Chapter 3

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    That night, I had another very vivid dream. I was sitting on a wooden bench, the one that you would want at your house for pure decoration. The bench I was sitting on was starting to become bleached from the sun. Around me, blossoming sakura trees blew gently in the wind, as the flowers from the trees flew steadily off the trees, and onto the ground. The sound of the trees was able to make you fall asleep. The orange and yellow sun was starting to set, as it was trying to hide behind the horizon. The grass that the bench was sitting on was soft, and comforting. I could also hear the sound of water, as it washed onto the shore.
    I stood up from the bench, and looked around. The trees were beautiful, as I believe six of them were present. They were large though, which made it seem like there were many more trees around. Behind the bench was a small fountain, which was made out of gray stone. Water trinked out from the top of the fountain, and into the small pool of water below. I walked to the fountain to get a better look at it. There was a strange panel on the other side of the fountain, but I didn't bother to open it.
    Beyond the fountain was a large wall, many stories high. It was made out of some sort of beige rock. There was no way I could get past it, as the wall stretched for miles, far beyond the oceanic horizon. I turned back around, and walked towards the sea that I had looked at when I had first arrived here.
    The grass had turned into a small bank of sand, before sinking into the sea. I walked forward until my feet were both in the fine, moist sand. It had squished in between my bare toes. I looked ahead, as the sun hadn't moved at all, like time had stopped. The water glistened, as it moved around calmly.
    I moved my right foot forward into the water. The water was cool, and refreshing. When my foot hit the sand, the water around my foot became cloudy, presumably because the sand is now moving. I waited until the water became clear again, but it didn't. The water stays cloudy around my foot, and it starts to slowly spread. I take my foot out of the water, and the cloudiness goes away. That's better.
    I hear something behind me, and I look to try and investigate it, but I am not able to see what it is, because I woke up. The sound I was hearing in my dream was the alarm on my phone, and I proceeded to turn it off.
    I didn't bother to wonder about that dream. I had eggs and toast for breakfast, and I took the bus to school today. The way was fine, there wasn't anything abnormal that happened today. Gabriel was there, so that was good. I had to review for a test, and that was boring, but that's the only thing I could say about my school day.
    When I got home, I had asked my mom to download Mineblox. I would have to pay her tonight, which is no big deal because I can get an allowance at the end of every other week. It's only five dollars too. I played Mineblox for a while until my mom came home.
    I came downstairs, and I paid her. "By the way, can you get something from the closet? I need to go to my yoga class in a few minutes, and I need to get my stuff from upstairs." She explains.
    "What do you need?" I ask.
    "It's a whistle, and it has a green necklace on it." She says and goes upstairs.
    I look in the closet for the whistle, and have to move some jackets out of the way to get to the shelf in the back. I look around and eventually find it. She comes down and I give it to her. "Thank you, see you later!" She says, and walks out the door, and closes it.
    I turn around to put the jackets back in place, and I notice something behind all the coats. I move the coats further from where they originally were, and I notice the last jacket. It's a long, red jacket, with gold lining and golden buttons.
    It's dad's war coat. I've only seen it a few times in real life because my mom doesn't like to look at it. Since she isn't here. I take it off it's hanger and get a better look at it. It is very shiny, but a little dusty. I can't believe that my dad had worn this at some point, during the war that had changed history forever. Something that I'm holding right now was one of his most prized possessions.
    The coat is long, it looks like it would go all the way down to my knees if I wore it, and it is mostly a dark red. There are buttons on the inside to button up, that are golden, just like the lining on the rest of the coat is. The inside of the coat is nearly black, but it is too a shade of red. There is a spike on each shoulder, to possibly make the user look more toned. The bottom of the coat, after your abdomen, doesn't have any buttons, so it's supposed to flow freely. There are also cuffs on the sleeves, not really cuffs, but they stick out more than they should. The top part of the shirt sticks out a little, showing the dark red fabric underneath.
