because the concentration of people was so high that the connection was able to spread. That's mostly how my out-of-mind powers work. It took a lot of experimentation to find out.
    "I'm not, it's just that you humans, and Newcomers, are very weak compared to me!" She tells me, and points her finger towards her. What a narcissistic piece of poop. She really cannot get enough of herself right now.
    "Oh yeah? If you and your people are so strong, what was your society like then?" I said, and challenged her. Maybe I could make her accidentally spill what she is hiding using her narcissism to my advantage. Maybe I don't have to get into her mind if she just tells me everything.
    She chuckles in amusement, as she accepts my challenge, and starts to babble on. "It was hell compared to this, you should have seen it. You wouldn't be able to stand it for a day. Instead of having just one... hey wait! You're trying to get me to talk, right?" She says as he suddenly realized that she is being played. That was pretty funny for being in such a dire situation.
    I smirked. "Yep, and it's working, obviously. So you do have a past, why don't you ever talk about it? Why did you always have to constantly lie about where you came from?" I become serious again, and I walk up to Maya, who is the one who is now stepping back. Maybe I can convince her.
    "It would have scared away all the potential Supporters. You would know if you were smart enough." She explains to me as she shrugs her shoulders again, and attempts to teleport in front of me, but I go invisible before she is able to reach me. Going back and forth from invisible to visible to invisible and over again is really starting to tire me out. Hopefully it ends soon.
    "You should have maybe used that instead. Imagine a leader built up by their dangerous, perilous, and eventful past? People would have loved you! Unless... there's something else that you want to hide about it..." I started to think out loud, as Maya frowns and furrows her brows in frustration.
    "No, I'm not hiding anything!" She yells at me angrily. "It's just that I needed an emotional story, because everyone here just gobbles up stories like that, it's amazing." She tells me. She is definitely hiding something that I need to find out. She isn't going to be tricked into telling me what her past was like. I would have to go into her mind now to figure out what was going on, which I really didn't want to do because of how risky it is. As we were fighting, I realized why Maya was able to get to attack me so often now, I was accidentally visible. I went back to being invisible so I could get behind her again, catch her off guard, and be able to enter into her mind.
    "Well, you do know that is wrong, right? You took people in, and you just lied about everything. Don't you feel bad about doing any of that stuff?" I said, which was meant to distract her while I was creeping behind her. Maybe I could stay on the outer ring of the pad so she can't find me as well.
    "Nope, never did. That's what makes me so great. I don't have any weaknesses that you can really use to go against me. I know it's very wrong to do too, very illegal, very manipulative, I've heard about all of it before. I'm not new to it." She says as she looks around for me, which makes getting behind her very difficult. I just want to help her feel better. I don't want to kill her. I know that she has some sort of niceness inside of her. I want to understand what she has been going through, and how I can help.
    "Is that how you really feel about yourself? Do you think you are so high and mighty too that you can't get enough of yourself?" I responded to her. She started worrying more about what I said than where I was at now, so I was able to get behind her. Now, I just needed to enter her mind at the right time.
    "I just think that I am much better than you, why is that such a big deal? I know I have been losing Supporters every day, but I can still do better." She casually explains. She is so caught up in herself that she doesn't even realize how odd that sounds. Or maybe she is just used to it by now.
    "There's a reason why your Supporters left. They learned what you are doing is inhumane and wrong. You know what you are doing is wrong too, you just didn't expect this to happen, even though you said that you have been defeated many times before. I want to see what you know, right now!" I lunged at her, and I was able to enter her mind, for only a moment.
    It was red, and dark in her mind. It was also very empty. The quietness of the void was eerie, almost creepy, as I walked around. "Hello?" I said to the abyss. "Maya, I want to see what you have been talking about. I want to help you. Please, talk to me." I walked around her mind, and I saw something in the distance. I started to run towards it, but I was stopped.
