Chapter 4

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I haven't had a good night's sleep ever since I had gotten my powers. It's taken a toll on my emotions, my focus, and my personality. Back then, before I had helped Maya and before my world started to change, I wouldn't think that some person on TV would be a problem that would affect me throughout the day. I wouldn't have the nerve to yell at my mom.
The dreams that I am constantly having, which have increased ever since I met Maya, have also taken a toll on me. They might be the reason why I don't sleep well anymore. I think I'm still upset at my mom for something that I dreamt about a few nights ago. She was hiding that she was dating some guy.
Years ago, after I was having a hard time knowing that my father was actually dead, she had told me something. She had promised that she was never to give her heart to anyone else. I know that it was just a dream, but I still feel betrayed. I can't get over it, and I don't want to take my anger out on her because of a dream, but I couldn't have stopped my emotions.
I guess that's going to be the new normal. Having these dreams, getting mad at people who had gotten me upset in my dreams, and crying myself to sleep. I guess I can't do anything to make myself feel better.
The new norm hadn't just involved my dreams. It included Maya, who was converting more and more people each day. Having to learn how to control my powers by myself. Having to shove nearly all my emotions down my throat. Maybe if I just went with the flow, things will get better, and I can move on from this horrible chapter of my life.
It didn't work out like that. My problems were only seeming to get worse as time passed. Starting with Maya, what she was focusing on was only getting more and more broad. It was also going further and further away from what she was originally saying. There were no parts of the speech that involved helping others so they felt better. It was about taking down the evil, spreading her idea further, and getting more supporters.
She was eventually able to get a new law passed, even though our mayor had strongly disagreed with it. We were not exactly forced to obey, but it was strongly recommended. We would have to start a small routine around the time we got up, and it would end around the time you would go to work.
First, you would have to take a really cold shower, and before you got out, you have to turn it to the hottest you were normally comfortable with. This reaction caused lots of pain, but Maya said that this would get rid of your outer demons that hover over you while you do everyday work.
Second, you would have to meditate in your bathroom for half an hour. This would probably be the step that made the most sense, if it wasn't for the part that stated you couldn't have dried yourself off and you could have any clothes on. You had to sit on your towel, being exposed, and dealing with the pain from the shower.
Third, you have to eat a special breakfast, after you have put your clothes back on. You had to eat dragon fruit, swiss cheese, and some pork. I believe it is supposed to be an attempt at making a balanced breakfast, but those three foods seem to be so random. It's like she picked the most odd things that people had at their house. This has created another problem where those three foods' prices have shot up five-hundred percent.
Fourth, you have to do a front flip. It sounds extremely stupid to do, and it is. Probably half of the people who are supporting Maya are too old or aren't fit enough to do that. I don't even believe I could do a front flip on a hard floor without injuring myself, and I'm considered to be one of the more healthier people of Xeinil. This is the step that is sending a lot of people to the hospital right now.
Finally, you have to watch the morning speech, or the pre-recorded, less up-to-date speech that was sent out in an email on the day the law was passed. During the morning speech, they would talk about current events, and how to further enhance your day to be the best. Unfortunately, most people would be tired by now, and they wouldn't do as well at work, even with the daily "motivational" speech.
The worst thing is that you had to do this in under an hour. Many people were arriving late to work or school because of this morning routine. If you didn't do this, or you didn't do it right, you were considered unworthy by Maya, and you would be encouraged to not be a supporter anymore.
That last part had started to spark some outrage, which I bet Maya didn't expect. People wanted to be supporters, and after not being blinded by Maya's charismatic words, they started to see the truth, like me. One of the first revolts at Maya happened, and that morning, she had found a solution. A solution that I couldn't even imagine her doing before today.
"After a long night of thinking, I have formed a plan with my top supporters on how we can deal with the ones who were recommended to no longer be a part of my idea. I see now that some people are willing to do anything to help me, and for them to be on the Wise One's nice side. I understand why you would do these acts, as I would have done the same."
"It is very simple to stay a supporter if you no longer want to continue the morning routine which is recommended by law to do. All you need to do is come to our tent, which is right behind me, and ask to be freed of your sins. I will escort you to a building where you have to sign some papers, and you will be known as a True Supporter. True Supporters will give their life and dreams to the Wise One, and do whatever is needed to help me and others. You will not be able to go back to your family, your job, or anything else you were doing."