    My dad had spent a lot of money to get a jacket like this. Ever since he wanted to help free the Newcomers, he had saved up lots of cash to find a place that would make a custom coat. He could have gotten a coat for the war for free, but he really wanted to show off the Pro-Humans. My dad really hated the Pro-Humans, and he wanted to make them lose, even if he was to sacrifice his life, while still looking cool in his coat. He had worn it throughout the entire war, while saving escapees, while making plans with my mom and the others to join the other bunkers in the bunker, and when he was rebuilding the city.
    It looks like I might just be big enough to wear it. I didn't do that though, because it might be dishonorable. I brush the dust off, and after looking at it a little more, I put it back on the hanger, push the other coats and jackets back, and I close the closet door.
    Before I go back upstairs, I check on all of our new plants. The mystery seeds that I had bought hadn't poked out of the ground yet. Mom's plant looked a little dry though. I grabbed a cup from the cupboard, turned on the sink, poured water into it, and watered mine and mom's plant.
    I placed the cup into the sink and I went upstairs, into my room. My mom wouldn't be back until around seven. I turned on my lamp because it was cloudy, and the sun was going down. I haven't seen a cloudy day in years, so this was new for me. I am surprised about how dark it can get while clouds are in the sky. It also looked so bland out, and the beautiful colors of the sunset were gone, and replaced with gray.
    Once I turned on my lamp, I laid down on my bed so I could binge watch more videos. Or I at least was going to. Before I laid down, I grabbed my phone, and something bright and luminous decided to shoot from my hand as I was stretching out my hand to grab it.
    "What?" I yelped. I jumped back onto my bed, without my phone, and I was startled. I looked at my hand, which physically, it looked fine. It felt a little tingly, but that was all. I felt my hand with my other hand, but that spot where that thing came out hasn't done any damage to it.
    Speaking of whatever came out of my hand, where is it? I looked around, and it was nowhere to be seen. Maybe it was just some glare from the lights. I looked behind me at my lamp. That wouldn't be possible from this angle though.
    I probably just imagined something coming out of my hand. It couldn't even be possible for something to magically shoot out of my hand. I let out a sigh, and picked up my phone, and started to watch videos.
    Less than an hour later, I got up to get a drink. I stretched when I got up, and I saw something come out from my hand. It was from the corner of my eye, but I knew that I saw it again. I stopped stretching, and looked at my hand again, now even more alarmed, but less surprised. That thing had again disappeared.
    I sat down on my bed, looking down at the floor, thinking. That couldn't be possible. Something coming out from one of my hands, and then quickly disappearing, there's no way that can happen. There's no way that this is some sort of hidden mutation from my alien side. I hadn't been exposed to any of the radiation from mom's home planet, and she has no mutations that I had inherited.
    Maybe I was hallucinating? That could entirely be possible. Maybe I really needed a drink. I didn't feel like I would be hallucinating though. Why would I be hallucinating? Maybe I can solve this later, after I am calmed down.
    I walked down the hall, and downstairs. I opened up the cupboard to get a cup, but then I thought about the other cup I had just used for the plants. I would be wasting cups, and the one that I had thrown was perfectly clean. I closed the cupboard, and washed out the cup that I had put in the sink, where there were no other dishes.
    I poured some filtered water from the fridge, and drank it. It was refreshing. Maybe I did need this water. I poured some more water in the cup, and brought it upstairs to my room with me, just in case.
    I laid back down on my bed and continued watching videos. I wasn't focused on them for some reason. I couldn't focus, all I could do was think about my hand, and why it might be doing this. The only times that this had happened was when I was stretching out my hand.
    What if I stretched out my hand again? Would it do the same thing? I sat on the side of the bed, lost in thought. I looked at my right hand, the one that has been shooting stuff out, squinted my eyes, and looked right into the palm of it. I closed my hand, and I flexed my hand very slowly, from being a fist, to a wipe open hand, and nothing happened.
    My eyes widened. I had expected that thing to come out of my hand. I flexed it once more, a little faster. I got blinded, because then it decided to work, and I covered my eyes from my own hand, and I laid down on my bed. My eyes were in excruciating pain.
    "Gosh, holy-" I said as I started to violently swear, but quietly so people outside couldn't hear me, while still covering my eyes. I pounded one fist into my bed, trying to relieve the pain. Once I was done, and I could barely see out of my burning eyes, I sat up, and I started thinking again.