    "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" She yelled, as it echoed around her mind, and I was thrown to the ground. I tried to concentrate on the real world, to both simultaneously fight and talk to her at the same time, but it wasn't working. Instead, I was ejected out of her mind, and I was back to fighting in an instant.
    I wasn't ready to get back to fighting right away, and she caught me off guard instantly. I wasn't ready to dodge, and I was hit by one of Maya's blackish pulses. It threw me back onto the ground, as I grunted in pain. I wasn't able to move, or see, or do much of anything, as I felt my infection reach my fingers, and touch my mouth and cheeks. It hurts so much, I absolutely hate it, and I heard Maya laughing at the sight of my pain.
    It had eventually started to stop, and I was able to open my eyes again. I struggled a lot to get up, but I was too weak, and I fell back to my knees. I would have to wait to start fighting again. Maya looked down at me, as she sneered.
    We both suddenly heard a sound coming down from the city, and we both craned our heads to see what was going on. I could just barely see what was happening, while Maya was able to walk over to the ledge to fully see what was happening.
    "It seems like your group of people are marching towards Central Park. I think they want to get inside of the castle to probably help you." She says and turns around to me, I can see that she is wanting to formulate an idea.
    "Oh no..." I whispered to myself. They weren't supposed to come along, this was never mentioned in the plan! They can't go inside the castle with all the guards! We had specifically said that this would lead to people getting killed. Hopefully they were just going to stay outside, and not get themselves hurt.
    "What would happen if I decided to kill them all? Would you care at all really?"
    "What?! Of course I would care. Don't.. Don't you do it!" I told her, as I tried to get back up. Why was I struggling to use my legs? It was like they weren't working at all.
    "Let's make a deal then. If you decide to give up, and give your life to me, I would probably let them roam free. I will leave Xeinil with you, and I will never come back. We could rule the outside wasteland, forever and ever."
    "And if I decline your 'deal'?"
    She turns back around, looking down at the people who are coming closer and closer. "Then everyone down there, marching towards Central Park, who are fighting for you, and are standing up for you, they will all die. A couple of large pulses will surely do the trick. You also get to watch them all die in agony. Finally, I will be sure to end you, once, and for all, as you realize that you have failed everyone, and there would be nothing you could do about it."
    "I..." I started to say. If I accept her offer, then I basically win. It's like I would be convincing her to leave Xeinil and everyone lives happily ever after, but me. Of course, I will be the only one who doesn't get that happily ever after. Regardless, everyone can live their lives as it once was before Maya had ruined the city. I assume I would be controlled just like everyone else under her power. It was a great deal that I couldn't pass up, until...
    "Are you really going to hold your part of the deal if I say yes?" I ask Maya.
    "What do you mean?"
    "I know you. You have wanted to take me in for so long, and after I am gone, there will be no one to protect the city. You would have all the power to take back everyone in the city, and no one will be able to fight back."
    "Hmm... yes, I am very irrational, and I don't usually do deals because I would tend to break them often. I guess I would do that eventually."
    "Then I'm not saying yes to the deal. You have to hold up your end too."
    "I will also give you unlimited access to my mind and memories. I know you want that, for some weird reason. You can see whatever's been happening in my past, judge it, and be happy with yourself for finding it out."
    "No, I'm still not going to accept it. It doesn't matter what deal you give me, my first priority is to help Xeinil out, and if I can't be there to protect them against villains like you. Xeinil is basically everything I know and love."
    Maya chuckles in amusement. "That's too bad, because if you don't accept, everyone down there is going to die because of you. If your first priority is to save Xeinil, then you better accept my offer, because if you decline, that city you know and love so much will be wiped off the planet!"
    I stayed silent. I really didn't have a choice here. I could either decline her offer, and a large part of the city's population gets evaporated instantly, or I could accept her offer, and delay the inventive conversion of the city.
    "So... What's your choice? I don't have all day here, y'know..." She says to me.
    "NEITHER!" I yelled as I threw a pulse at her, and she was hit, as she fell off the side of the building. I was barely able to stand up, and walked over to the side. That single pulse had drained me once again. Had I really done it just like that? Had I defeated Maya by catching her off guard?