Somehow, the crowd cheered. They had cheered at the thought of leaving everything behind for something they had heard about just a month ago. Hundreds of people were lined up at her tent after that, waiting for their life to be sold away. I believe most of the people there hadn't said goodbye to any of their loved ones. Their husband, wife, or children will be waiting for them, but they will never come back.
On a couple of news stations, we were able to see inside one of the blocks that the people will be staying in. There wasn't much light inside, the beds looked as hard as stone, and there were so many beds that were packed together. The food that was in the cafeteria looked like frozen protein shakes, which is definitely worse than our school's food. The conditions they were living in were horrible, and people wanted to go there.
Those hundreds of people were not at work or school tomorrow. Multiple kids were gone, and some of their parents were gone. Our math teacher was gone too. I was kind of glad that he was gone, but at the same time, he was probably going to die in those blocks. For the first time, our school felt much more empty, and there was an eerie silence in the halls.
The people who had become True Supporters were tasked to work on projects that regular supporters wouldn't have done. They had to plan and write the speeches, they had to keep the online servers running, they had to spend all their time advertising around the city. The worst task was the one that most people were given. They had to go outside, and start finding materials.
Outside the city of Xeinil is a harsh, barren place. Most structures were flattened by the nuclear explosions. The only thing that would be recognizable now is the bunkers that people used to live in. Finding parts to build the city took years, even with scientific advancements, so whatever the True Supporters are going to find, then it's going to be rough.
There is a possibility though that other people are still living outside the city. We don't go out there, because of the radiation. If people work outside there for days, they are going to get poisoned by it, and die. I have also heard from my mom that it snows out there, a lot. There is no sun, or warmth. The nuclear explosions have plunged the outside world into a winter that will last many years after I die.
Maya is putting her workers in a deadly environment. If any of my friends, or my family became a True Supporter, then their days would become limited, dying from Maya's idea. She is going to kill people, and I don't think people realize that.
It turns out that other people had realized too. The mayor was doing another speech about Maya that night after she had told where most of the True Supporters would go. "What Maya is doing is clearly outrageous and dangerous to the civilians. She will be exposing many hundreds of people to the outside world. There is a reason why we do not investigate the outside world. There is no chance for sustainable human life for hundreds of years in the future."
"Even with our current equipment and technological advances, there is no way a human can stay outside for full shifts, for many days at a time. The builders of our city were quickly wiped out by the poisoning from the radiation, and none of us want to see our loved ones die by something that can be prevented. The builders sacrificed their lives for a utopia to be made, but you are not doing anything to help the people."
"Maya, please, be professional with me here. This is not a game, and we are not test subjects for your ideas. It is nice to see a person standing up for the people who are not getting help, but helping others doesn't require making others suffer. Xeinil is a place for people to be at peace, not to tear them apart."
Many people were upset at him for trying to stop Maya, even though there seemed to be less people getting angry at him. He had made many great points about saving people. Maybe the mayor could stop all of this.
The next day, Maya had said earlier she was going to speak about the mayor. When the time came at four, she had walked up quietly to the podium. She is usually never quiet when she goes up, and the others had noticed. Everyone was quiet, waiting for her. She placed her hand on the podium, and leaned in close towards the microphone.
"The mayor is an idiot." She had said, another moment, had passed, and the crowd started to cheer. Just insulting a person can make her supporters love her even more.
"He thinks that he can confine us in here. He thinks that he knows what's good for us. He thinks that he cares about you. Unfortunately, that is wrong. He wants us to believe him so he can stay in power. He doesn't want us to risk our lives because he doesn't believe that the Wise One exists."
"The Wise One is very powerful, and will save us in times of need. He will protect you from the dangers that lurk outside. He will be able to defeat the ones who don't believe in him. I know him, and he will be able to protect us from danger."
"Do not listen to the mayor. Everyone who isn't a supporter and calls us out is lying. They do not know the true power of the Wise One, or the teamwork that comes from all of us. If they do, then they must be afraid or jealous of our power. Trust me, I can handle the power if we stay together. Because together, we will become powerful!"