    I had seen a bright flash of light, coming directly from my hands, and it had partially injured myself. The light was mint green, like my hair, but it was a lot brighter so it had just appeared white. What I had seen was real, and it couldn't be a hullication. There was something wrong with me.
    I looked at my hand again, barely opening it so I wouldn't blind myself again. I noticed I was shaking, and I couldn't stay still. I I had seen odd mutations before. Extra eyes, or tongues, or even tails. Maybe even Maya, who has horns on top of her head. I had never seen someone who had other deformities that aren't physical, or weren't involving the brain.
    My hands were buried in my hair. Never have I seen anything with... powers before. Powers that you can activate, or enhance your quality of life. Maybe some people would like having this... pulse of light, but I didn't like this. It's not that I don't want to be a person with a mutation, aliens with mutations are basically the same as aliens, or people without them. It's that I don't want to be viewed as weird, or special.
    I stood up, and started pacing around the room. I couldn't stay still any longer. What would people think of me? My teammates? My friends? My mom? Gabriel? Would they find this power fascinating and cool? Would they not be interested in it, because it's just a small beam of light? Or would they be scared of it? What if I would hurt them, and I became a threat to society?
    I can't show anyone this. I might be overreacting, but it's better to be safe than to be sorry. I need to hide this power, forever, from anyone. If anyone ever saw this, they could tell anyone, everyone could find out that I am different in a bad way. I could blind someone with this if they were unlucky enough.
    Maybe this is all fake. There's no way this can happen anyways. This stuff only happens in non-fiction books who want to add on or completely copy good superheroes to just trick people into thinking that this idea is original. Maybe I am just dreaming. Hallucinating is now out of the picture. I'm either dreaming, or I have flat-out gone insane.
    How could I wake myself up from this dream? I must have fallen asleep after school, and just thought about mom coming home, finding my dad's war coat, seeing lights from my hand, and mindlessly watching videos. If I knew I was in a dream, I would have woken up by now. If I wanted to leave this dream, which I really want to, I would have done it by now.
    I left my room and went into the bathroom. Everything looked and felt like real life. I felt the walls, splashed water on my face, and even started at the clock, that was constantly ticking. There was no way I could be in a dream. I have been having more vivid dreams recently, but none that were this real and life-like.
    If I was really in a dream, then I would have control over my powers. It wouldn't be so hard, right? I aimed my left hand upwards, and thought to myself. If I was dreaming, then when I flex my hand, I won't see anything. I was hoping that nothing would happen. I flexed my hand, and the room went dark.
    Hah! I must have been in a dream! I was confident with my answer, until I saw the hallway light come into the bathroom. I realized that I was still here. I went over to the lightswitch and flipped it on and off. The light must have burnt out. I wasn't in a dream, and I wasn't hullicating. I was present, in real life, seeing pulses of light coming from my hands.
    It... it couldn't be because of my powers, right? I couldn't have just done that. I walked out of the bathroom, closed the door behind me for no reason whatsoever, and back into my room. This couldn't be happening. There must be a reason behind it, there must be some way to stop this from happening-
    "Ezra, I'm home!" I heard the door open, and my mom call out to me. Oh no, she's gonna see how much of a mess I am! She's gonna know about it! "Where are you at?" She asks.
    I take a deep breath. If I approach her normally, she won't suspect anything. I get up, put my balled fists behind my back if they decide to do anything else weird, and walk to the front of the stairs. "Hi, I'm here." I say, and wave to her, faking a smile.
    She looks at me, but not directly. "Where?" She asks. Can't she see me? Then, I notice something. I can't see my feet. I pull out my hands from behind me. I can't see them either! What else is going on with me?
    "I'm, erm," I turned around, and I saw that I had left the bathroom door shut. "I'm in the bathroom, I'll be out in a minute!" I say.
    "Oh, alright!" She says back, and sets her bag down, to grab something in the kitchen or in the living room. When I notice she can't see the door anymore, I quietly run into my room, and grab my phone. Then, I slowly and quickly open the door, and rush inside. Finally, I close the door.