    "You missed me?" I suddenly hear behind me. It's Maya. She must have teleported before landing. I turned around, nearly falling off the side of the pad too, but I barely was able to keep on standing. She was right in front of me.
    She also probably didn't take kindly being pushed off, as she was shapeshifted. Of course, she had made herself look like my mom. With her poofy hair, forgiving eyes, and casual outfit. The colors weren't right at all though, as it was based on Maya's colors. Not the light, pastel colors like my mom used to have.
    "I didn't realize that you were this strong, huh. If only your mom was here to see what you have become. What would she have thought of you, trying to battle someone, almost dying, as you wear your dad's old war suit?" Maya's voice was intertwined with my mom's voice, which I disliked greatly.
    I was too exhausted to keep standing anymore, and I fell back to the ground. "S-she would have been okay with it. Even though she forgives anyone and gives anyone a chance, she would have been okay with banishing you. Regardless, I have brought back up the city with my powers and the help of friends. She would have been proud of me for fighting back."
    Next, she transforms into the inevitable, my dad. I don't even know how she knew what he looked like. There aren't that many pictures of him to this day, as he didn't like his picture taken. "What a sad little man, too tired and too weak to even get up. Still can't even look at me straight in the eyes, huh?"
    She forces me to look up at her shapeshifted form. "What would he have thought of you looking like this? Weak, sick, exhausted. This isn't what he had fought for."
    I closed my eyes to avoid looking at him. Yes, I still was having a hard time even looking my own dad in the face, mostly because he was dead. "You're right, he didn't fight for me to look like this. He fought for everyone here."
    She steps away from me, frowning. "Stop with all of that nonsense about them fighting for everyone. They couldn't possibly fight for everyone here, because I am here. Your positive talk about them is making me sick."
    "Well, they do care for everyone here. They might not be here right now, but they had fought for what they thought was right, and they did it well. My dad wanted all Newcomers to be free, and he spent years making it happen, and look at me, I'm able to be here, along with you. Even though he's gone, and his goal is complete, I am fighting for him, and our freedom that is Xeinil." I stood back up, I felt like jelly, but I did it anyway.
"My mom wanted the same wish. She wanted to see what the real world was like, and she wanted to be with my dad until the end. She also wanted everyone to be happy, and healthy. She unfortunately wasn't able to complete her goal after she died from you. I'm fighting for her, both of us can be happy. I want to be the one to complete her goal." I said.
    "Gnh, you're so cheesy." She says as she shapeshifts back to normal. "You know that the world doesn't always work out like that, right? Some of us will never complete our life goals. Some of us will die happy and unhealthy. It's life. In the game of life, you aren't gonna get everything you want."
    "That's why you gotta work towards it. Life is supposed to be difficult so you can overcome it. Of course nothing will always go your way, look at me. I wanted everything to be the same, but then you came along. I worked nights and days getting everyone back, and I still have a job to do."
    "Yeah, I know, it's to get rid of me. You just got lucky you got to live here. I wish there was some way... Aha!" She suddenly said, like a lightbulb turned on in her head.
    "What?" I cautiously asked her.
    She shapeshifts once again, and when she is done, she is mimicking Gabriel. Oh no.
    "You aren't always gonna get everything you want, buddy ol' friend. Or fiend maybe. I know how Gabriel feels about you, and I can probably predict what he feels about you this very moment based on his past actions."
    I struggled to stay upright. "How about you don't?" I tell Maya, I know that I have hurt Gabriel in the past, and even in the present, and I haven't done anything to make it up for him recently. I have barely spent any time with him since he has been revived, as I have to lead the rebellion alone.
    "Oh, I will. He trusted you. He wanted to be there for you, but you pushed him away. He is such a good friend who wants to do anything with him, but you threw him away." She circles me as I struggle to focus on standing. "Now, he probably feels worthless, and weak. You have hurt him. You can't do anything to fix it now, you're both already too far gone to get back up."