The two had argued throughout a couple of weeks, saying that one side is lying, and they need to trust them. Of course, I remained on the mayor's side. He was much more calm and collected, even if he knew he was losing. The mayor didn't care if he might lose eventually, he just wanted to try. He never insulted Maya much, while she tried to hurl every insult she knew.
I have been worried about the state of Xeinil, and the future of it. I used to think that our city was indestructible. My mom and dad found and used the best materials they could find to keep the city together. We were a strong city, even if we were the only city out there, and we only had the past to compare to. I thought that our city would stay alive as long as we don't get eaten up by the sun in a few million years.
It turns out that I was gravely wrong. I didn't know that one person, who seemed to just be a kind woman on the streets would control the city in just a few weeks. We might still be the strongest out there physically, but mentally? All of us want a goal to keep moving on, and Maya was the answer. Of course, I was content with life, and I am not used to change, but I would have never thought that this could ever happen.
I guess I should have learned by my history textbooks that humans like controversy, and taking sides. They like to argue, and cause fights. I don't know about the Newcomers and their history, it was never written down, but maybe they like to get influenced by humans. Maybe they liked to spread hate too. I don't know how, but Maya has been able to take control of this flaw that all of us have.
In the past, humans were guided by multiple different leaders who wanted to take power, like Maya. Before that, thousands of years maybe, they were controlled by a person who was thought to be a part of a god, like Maya. Later, people followed who were sent down by God to make the world a better place, like Maya. What I'm saying is that Maya basically knows everything about easy manipulation. Even the simple stuff that no one talks about like being charismatic and making false promises.
It's so upsetting to have to see my mom and dad's city, the one that they had spent around thirteen years making before my dad died, and many years after that, refining the city to be it's best. It's crumbling right in front of my eyes, and I can't do anything about it.
I have been having many more dreams, as I have previously mentioned. They plague my sleep, and to attempt to let some weight off of my back, I have started writing down some of my dreams.
One of them starts off as your normal type of dream. I am in school, walking down the halls, with my friends by my side. The halls were much longer than they actually are. I was chatting with all of them, as I got my stuff, and walked down to my first period, which now seemed to be my science room.
Then, the roof had suddenly disappeared. I didn't know if it was gone before, or that I had just noticed. It was extremely cloudy out, just like now, in real life. I was looking up, and then I was able to see Maya come into view. I had gotten out of the classroom, as I looked towards the school. Maya came walking over and started picking up the people in school, who now looked tiny.
I couldn't tell who was in the small group of people who were in Maya's hands. They flailed around as Maya picked them up with her other hand, and ate each one that was in her hand. I was mortified. She laughed after she ate the rest that were in her hand.
She kept picking people up in groups, as I went back into the school to try and save people. I tried to help people but there was nothing I could do to help. After all the students and my friends were gone, or had run away from the school, she picked me up, and placed me on her hand.
"You're next." Is the only thing that she said before I woke up in a cold sweat. I've already had experience with being really small compared to other people, and being around bigger things. I've had dreams about them.
Another one of them included being in a large city. I was running around the building, which seemed to be less than half a block tall, but they were so tall that I couldn't tell if they actually ended. I don't know if I was trying to find something, but my mom, who was now much smaller than me, was following me around.
She kept telling me about trying to hide from the other her. Instead of hiding, I kept running, and eventually, I ran into her other self, who had red eyes. She wanted me to follow her, to the end of the city. I started to follow her, as my mom with the normal eyes who was following me wasn't anywhere to be seen.
After walking for a moment, we came to a dark light that was bending the buildings around it. It reminded me of a blach hole. My evil little mom had grabbed my hand and started walking me forward. I attempted to let her go, but she was too strong for me. I woke up, without going into the darkness, or being able to escape from her strong but tiny grasp.
There was another dream that I can very clearly remember to this day. I was lying in bed, with all the lights shut off. I was staring at my phone, watching people and objects pass by the screen. I would usually watch some videos before going to beed, but it felt much more lonesome. I really couldn't see any part of the room, since it was too black. My phone's screen shone so brightly, and I kept looking at it with a dead stare, as if I was being absorbed.
I kept watching, thinking that I actually was watching some video before going to bed. I don't know how long I was there, mindlessly staring, but I had eventually realized that this isn't real life. I tried to get up, but my phone had shut off as soon as I broke free. I felt the phone on the bed, but I couldn't see it. I couldn't see anything, in the dark, and I was alone.