    I should be safe here for awhile. I turn on my phone, in the dark, eerie bathroom, and start searching up things. I first started with looking up weird alien mutations. There weren't any mutations that were similar to this. Next, I searched up things about pulses of light coming from hands. There were no relevant searches. Then I searched up how to hide powers, since I couldn't seem to find anything on powers. There weren't any relevant searches either.
    There was nothing about pulses of light, or no one being able to see you. I turned on my phone's flashlight, and pointed it towards the mirror. My phone was levitating in the air, even though it was in my hand. I am invisible. No one can see me, I can't see myself, and I am stuck like this.
    Maybe I was still in a dream? No, I already stated earlier that it wasn't possible. I touched the mirror, seeing if maybe something would happen, but nothing did. I just left a barely visible smear on the mirror. I walked back to the wall, and I slowly sat down, onto the cold, light brown tile. I turned off the flashlight on my phone, now making it pitch black, and I waited in the dark.
    I could hear my invisible heart beating inside my chest. I could feel it all around my body. I could tell I was violently shaking, as if I was swimming in freezing cold water. I wasn't cold though. My stomach felt like it was tied in knots, and the insides of it would come out of my mouth at any moment. I had extreme difficulty breathing, as I breathed quickly, in and out. It was like my lungs or my heart were about to explode. I have never been this scared before.
    I wish I could tell someone about what I was trying to hide, without feeling like an outcast. I wish that I could feel safe again. I wish that I could go back in time, just a couple of hours ago, and make sure that this doesn't happen. I wish...
    I could call Maya. She had started a whole group, talking for hours, gathering people. She had started something for people like me, who were too scared to tell anyone about what they have to go through. Maybe one of her people that she recruited could help me stop whatever is going on. The people that I had met yesterday seemed nice enough. She had said that she would help anyone, no matter what they had gone through feel better.
    I picked my phone again, and searched up something different this time. I had searched up "Maya helping" because I don't know if she had actually had a name to call her group. The first link I was able to see was her website.
    I clicked on it, and I looked around for a phone number to call, luckily, it was only a scroll away. I remembered the number, and I opened up the phone application. I started typing the numbers that I had remembered, and checking a couple of times to make sure I was correct. I was going to feel better as soon as I told the operator what was wrong with me. They would fix me up in no time.
    Right before I clicked to start the call, I hesitated. What about what I had just said about Maya and her supporters yesterday? What about the odd hatred I felt towards her when I first saw her on TV? Back then, I didn't even think I was going to eventually call her for help. I didn't want anything to do with her back then.
    I really do want the help right now. Me and Gabriel were probably wrong about her, she is just trying to spread a good cause as fast as possible. She wants to help out people, like me. I didn't know what people were going through, like I didn't know that I would have dangerous and weird powers.
    Her tactic is a little weird though, as Gabiel had pointed out yesterday. She's nearly to the point of begging for people to come to her and seek for help. In a couple of days, she has enough supporters to have a website up, and a phone line available.
    There may be some weird things she is doing to promote herself. If people are supporting her, and if people are actually looking towards Maya for help, then she is doing as she says. She is a legitimate source for help.
    The people who we would be calling wouldn't know what to do. You can't just fix a mutation right away. Physical ones can be removed faster, but ones that have involved the brain will take years to cure. The people on the other side may or may not be trained to help people, but they won't know what to. If there's nothing about these powers on the internet, then they won't know what to do. If the word spreads around, then everyone will know!
    I struggled to decide if I wanted to reach out or not, as I inched my finger away, and then back toward the phone, which was now on the floor. If I would call them, then I could tell them everything. I could also be fixed, but then again, they might not be able to. People could be scared of me, I could be made fun of, and I would be an outsider.
    If I was to not call them, I would have no one to talk to. I wouldn't get any help from anyone. I would not be supporting Maya's ever growing monopoly though. I would be staying with my opinion, thinking that Maya is bad.
    I had made up my mind. I decided to not call them, and I exited the app. Me and Gabriel were right. She was a little too shady to be trusted with. The people that she is recruiting are very nice and helpful, but as long as Maya controls the organization, I'm not going to be supporting her.
    I stood back up. Why should I be so worried anyways? As long as I don't flex either of my hands, I should be fine. It's nothing to really worry about anyways. I walk up to the door, and turn the handle, but then I stop. I realized I could be still invisible.