    I pushed Maya away as I fell to the ground. I have hurt Gabriel. "Why do you do this to me? Why do you try to take advantage of everything I know and care about? Why don't you just fight me?" I ask her.
    She stopped moving, trying to process what I said, then she smirked, as she kept circling around me. "I want to get revenge, and I am so close now, that I just need to use one more pulse on you, and you will be out like a match. I will win. You don't know how long I have waited for this day to happen. I want you to know how much you have failed yourself, your friends, your parents, and all of Xeinil. They counted on you to kill me, but here you are, unable to even stand, and progressively dying."
    "Then do it, just kill me then. Don't make me suffer anymore like this." I didn't know what else to say. I don't really have anything to fight for anymore. I only am feeling pain now, as my breaths become labored, and my limbs become weaker, and weaker. I really am dying now, because of whatever Maya did.
    "You really just want to give up now?" She says. "Usually the people I fought in the past were much stronger than I first thought. You actually were below my expectations this time. I guess I'm just that good now."
    "And, before you kill me, just tell me what you have been hiding for so long. I'm not gonna tell anyone, and it's the only thing I want to know about."
    Maya sighs, and she sits down so we are both at eye level. She also shapeshifters back to her own self in a small glow of white light. This was very unlike her to finally talk instead of fight. "Fine, it's only because you actually can't tell anyone. I'm not feeling bad for you or anything like that. I have fought three other Supernaturals, now four, as you are included. They had powers similar to yours, and over time, their magic took control, and with my help, they were weakened by what you call your infection. Those three had defeated me in the end though, I think they all died shortly after I died, and I had to use another life to try and get more revenge."
    "Do you have more than one life, or is that just a metaphor for something?"
    "NO QUESTIONS!" She snapped, and started to get back up, but eventually she sat back down. "Sorry. Still no questions though. I have tried so many different ways to get back at them. Two of those worlds had a whole clan of Supernaturals that I almost had control of. I had even created my own Supernaturals, like children, out of my own magic. They had turned against me though."
"I am so unfamiliar with this place called Earth, it's like my home planet, but at the same time, nearly nothing is the same. I've been here for so many years, but I still don't understand most things about it. I've felt feelings here that I have never felt before, I have seen so many things, and so many cultures. I don't have enough time to know it all though. I'm dying, I know it, and I think I have only one more chance to prove you and those other Supernaturals wrong. I know I'm dying because jeesh, I'm talking to you if you are like a friend or something, it's weird."
    "It is." I say to her, almost instinctively. I was trying to process everything that she said to me. I wasn't able to think straight though, because of the infection, so I was having difficulty realizing what she was telling me about.
    "Welp," She sits up suddenly, and clears her throat. "Now since you know a little bit about me, not a lot though, it's now time to die." She says, and points her palm at me, which is ready to fire a pulse at any second, I dropped my head down in defeat.
    I suddenly felt the tower shaking, back and forth. "Wha?" Maya says, and she wobbles around. "What is happening? Do you have some sort of trick up your sleeve?" She asks, as the tower shakes more violently by the second.
    "No, I have no idea what's going on!" I tell her as I try to stabilize myself on the ground. At this rate, the tower is going to collapse at any second! I start to hear some sort of rumbling noise, almost like footsteps. In an instant, I realized what was happening, and how absolutely irrational they are.
    "YAAAAHH!!!!" A bunch of people say as they thunder out from the trapdoor. They attempt to get at Maya, who is trying to defend herself from the civilians.
    Gabriel walked up to me, and extended a hand out. "I thought that you might need some help. We are supposed to be a team, after all." He tells me.
    This was a really bad idea. I took his hand, and got up, but I had to lean on him to make sure I stood upright. "How did you get up here so fast?"
    "We had figured out the trick to this castle. It rearranges pieces of the halls while you're not looking. It gets overloaded though after there are more than five people. I'm guessing that you spent a long time there. The technician team was able to get to the control panel and shut it down. But I think we need to get you to the ground, you don't look so good."