I started to freak out, still partially knowing that this is a dream, and everything here must be fake. I wanted to see things again. I didn't want to be alone. I needed my phone back on. I picked it up, and I turned it back on. Instantly, I was watching videos, laying back in bed, and I felt perfectly fine.
I don't know how long I had waited for something to happen. I tried to get up a couple more times, but it ended in the same black abyss, worrying endlessly about wanting to see light again. Eventually, I drifted back to sleep, while I was in a dream. Maybe I had tried to stay awake, multiple times even, as I had gotten sleepier and sleepier. I didn't know that you could fall asleep in a dream like that.
Then, there is one dream that I have been thinking about a lot recently. I was at one of Maya's speeches, in the crowd. It felt like I was the camera that the cameraman was holding. I am taller than the average student, but I shouldn't be as tall as to be able to be two heads taller than everyone else.
Anyways, she was speaking about stuff, which sounded more like gibberish to me. I couldn't understand anything that was coming from her mouth, like in real life. I looked down, and I saw Gabriel at my side. I also supposedly shrunk as I was looking at him since he seemed to grow taller. He was looking up at me, and told me something.
"You should do the thing now. She won't suspect anything from you."
I didn't know what he was talking about, but my subconscious did. I looked back at Maya, now my normal size. "It's disgusting that you think that you can get away with this." I yelled towards her. She stopped speaking, and everyone here faced me, wondering why I would cause a disruption.
"What did you say?" She asked, glaring at me. There was a short silence.
I cleared my throat. "You know what I said. It's silly to think you will be able to win. Well, you're wrong."
"Is that so? What are you going to do about it? Fight me?" She told me. The people around me started to get angrier, and I couldn't see Gabriel.
"I guess I will have to eventually, if you want to keep this up. You know what you are doing is completely wrong, and tearing the city of Xeinil apart."
"I do know that, pea-brain. Supporters, seize this non-believer of the Wise One! He must be a spy for the evil ones, trying to infect us with his lies!"
People started going towards me, with their arms in front of them, obeying her orders. I wanted to run away, but my subconscious did something different. I shot pulses towards people, and all around me, which pushed them onto the ground. I ran towards Maya, who kept glaring at me. I jumped over people as they blindly ran towards me, like zombies.
I eventually got onto the stage, behind Maya. She turned around, still fuming in pure anger. "You better leave, or else." She said between her teeth.
"Else what? I know what you are doing here, because I can see through your lies. You aren't going to manipulate me, like you have done to all of these people."
She chuckled, which turned into a maniacal laugh. "You've already fallen for my trap, a long time ago. If you would have known better, then you should have-"
I woke up to my alarm, so I never got to hear the end of what she was going to say. That dream has scared me at first, thinking that I could easily get caught by Maya, but then I started to get inspired by that dream.
It was totally possible that I could beat Maya with my powers. My powers could be used for good to stop Maya from ruining Xeinil. I could stop the city from crumbling by Maya if I can go against her. I have a chance to fight her, using the powers that I don't know what to do with, or have much control over.
Should I tell Gabriel about this plan? Would he think that we should stand up, or does he want to hide? He was in the dream, and was motivating me to act. That was a dream though, and my dreams cannot predict how things will go in the future. It did inspire me, but Gabriel could get hurt, or he could turn into a supporter due to being exposed, and I don't want to be the cause of it.
He shouldn't know, at least not yet. I don't want to put any more people in danger than I already have. I should have known that someone on the streets with such a great idea was going to turn bad eventually. No one is homeless here in Xeinil, and people don't just do nothing when they have such a great idea.
It's all my fault that I have made someone take advantage of a weakness that our city has. People want something to follow, but they don't realize that their ignorance can be used for power. It's going to be my fault if I don't do anything to try and stop it. I don't want to see Xeinil, the city that my parents worked on for years, crumble and fall apart so quickly and easily. This whole thing is my fault, so I have this whole thing from continuing to harm my city too.
That afternoon, after I was dropped off by the bus, I quickly went inside to make sure I was ready. I didn't want this plan to fail. I made sure that I could use my pulses, by firing them at a wall. They don't interact with anything but lights, mirrors, and supposedly people. Pulses work most of the time, but sometimes they don't.