    I turned the flashlight on my phone back on, and faced it towards the mirror. As expected, I was still invisible. I couldn't go out in the hall and greet mom like this. She would freak out, either if she thought the house was haunted with ghosts, or that I have powers. Unlike the pulses, I didn't know how to activate it, or how to turn it off.
    What was I doing before I went to go greet mom? I was thinking about how to stop the pulses, and I walked over to mom, with my first behind my back. There was nothing that stuck out about that! I walked up to the sink, and pressed one of my hands down on it, as my other hand was holding the flashlight. I continued to look at myself. I was completely gone, only the short breaths that slightly fogged up the glass were visible.
    I felt like a freak. A freak that can't control himself or his emotions. I hung my head down, and put my phone down. "Please, I just want this to stop." I whispered to the mirror. "Everything has gone downhill so quickly, I wish I could just do one thing right, and return back to normal." I look back up.
    There I was, as I looked up at myself. I could just barely see myself as the flashlight on my phone, which was on the sink, only shone on a part of my face. I stepped back a bit, surprised that I was able to see myself again. I quickly picked up my phone after I had stepped back, and held it to the mirror again, just to see if I wasn't actually hullicating this time.
    I was there, and now I am able to go outside of this small bathroom. I opened the door, and turned off the flashlight, and went to my room, as I didn't feel like seeing my mom right at the moment. I had to blink a few times, because I must have not been able to adjust to the light. Even though I mostly knew how to control those pulses, and I was able to turn myself visible, I still didn't feel right. This isn't supposed to happen, and this felt so random.
    Half an hour later, me and my mom ate dinner. I wasn't hungry, but I made myself eat it, so my mom wouldn't have suspected anything abnormal. It felt weird now, keeping a secret from her. I used to tell her everything I did, what I did each day, what I saw, and how I felt. Now, all of a sudden, I feel like this weight on my shoulders that I have to keep on my body.
    I knew that the healthy thing would be to tell her, but I don't know how she would react. I guess I just have to live with this secret, and shove anything I know about these powers down my throat. It isn't such a big deal, it's just an odd... and sudden mutation. I think that mutations can do that sometimes.
    That night, I believe I might have only got one, possibly two hours of sleep. I haven't slept like that ever since... I guess never. I tried to go to sleep many times, and it felt like I was so close, but I kept thinking, and worrying. I turned on my phone multiple times to see if I was still visible, which I always was.
    I felt so paranoid that anything was going to happen, even though nothing would. I was also worried about tomorrow, and the future. What if my powers get stronger? What if they could actually hurt people, and do like what I had done to that light? What if I turned invisible, or fired a pulse in the middle of a class?
    Would they laugh at me? Would they run away from me? I don't want to be embarrassed like that. It's such a shame that I am going to have to live my entire life out like this now, in constant fear of being exposed.
    I was very tired that morning, and had some of mom's coffee that morning. She lets me have some if I am feeling tired. I told her that morning that the light went out in my bathroom, because I was too scared last night. She already knew yesterday though that the light was out, because we use the same bathroom. We have only one bathroom inside our small house. I didn't tell her anything about it being my fault.
    The day was extremely exhausting for me. I was constantly worrying about if I was going to be found out. I hadn't asked any questions that day, like I normally do, and I wanted to have a lower profile today.
    Some people noticed that, including Gabriel, who was the only one to speak up about it. "Hey, are you feeling alright today?" He asked me in language arts, which is the only class we have together.
    "Huh?" I ask. "Yeah, I'm fine, just a little tired." I tell him. I wasn't exactly lying to him, but neither was I telling the whole truth.
    Gabriel is a great friend, and I couldn't imagine anyone else replacing him. I'm glad that he cares about me, but I didn't want to see him today. When I thought that I might hurt someone, the only person I can think of who would be a target is him. I didn't even want to look at him because I felt so worried that I could possibly hurt him. I felt horrible hiding secrets from him, that didn't include surprises, or birthday parties. He didn't deserve someone like me.