    "You guys shouldn't have come up here though, it's not safe. Maya's going to hurt you all!" I told him.
    "Don't worry, we have a plan if things go wrong. For now, we are just here to distract Maya, and get you away from her. We can all battle it out some time later, but for now, you are our first priority. You had saved all of us, and now we are going to save you, how ironic is that? But we need to go now."
    "No, I don't think you understand what Maya can do! I want you guys to all be safe. You need to all get back down to the ground, and save yourselves!"
    A wave of emotion crossed Gabriel's face, but it was mostly disappointment. "But I got a bunch of people to volunteer to do this mission. I created a plan so we could rescue you. I wanted to be here for you for once."
    I thought for a moment. "I'm sorry Gabriel. I want you to be safe more than anyone else. You have a life to live. You can care for other people. This is my destiny though, and I need to fulfill it. I have fought for so long to save you all, but you don't need to throw away your lives for me."
    Gabriel sniffled as tears started to form. "Ezra, you're worth more than you think. We are saving you because you saved us. All of us owe you some help too. You don't need to put yourself first anymore, since things are different. You're a good person, and you need to realize that too."
    While we were having a wholesome moment, Maya was still trying to attack the people."GET OF ME, YOU MAGGOTS!" Maya yelled as she threw off a bunch of people off the side, and they didn't care as if they almost accepted their death.
    "Are they going to be okay?" I said to Gabriel.
    "Yep, they all have parachutes. I have a bigger one so I can carry you down too."
    "I've had enough of this! I tried to be nice, I don't know why, but now you are just annoying me!" Maya says, and she starts to attack the people coming at her with pulses, pulverizing them almost instantly, as their corpses were just dust and hot ash.
    "Is that supposed to happen?" I ask.
    "No, no that's not. Hold my hand, we are getting out of here. Retreat!" He says, and everyone suddenly stops what they are doing, to fall off the pad and the roof.
    "I can't go Gabriel! Maya is just going to attack us again if we don't defeat her!"
    "But we don't have any other choice! I don't want people to die either, including you." Gabriel says as he tugs on me. I try to pull back, I am too weak.
    "I have to do this though! I have to save the city! I have to save everyone!"
    "What about you?"
    "I... I don't matter. I'm sorry, but you need to go!" I said, as I pushed him off the side of the pad, which also led straight off the side of the lair. I looked down as Gabriel activated his parachute, and safely fell to the ground.
    "I'm out of magic now, great." I hear Maya mumble to herself. This is my chance to get rid of her. I turn around, and slowly walk to her. She was now on her knees, unable to hurt me. I had enough magic to just fire a pulse strong enough to kill her. I was really going to have to do it this way.
    "Great. The same situation always seems to happen! Every time I thought I was winning, and I was going somewhere, but out of the blue, you somehow manage to rise up and are able to leave me at your level. How utterly embarrassing. Just end me. Let me lose again" She tells me as I ready my pulse.
    "Maya, this wasn't about winning or losing. You were playing with people's lives. They didn't deserve any of this treatment. I don't want to kill you, because that seems unfair, but I have to. It's just how life seems to work out."
    Maya's brows furrow and she visibly cliches her teeth as she manages to get up. "This was always about winning or losing, don't you get it? You think that this is just how life works out? You really think that this is your destiny, huh? You think that this is my destiny? Well too bad, because if I can't win, then I might as well know that we will both not win or lose. I will know that I might have won!"
    "What do you mean?" I ask.
    "If I have to end the entire world's lives to make sure you don't win, I will do it. It's the end of the line for you." She says, as she snaps her fingers.
    I don't even hear the sound of the snap, as a shockwave throws me back, killing me, and the ball of fire coming from her also kills her, and it expands, and engulfs the entire city in a bright white light, killing everything inside.
    This time, I wasn't reborn like the others. We learn more about the Supernatural universe.

Supernatural Book 4: Ezra's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now