I made sure that I could turn invisible, just in case I needed to run away. I usually look at my hands to see if I have done it or not. This is the power that I have the least control over and the one that I find the hardest to activate. I believe that this one is more controlled by my emotions than any other power. It's the one that I keep accidentally activating. Whenever I am startled, or scared, or embarrassed, I turn invisible and I don't even realize! Hopefully I can have some control over it.
I also am able to run a little faster, and jump a little higher. I don't know if it's because I am paranoid or something, but it could be useful. This isn't a power that I can just activate. It always stays, which is best in my opinion.
I think that is all the powers I have. I have a few moments to spare, so I turn on the TV. I will have to wait until at least four so I can go to Maya's daily meeting. I watch the news on a random channel, until they announce that Maya is ready to make her speech. Almost every news channel, even channels that don't do livestreams like that, now participate.
I turn off the TV. I would rather be there to watch what was going on. I get up, walk out of the house, and wait for the bus. I couldn't believe that I was actually going to do this. I would have never believed in the past few weeks that I would actually be going to one of Maya's speeches.
The bus took longer than I originally thought. I guess a lot of people are using the transit to go to the speech. It eventually came, and I got on. It only took a moment to get there, so I didn't have any time to think about thinking that maybe this is a bad idea.
I was brought to Central Park, where I headed to the large crowd, and Maya's voice. I tried to get closer to the front, but there were already so many people here. I veered off to the side of the crowd, towards the side of the stage, where I could get a little closer to Maya, as she was clearing her throat.
"I welcome all of you. Thank you for being here, to support me, and to help walk the path to success. Right now, as the numbers read, we have just reached over a million people watching my speech! Not just the people here at Central Park, but at home on their TV, device, and even the people who have become True Supporters are watching this, right now. I would have never thought that so many people would have wanted to hear me."
"Sorry, I'm just getting a little emotional. Today, I want to present the idea that I have been developing with my top supporters. We have been thinking about this for a long time, and thought it would be best to present it now. My True Supporters have been working hard to find material from the land outside on Xeinil. They do this to show an example of what power we possess."
"You may have been wondering what they are gathering materials for, and why they must sacrifice their lives for something as important as this. Well, now we can finally reveal what we have been planning for so long. Me, and all of my top supporters want to present to you that..." She pauses for dramatic effect. "We are building a place for us to live, right here, starting next week!"
The crowd started to cheer and scream. They seemed to be so excited to be supporting this stuff. Maya didn't own Central Park, and she would at least need a permit to make a permanent living space right here. The mayor wouldn't let her do that anyways. Maybe this was the right time to speak up? Should I even try to speak up at all? Would anyone believe me? Was this whole idea just a stupid thing so I live a dream?
No, I couldn't think like that right now. I came all this way to make a stand, and I couldn't flee now. I made sure I wasn't invisible, and I placed both of my feet on the ground, my fists clenched. "Maya," I said in my loudest voice. Everyone had stopped cheering, and looked around to where the voice was at. The people close to me were able to know that it was me. "You know what you are doing is wrong." I continue.
Maya looks at me, confused. I don't think she had expected anyone to go against her. "Why is that?" She asks.
"Because you are using innocent people to your advantage, and mostly, because it is illegal." I explain. I have to use every fiber of my being to make sure that I stay put. I wanted to shake. My voice wanted to tremble. I wanted to run away, but I knew that I needed to do this. I also know that I am everywhere now, everyone is looking at me, I'm on everyone's TV, and they will not forget my face.
"So, what? We are doing what is right. Everyone knows that. If I was doing something that I shouldn't be doing, then people would be on your side. Guess what? I don't see any others taking your side."
"Well... maybe you're not just wrong, maybe what you're saying and telling everyone is wrong too. They believe you because they think that everything that comes out of your mouth is true. I know for a fact though that you have been lying to us the whole time." I explain. People circle around me, but keeping their distance, probably thinking that I am weird.
"Look, I was trying to do a speech here, and you are ruining it. Please, stop interrupting me so I can continue, or else I will make you shut up." She babbles.
"No, I want everyone to know that you are manipulating people so you can use them. There is no need to be doing any of this, what you're doing, trying to gain power by having these people surround you, it's dull, and stupid."