    Unexpectedly, nothing bad happened throughout the day. I was so relieved when I was finally able to exit the school. Not once have I ever wanted to leave school that badly, or have not wanted to go to school. It was a bad feeling, that I never want to feel ever again. Unfortunately, I probably will have to.
    That night, I was looking for something to keep my mind occupied with. I didn't want to worry about my powers any more than I already have. I was looking around the house for something to do. I had already watered the plants today, and they would drown if they got any more water. The board games in our closet were meant for two or more people, and I was alone. I wasn't really interested in any videos or games right now. Not even Mineblox could save me from this feeling that has washed over me.
    Maybe there was something on the TV. I turned it on, and started flipping through channels. I stopped when I had recognized a familiar face. It was Maya, again. She was doing another speech about what she was going to do now, the progress towards her goals, and how great her supporters are. How can people bear to watch this stuff, or even enjoy her?
    I kept watching, regardless of what I just said. Complaining about her can definitely take my mind off my worries, even though she's the last person I want to see on TV right now. She also reminds me of how much of an idiot I am for helping her, but even that feeling can't overcome the need to watch her.
    "And I believe that is all I wanted to speak about our future plans. Now, people from Xeinil, I must give you the true reason about why I had arranged a speech, since I should be helping my fellow supporters in the tent. I know that I can trust them though, since only the best, and the most caring want to be supporters. There is something that I have been hiding from you, that you may or may not want to be hearing right now."
    You could clearly hear whispers coming up from the crowd. Her alliance of people has been growing day by day, by hundreds of people. I don't understand how many people like to join her, and how so many people want to join. We have never had a union of people just suddenly rise up in a couple of days.
    "We do not just have some people who are in need of help, and we do not just have some people who are kind and brave enough to help those people in need. There are people who are not nice, or otherwise known as people who do not want good in the world. People who despise groups like us. People who are rude, and don't want others to seek help."
    That's weird, because I have never met a single person in my life who was rude to anyone else, but my teacher. Here in Xeinil, people are taught to be nice to others. I think that she is lying, or at least exaggerating to get her way and to get people to believe in her.
    "I had a long and thorough talk with the mayor, Mr. Alcalde, last night about plans to incorporate activities with our everyday lives. It would help us become better human beings, and help us gain more popularity. Thousands of people have been watching us from their home, at work, and even are here. Me and my supporters know that means that a large portion of people are interested in what we are doing, and that we should have more publicity, and the people who have not heard about us could find interest."
    "He did not like the proposal, somehow. He greatly expressed his denial, saying that his people are free, and they don't have to do some stupid activity for someone who had just appeared some days ago. He was extremely impolite and harsh towards me, and said that I was starting an entire cult, which was ruining his city. He wanted absolutely nothing to do with me anymore, and hoped that I would abandon this 'insane' idea."
    I had known the mayor ever since I could remember. He and my mom are great friends, and my mom and dad had wanted him to be mayor. I know that Mr. Alcalde would never say anything like that, and even if he disagreed with her idea, which I'm glad he did, he wouldn't say it like that. He is a polite and kind man who would never snap at anyone. He is partially correct about what he said, even though he would be jumping to conclusions, if that is really what he had said.
    "He clearly didn't want my idea to ever take place. He had verbally attacked me saying how much of a bad idea this is. How can an idea that involves helping people for the greater good be that bad? It didn't make sense to me, and after discussing this outrage he had towards our idea with my top supporters, we had found out that there could be more people just like him!"
    More whispers came out of the crowd, and you could hear gasps of surprise around the cameraman. "Yes! Around us, everyday people all around us want to take us down. They have hatred towards helping others. They want the city to be a bad place to exist in. They do not care about others. They want others to feel just as bad as they might feel. We have finally concluded that the mayor has to be a part of these horrendous, terrible people!"
    It made me cringe to think that people actually believed everything that was coming out of her mouth. I heard many people on the TV gasp, whisper, and then get quiet again for Maya to speak again. It was like these people were brainwashed to think that she was a hero, and everyone else is dumb and mean.
    "I know it must be hard to believe that a person who is such a high authority, the person who controls the only true city left on this miserable Earth, is someone who is evil. I had found it hard to believe too! The man we had looked up to for so long is actually a peace-hating, chaos-loving, psychopathic dictator, who wants to control the city and it's people. He could even be racist towards alien-kind too! That isn't confirmed, but it is possible!"
    What she had spewed out of her mouth was gladly being taken in by the people there. I cannot believe that she had the audacity to label the mayor like that! I cannot believe that I had encouraged a person to be like that. I have no idea where she had thought of a belief like that, but she had never said anything like that before!
    You could hear people yelling in protest against the mayor, someone who everyone trusted, liked, and knew just a few moments ago. Now, everyone there seems to believe that he is full of hatred, wants people to feel bad, and is now supposedly Pro-Human? It is insane that she could just jump into conclusions like that, and her supporters only liked her more.
    "We do not know yet what the mayor will say next out of his lying mouth. Hopefully, he can understand what he has done wrong, and will change his ways. One day, I hope that all of us can live in peace and harmony, away from the people who want to watch the world burn in front of them. Please, join me, and we can fight for our freedom, or rights, and to feel safe and welcome here in Xeinil."
    "I would really like for each and every one of you to become a supporter of mine, especially now, since we now have identified people who want to go against us. We cannot trust anyone out there anymore who isn't wanting to participate with us. Together, we can help the people who are hiding in the shadows. Together, we can rise up. Together, we are strong, and we will become powerful!"
    The camera cut away to a person sitting down. "That seems to be all from the shocking story that has developed at Central Park. It is expected that she will come on tomorrow, at four in the afternoon.  We also do not see how the mayor will speak out about this, or even recover from it. It is an honor to be able to see the speech undistracted by breaks. We will now continue to our usual broadcasting, after these commercials."
    I turned off the TV. Everything that came out of Maya's mouth was a bunch of baloney. Eventually, the people of Xeinil will get tired of Maya, and probably realize that this whole "helping others'' thing has been taken too far. Trends eventually die, so maybe this is just a trend. After all of this, things can go back to the way they were.
    Things didn't go back like I thought they would. That night, the mayor had made an announcement regarding Maya. He said that he didn't get mad at Maya, and had politely declined it. She didn't take it so well, as she criticised him for being evil. The people had booed him, and told him that he was evil. I knew that the mayor wouldn't lie to me, but for some reason, no one there could see the truth.
    The next couple of days, there were many protests that night at the mayor's house. They didn't really do anything, because they didn't come inside, or try to break anything. It was just a peaceful protest throughout the night. Maya was reportedly nowhere to be seen that night. It didn't matter to her supporters, they praised her like...
    "A god who had sent her down, to heal us, and the Earth." As many of her supporters described shortly after the first protest. I don't think Maya was expecting such a turn, as she looked confused, live on camera, but she was able to take advantage of what the people were saying.
    "Well then. I must tell you one more thing I have been hiding, even though, somehow, you must already know. I do not know where I came from, or how I got here. The truth is that I used to live in the clouds, until the Wise One had noticed that your planet needed dire help. It saw evil taking over in the next few years, and decided to bring me down, to be able to make a stand against this evil. I hope that all of you can forgive me for lying to you all, as I felt so bad having to cover up the truth about me."
    I don't know how, but the crowd that has been growing day after day cheered more. They praised her more than ever, bringing gifts to her each morning, presumably because she must be the "Wise One's" apprentice or something. Her supporters had bowed down to her whenever she was by them, or whenever a speech began.
    Speaking of those speeches she does, they are starting to not make a lot of sense. Each day, nearly every news station on TV is airing her, without commercial breaks. Maya is starting to leave behind the whole idea of being nice to others. She now talks about the people who are evil, how to banish them, and describe the reasons why she needed to come down with the help of the wise one. I haven't even heard anything about helping others in a couple of speeches now.
    I continue to watch her speeches day after day, not because I'm genuinely interested, but so I can write down things. I've been taking notes on what talks about each day, who she blames, and some of her quotes that seem odd. The next day, me and Gabriel would talk about it before and after classes.
    We don't talk about it over our phone anymore since the rumor about Maya controlling the internet started to go around. People say that she is able to hear and look at people through their microphones and cameras. She's also able to see everything you have been searching and listening to. Even if the rumor was fake, which it sounds like it is, we have made a promise to not talk over the internet about us investigating her speeches.