"Have it your way, then. I'm only doing what is right. The Wise One knows what to do with all of us, and I will help people so they can be guided to a good life. One day, you will have to face the consequences of your actions." She speaks to me, almost condescendingly. "Supporters, this is an example of an evil being, who is trying to trick you! Seize him!" She yells.
The people around me start to walk towards me, as I back up, but there are just more people behind me. I guess this is the time to use my powers, if no one is going to believe me. Before I had done anything, I had hesitated.
Maybe it was bad, showing my powers. Everyone is going to know that I have them. Maybe I should just run away, it would be easy, and it won't make me look like too much of a fool. I was partially frozen in thought, trying to decide to act or not.
Then, I had remembered Gabriel. He wanted me to do this, or at least in my dream. I lifted my hand, and fired a pulse towards the people in front of me. The person closest to me was hit, but it was able to send enough force to knock many others down. The people who were knocked down starting to make others fall, like bowling pins. The people around me started to back away, instead of trying to get me.
There was an eerie silence that had spread quickly across the crowd, as they saw what I had been able to do. They were scared of me, for just a second, then they had started to capture me. Again, my instincts told me to run, but I didn't listen. I moved my arm around, creating pulses that have the capability to knock down multiple people at once.
Eventually, the supporters realized that they weren't going to get anywhere with me. I was able to run by the people in the crowd, as they backed away. I jumped onto the stage, which was particularly higher up than I first remembered it to be. Maya didn't look worried like all the others, in fact, she didn't even look mad. She didn't even try to back away.
"Give it up, Maya. Your idea will eventually crumble, and everyone here will know what a fool you are."
She didn't say anything. Her expression didn't change. "They will think I'm a fool? When? Because, right now, all I see is a fool, right in front of me."
"And why is that?" I ask. I step closer to her. She refuses to move, and I fire a pulse at her, but she is able to dodge it, but falls to the ground.
"Ever since I came here, and started speeches, I have been trying to find someone special. Someone who is different from all the others. Someone who has a clear advantage over others. Someone, who has powers, like you."
"Why have you been trying to find me?" I say, not trying to appear startled.
"Oh, that is a very long story. I don't have the patience to say it now. I have been trying to find a single person on this Earth that has your abilities. For a while, I thought that maybe you were wiped out by that war missile, or whatever it's called." She starts to chuckle. "I am just a little surprised. I don't know who you are, but I didn't expect someone as weak as you to be the one chosen."
"That is enough-" I say, but a cloth gets put over my mouth by someone behind me. Two of the top supporters hold my hands behind me, and I struggle to get free. They bring me over to the tent, as Maya follows behind them, leaving the injured crowd behind. The cameramen attempt to follow.
"You could be of great use to me. Someone like you, as powerful as you are, could have so much control over my plan. It's unfortunate that you were molded to feel weak. I could break you out of the mold, if you want me to." She leans close to me. "All you have to do now is say yes."
I am able to take off the cloth, and I qasp quickly for fresh air. "I won't ever say yes to you."
"It doesn't matter if you say yes, actually. Either way, I want you to be here, and I always get what I want." She explains to me, facing me as the top supporters attempt to force me to sit down on a chair, close to the tent.
"You will lose eventually. I'm sure of it. It may not be me who will stop you-"
"That's the thing." She says, interrupting me. "No one can stop me, but you. It's not possible for anyone else, because of your advantage. If you're going to give up that easily, then I have already won. I am so tired of losing, over and over again. Now, I can finally see that I have a chance of winning." She explains to me. "Now, hold still."
I do the complete opposite, and I barely manage to break free. Her top supporters follow me, as I believe she is waiting for them to come back with me. I run as fast as my legs can carry me, and I turn a corner, and go invisible. I make sure multiple times that I do, but I try not to make a single peep.
The top supporters weren't able to find me, and they gave up. I wasn't going to turn into a slave for Maya, at least not today. I waited for what felt like a long time before I felt safe enough to move. I started to sluggishly walk back to my house, now physically and mentally exhausted. I didn't even want to use a bus, there was too high of a risk being found.
I was invisible the whole way back. I even stayed invisible while I was alone, inside my house. A whole range of emotions were being mixed in my head, but I didn't even want to feel any of them. I mostly felt blank. Like I didn't have a reason to do anything. Like I had no energy left.