    He thinks that she is able to somehow brainwash people telepathically. I had joked with him that his idea was just too much out there. That's not really how I felt though, because if my invisibility and pulses can exist, then maybe Maya has powers too. It's possible that she was able to activate mine. He doesn't understand why I haven't become a supporter yet, even though I watch so much of her. I told him that I'm maybe just strong in the mind.
    Speaking of my powers, I have had some incidents where I had accidentally activated my powers. Luckily, I have started to gain more control of them, so I was able to turn them off quickly. I had gone invisible a couple of times in school. I don't think anyone had noticed, but it put me on high alert for the rest of the day. I have used my pulses a couple of times, accidentally breaking a light while raising my hand, and mostly when I stretched in the morning.
    What's worse is that I may have discovered more powers too. I have been able to run faster and jump higher for some reason. It may just be me being super paranoid with my powers, but I feel like that what I am seeing is myself being enhanced by my powers. Luckily, no one should be able to notice these powers.
    Ever since this whole Maya thing started more than two weeks ago, I haven't had any friends over, and no parties. I feel like I'm much too busy to have fun anymore. Gabriel has been asking if he could come over, but I always have to deny him. My house is where my powers are most likely to hiccup, and I can't stand the thought of him leaving me, especially now.
    I have noticed that people on the streets talk more and more about Maya and how much of a hero she is, even though if they open their eyes and start to listen, they could see that Maya is using them. Supporters try to make other people supporters in packs, and these supporters that are making others supporters are promising things to others that Maya hasn't even said yet.
    Some of them would say "She is the gateway to a good life." or "Join us, and you are guaranteed to be able to meet the Wise One, the one who will make you live forever." or "We need to reunite the people, so we can take down the Mayor, and rule the world." It gets to be so annoying after a while.
    It has even started to circulate around our school! People in the halls chatter about Maya. I am able to hear her name so well now, after trying to constantly listen to people about what they had to say about Maya. My eyes darted around the halls, towards the person who had said her name. I am constantly listening, which takes away my focus about school.
    I have to deal with so much throughout the day. I have to constantly make sure that my powers are not activated. I have to be there at every speech Maya makes, and summarize everything she says. I have to keep a connection with Gabriel so I can tell him what I wrote down. To top it all, I worry about my friends, my teammates, my mom, Gabriel if they are going to become a supporter too.
    I had a long day at school, with tests, an incident in science, and another speech that went on for too long, I was exhausted. I was getting up after her speech was concluding, and my mom came back from work.     "Hi, Ezra." She greeted me.
    "Hi." I bluntly said. I really didn't want to be around other people after such a long day.
    "...I have noticed that you are watching TV much more often. Is there a series you are watching?" She asks.
    "No, I'm just a little bored." I attempt to be polite. She doesn't deserve to have me upset at her for no reason.
She looks at the notepad, which is in my hand. "Are you watching something that you shouldn't be? I'm not going to judge you on what you watch."
    "No..." Maybe it's time for her to know about what I've been doing. I shouldn't hide secrets from her. She has to know about Maya's ideas by now, basically everyone does in Xeinil. What if she is a supporter herself though, and she gets mad at me? What if the secret about my powers come out too? What if she doesn't love me anymore? "I'm just scribbling down stuff."
    "You can tell me anything, Ezra. I'm not going to be mad at you." She explains.
    "I'm just... I'm going to be in my room." I start walking up the stairs. I don't understand why I can't talk to her anymore. I don't understand why everything must be a secret.
    "Ezra, please." I stop, and turn around, teeth clenched. I really don't want to continue the conversation. "I want to talk to you about something. You don't need to-"
    "LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yell, and I freeze. I have never talked back to my mom, or at least as far as I know. Her expression changes from calm to sad. I must have hurt her. I run up the stairs, into my room, and close the door.
    I sat on my bed, and started to sob. I wish I never helped Maya. I wished I never gained powers. I wish that I could have been more positive. I wish that I didn't yell at my mom, who had done nothing wrong. I wish that everything could go back to the way it was.

Supernatural Book 4: Ezra's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now