I laid on my bed for a while, now visible, because I didn't have to hide anymore. I finally started to listen to what my mind had to say about what had happened.
First off, I was extremely scared. I had been shown on television for everyone in Xeinil to see. It's common technology to just take a picture of a person and be able to know who it is. Name, location, age, nearly everything that you would normally show to a friend. Maya, and her ever going team can just find me. They'll probably be at my door any minute now.
Next, I felt... small. It seems that Maya knows a lot more than I originally thought. She had said that she had continually lost, over and over again, and that made her tired. At first, I thought that she was talking about the bullying. That had only motivated her though. Either she was lying, or something else is going on. She had also presented herself when I was threatening her, or at least attempting to, as if she had already planned me being there.
Then, I felt... confused? Or maybe I felt angry. Or sad. Or weak, as Maya said. Why did she want me to be a part of her team? I had told her that I would never obey her, but she still kept going. She thinks that she can always get her way. She can, at least in most people, but I won't let myself conform to her rules.
Honestly, I wasn't sure what I actually felt. I had maybe even felt defeated. I didn't know what to do with myself anymore. I thought that I was going to be able to scare her, and be able to get through everyone's thick skulls that Maya is the bad person here. It turns out that it had far exceeded what I thought of failure. If I wasn't able to escape, she could have done anything to me.
I knew, deep down that this was a bad idea. I didn't listen to that feeling though. I feel so stupid to not listen to my instincts. I should have never followed a dream that I had. Anything can happen in a dream, good or bad, but in real life, everything is destined to go wrong, no matter what.
I waited in my room, and eventually grabbed my phone out of boredom. They must know where I live, and they would probably have me back at that tent by now. Maya seemed to want me so much, so why doesn't she get me right now? I don't have any defenses, and I am completely alone.
My mom came soon after, and I jumped when I heard the door open, but calmed down when I heard it was her. It seems like she didn't know what was happening, and that I am currently being tracked down because I had shown that I have powers. I was starting to get less worried, but more suspicious.
I had calmed down to the point where I wasn't shaking, and I had some dinner with my mom. I usually would have waited to eat, as I was now fearing for my life, but I ate anyway since I was really hungry. I noticed that I seem to get tired after worrying about Maya.
Before bedtime, I started to wonder if they were coming after me at all. Maybe Maya doesn't want to deal with me, or she is waiting for me to come back so she doesn't have to do any work. It wouldn't be a surprise to see that happen, since she is too busy trying to build that thing in Central Park.
I wonder what the mayor is saying about it. He is probably not happy at all. Maybe he is still on, so I grab my phone, and search up a livestream of his speech. There was one on, so that's nice. I wish I could go downstairs and watch this on the TV, because this screen is so small, but my mom is down there.
The usual stuff goes on. "Maya, as mayor of Xeinil, I cannot let you build anything in Central Park, as you do not have the rights. Suspend the construction at once, or I will force you to. This also goes along with sending people out into the outside, which is a harmful, radioactive wasteland. You are actively hurting my city, and my people!"
"As for the person who had interfered with Maya's speech this afternoon, I have a few words for you. Please, do not join Maya's side. You also seem to know that she is a threat, and we will be by your side if you want us to win. I support you, for whomever you are."
It took me a few moments to think about who he was talking out. I had eventually realized he was talking about me. The mayor wanted me to keep fighting. Why did he not mention my name though? On the side, I saw a video by the same news network that was titled "Aftermath of The Mysterious Attacker" and I clicked on it.
The cameraman was hustling around, trying to get a good shot of Maya, who was talking "How do you not know who had just interrupted me? And you two," She points at the people who had tried to find me, "how did you let him get away?"
"I am sorry ma'am, but he-"
"You wanna know what? I don't want to hear about it. I will talk to you two in private. All of you people here who are recording, you have video evidence of him, why can't you just identify him like that? Is it really that hard to do?"
"It's because someone had interrupted the connection to our equipment!" Someone had shouted.
"...What?" Maya said, and rushed over to the person. The cameraman, and all the others there had rushed over to them. The person rewinded the recording, back to right before I had said anything. "...building a place for us to live, right here, starting next week!"
Then the recording had gone dark, and eventually it turned to static, which had turned into something else. It was a different viewpoint of Maya. It was my viewpoint of Maya.

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